Black American women has a message for the world

Black American women has a message for the world.

Your thoughts, Sup Forums?


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Anyone here who would listen to a black female rant . . . well . . . I guess I applaud your tolerance.

Looking at her fat ugly face I already know she has nothing of value to tell me

How can a person like this afford a car?

wait....can someone remind me why it matters what happens to this country if this is the average american (she is probably even a handful of iq points above the average) I mean, how could you advocate for anything other than accelerationism

Pretty sweet. Hope she has a good day.

Spam comment section with WE WUZ and PAY FOR MY HEALTHCARE

Black Jabba has spoken. You must reply with "Thanks, BJ."

Thanks, BJ.

Wabba tobba jabba wookie solo HOHOHOHOHOHOHO

T-Thanks Le'Quisha... You're not so bad yourself.

I guess she put all her mind into being a giant black marshmallow. good advise, proud of our cops

she called us great! i guess she is a Sup Forums supporter

...Ma'am....excuse me let me get that chocolate covered pretzel off your face oh wait that's just your nose.

Why are you (us) sad sacks so unnessarily mean? We are all in this horrible, beautiful w
one another because our species can only win as a collective? She is spreading a message about positivity, which is so lacking these days, and all you can focus on is her appearance? YOU are what is wrong in the world today. /rant

I was hoping she'd crash as you can see the car is in motion during the recording.

nothing personnel ma'am

>Are de madafakinh shieeeeeeet

Mmm, thanks!

Affirmative action.


>Thought this was gonna be ban b/c she looks like a radioactive potato
>Was actually kinda uplifted a little