Future ways to be oppressed

lets predict what ridiculous groups the left will make to feel more oppressed.
>children who had divorced parents are now oppressed even if they are now adults.

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watch me be right

Blackpill - manlets will never be an oppressed group

>children of married parents are oppressed because they learned traditional gender roles

If they did that they'd be admitting divorce, refusing to settle down, and single motherhood are all shit, and that's stupid enough for them to actually do.

It's only a matter of time until they come up with something like "decolonizing the workplace", which translates to fire all white people and forbid them from working.
Or "birth aggression", where the sight of white babies triggers them because the evil white colonizers are existing in 'native lands' or some such bullshit.

They've already equated freedom of speech to genocide, so it's only a matter of time.

Slate published an article along these lines this week that came THIS close to being self-aware before falling apart at the end.

No way. Children of married parents will be accused of oppressing others.

Let's settle this.

It will be shown that the educated and those with high IQ are disproportionately in supervisory positions. There will be a movement to put more stupid people in charge in the name of diversity. If two candidates with similar experience apply for a job, it will become mandatory to hire the less intelligent one.

On a serious note growing up with divorced parents or a single parent is a really big disadvantage.

People who turn out normal are very few and have to have role models else where in their lives in order to succeed.

Being black, a woman, gay. Is nothing compared to having a single parent or family problems.

god i hope so

means i can finally play some kind of minority card

"s-shut up you divorcephobe"

having two parents is already considered a privilege.

That would never happen hough because it's an argument against divorce. And no fault divorce is a core tenant of femmanism.

If divorce is illegal again. Woman actually have to be nice to men.

I wish divorce was illegal.

Marital rape should not be a thing.

Is Marital theft a thing?
Can a man accuse his wife of theft for using his stuff?

No. Because marriage is a connection of ownership. You own everything together as a unit. You become a collective. The man's posessioks are the woman's to take, and the woman's body is the man's to take.

That's why I say

Anyone who wore clothing or shoes made overseas, or owned an iPhone will have their statues torn down by future SJWs.
> Women and children working in inhumane conditions just so consumers could save a few dollars
> Foxconn employees jumping to their deaths rather than building another iPhone
> Slavery in the 21st century

Never. The left is all about easy living, they would never turn on their convenience.

By that logic your wife could put a strap on a 10in dildo and fuck you in the ass at police gun point so they can enforce the law and have it properly dished out


wasn't 1984 enough?

being lazy. your lazyist.
being weak. your weakist.
low IQ. Fat. Ugly. Addicted.
basically anything that will excuse their degenerate existence

Go on.


>ugly men

Oh wait... that's the one group that will ALWAYs be oppressed

at least they'd have white children

i mean christian white children since the muslim women (supposedly) don't do the dildo thing

weakists are the weakest race

And rightly so sweetie! Beta males have the honour of giving us most of their money, licking our feet and preparing our big, black alpha bulls for us to make love to but ugly males should just be locked up for rape or pedophilia cause that's the kind of creepy image they present!


whats that from?

Heterosexual couples are oppressing same-sex couples by having children so easily when same-sex couples have to use surrogates or artificial insemination.

Ted should be required reading for children.

Unabomber manifesto

I think that SJWS know it must end somewhere. The loud minority must remain a minority because otherwise they can't say that they are being oppressed. Nigs don't want anyone else getting their gibs because all they care about is themselves, same with muslims, but more importantly they don't want EVERYONE to be a victim, because they want all the attention and gibs placed on them. Because of this, new ways of being offended will stop being created, especially if they can apply to straight white males - because then their victim hood narrative is destroyed