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>when gays need support of whole army to feel safe in britbonginstan

Nuke us already

you guys should move at this point

>we were bombed for this


>80 white folks and an arab



Was UK the testing site for the gay bomb?

real mean - like james may and jeremy clarkson - are tolerant of homosexuality. live and let live. fuck off little manchildren.

Fucking faggots. The west has fallen, we're clucking about unbridled hedonism. We're patting ourselves on the back because we elevate societal parasites that enjoy rubbing cockskin on rectal flesh.

Real fucking brave, you stick you cockmeat in an asshole. Great now let me cheer on the guy fucking a 8 year old vagina. So powerful and brave!

Kim if you want to send messages to US nuke UK first

Let the red star crush the rainbow

Oh how the mighty falls.

we're gonna ravage you silly you naughty boys

t.british army

Why the FUCK would the military actively recruit mentally ill faggots? We deserve to lose the next world war.

Clarkson is pro EU
And James May dresses like a 70s faggot

Not before us, mate.

You guys are more cucked than sweden

Reminder that Brits coined the term for anal sex in public restrooms

No wonder you guys can't beat the Taliban's

Guys like that are probably calling the shots



Would you die for it?

This is really a surprise to you?


Race to the bottom, really.
>also that flag

Tolerance for what people do in their own privacy is one thing. Having 1000% concentrated faggotry shoved down every aspect of existence is wearing thin.


Jesus trips is right.

Britland is basically Afghanistan at this point and if you like cock and havent run away you are either waiting for the AoC to go down to 6 or you are mentally retarded

You have a point. Tired of them deepthroating me like that.

We're less cucked than the brits, thats for sure

also it's being shoved down our ass too. I'm not gay.

Thats only the beginning
Just keep in mind how quick all this shit happened
The preperation time was long, but now, an universal global marxist school education system is in place, the media goes hard with their kikery, the police is on their side, the army, the mainstream, the majority of people et cetera
A few years ago, stuff like that was very rare
And now, everyday you see some other degenerate shit, and it keeps getting bigger
Transkids, pedophilia, everyone is gay, traps, incest, furries, sex with animals, jews everywhere, white genocide, all men must die

We are heading into ultimate chaos
A state where a women is more worth than a man, a society where men are slaves, where men have no right
Because the Jews fear men, and women dont have the balls to do something, and they are easy to manipulate, so they push the idea, that women must rule, that women deserve everything more than men

If we dont literally kill all jews, this will be our future pretty soon
And then it will be too late to do something

The brazen push by TPTB on identity lefty issues, and their doubling down on it in spite of the negative pushback, should show everyone that the west is being controlled by people we are not fully aware of. It is so obviously NOT a grassroots thing, that it screams social engineering by shadowy elites.

Britains army is literally the worst in the world next to Canada's. I know this because im a uniyed states marine. Im gonna call my son United States marine

England is a cuckold's fantasy land.

> "Great" Britain


Wtf are you talking about faggot

Faggots need to be persecuted and made to feel bad their behavior is degenerate and unnatural

The anus was made for shitting you idiot and guys don't have wombs

You are only lucky (((they))) see you as their moral victory and to a certain degree populace control

It seems that our planes fucked them so hard in the ass that they like it

Well, in the bright side you guys will stop the faggotry when you become an Islamic theocracy.


When is the heterosexual pride parade going to happen? Or would that cause to many microaggressions for homo queers trannies?

Lol no. You and your new years rape fest and merkel in power. You guus suck ass

The boomerang effect is coming and it's gathering momentum

Don't know how things are in Austria but most people don't like or condone gays here

that's ROTC, those guys are going to be pencil pushers

>Eating feces
>Putting feces on your reproductive organs

Take the Falklands now

Seriously though, is the pendulum going to swing back eventually or are we doomed?
And i mean "we" because degeneracy is spreading here faster than one would think.

Why do straight people need a parade, exactly? They are the dominant culture, not the subgroup
>Not getting an enema

Do you not know how women and gays prepare for anal?


It will people don't like to have something pushed down their throats after a while it gets stale or a push back happens, people don't live forever a new generation comes


>Do you not know how women and gays prepare for anal?

Is it incessantly complaining on the internet?

I read “armed forces” as achmed forces

Maybe nature is trying to tell you something faggot ? Especially when you have to do all that to get fucked in a space thats purpose is shiting

Go back to the closet with your anomaly

No, its actually a pretty long process, and you got to wait for about 3 hours before you do anything or else you will rip something from having easily tearable glands from cleaning that deep into your ass

The UK is gone. I hope you guys buried guns somewhere by the ton.


do you not clean your penis/vagina?

>achmed forces
That will be the title of the upcoming Disney Star Wars games that will replace Dark Forces and the Jedi Knight series.

>British """police"""

Weren't they literally painting their nails a few days ago?


It's called showering and I don't have to fill my ass with water faggot

So youd rather have an ass full of backed up shit?

No man has a desire to know such you faggot. But we are dealing with the same people who lust after little kids, make a game out of spreading HIV to straight and gay men, and who shove dildos up open wounds for hours a day. And as you are well aware, all branches of devil worship (satanism, luciferianism, etc) all encourage homosexuality.

Unlike faggots that destroy their anus normal people have their intestines work fine and you shit it all out

>implying there is anything wrong with a cheeky handy for your hunky brother in arms when you are 5000 miles away from home and getting shelled by goat fuckers

yep i'm out of here

Trust me, the pushback has already begun. Maybe not in our big cities, but in the rural and country areas, even little old ladies carry and are red pilled.

>crime at all times high
>virtue signal instead of fixing the crime
What the fuck is going on?

user, Id implore you to use a bidet, you seem to be the type that would need one. you nasty Italian knockoff
Man has a desire to know everything, why the fuck do you think you can go online?
Also, All of those you mentioned are atypical of the group as a whole, to say that there are problems within a community is fair enough, but to judge an entire community for the faults of a few is simply your own fault

This is what you faggots get for practicing (((Protestantism)))

Nah. It happened too fast and they built their foundation on a pile of illiberal shitskin votes. They have nowhere left to go. This fag trans shit is simply a last hurrah. Progressivism is dying.




I get a feeling that faggots have nigger level IQ ...There is no gay community they all die they have no offspring the only way to make more is thru propaganda and normalizing the degenerate behavior they represent

Every religion hates gays even the Muslims, they get killed even in North Korea





a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common

>This book and this tyrant nation with starving people says I have to kill you, Nothing personnel

The same people that declared war on on Germany for trying to stop culteral Marxism is now experiencing it too? Oy Vey!!!!

britbongistan is dead

Not even news. Monty Python used to mock the British Army for being a bunch of poofs decades ago.

Not a self sustained community...You don't have a future

Also people have and will hate you for a good reason

Brits are huge faggots

>People have always hated and will hate you

And? S'long as I can work and do my shit as ascribed to me by the constitution I dont give a shit about what other people think, as do many other homosexuals who dont screech on twitter/facebook/instachild think

You were a great nation, Britain
I guess all good things come to an end

Look you are a minority and a big part of that minority is vocal and has gay prides every now and then it attracts attention mostly negative one which shouldn't be surprising given that the majority isn't gay that's why they have laws that make it hate speech which ironically just gives it more flame

And you come to Sup Forums for what a tap on the back of look it's one of the "based" ones ? Only in America .......Can gays be considered conservatives

Either that or you are a lefty that unironically likes to come here

Jesus Christ this is sick

Last I heard, believing in Tax reform doesnt make you straight or gay, but who knows, the document could work wonders on the labia

If anyone comes to Sup Forums for a pat on the back theyre doing it wrong

pretty sure this was canada

Taxes are theft if you are not living in an ethno state

Tax reform generally refers to lowering taxes, or balancing them out, since you pay taxes by tiers, so lets say that you make 100k a year, youd be taxed 0% of 10000, 10% of 30000, 40% of 80000, just as an exaggerated example

Most cucked european countrys in order by level of cuckedness.

1. Sweden
2. Germany
3. Great Britain
4. France
5. Belgium/Netherlands

I got bad news for you Hans...
Merkel, Rapefugees raping german girls on a daily basis, based afd @ a ridiculous 10% and left wing extremists have access to billions of tax money for their agenda. It's a shame.

>organization based on killing people

Have leftists turned the world upside down? Have they really won this hard? Disgusting.

>*kisses foot*

I think East Germany can be saved as a whole, West Germany will probably have to be reconquered Aleppo style and Bongistan and France are dead.


AfD got 10 percent, Britain doesn't have anyone comparable, even Farage came out as anti-racist. Also France has worse demographics than UK/Germany so they're even lower. Also AfD is going to end up explicitly ethno-nationalist soon, even FN was civ-nat and just opposed to Muzzies.

Does not matter that AfD got 10%, SD have over 30% and we are still cucked AF, It comes down to the mentality of the commoner which is completely fucked in our countries, I do agree that the UK is cucked in a way that not even Sweden or Germany can be however which i think is worse but then again they were an empire stretching worldwide unlike us who never really colonised on that level so they kinda have an excuse to why there is so many non-whites there.

Leftists have not won anything, the (((Rothschilds))) have. Leftists and alt-right idiots are just pawns.

Yeah but that is probably going to doom them in the end. I honestly think we could start deporting people from East Germany starting tomorrow if it wasn't for the US Army.

West Germany has suffered under Cultural Marxism and consumerism for way longer, they also got drip fed people, so now some Gen-Xer who had a 'BASED YUGO' as a friend in school wont see an issue with 'Syrian Refugees'.

Don't enable the Schluchtenscheisser.
He knows his country is historically degenerate and will attempt to deflect at Germany at any opportunity.
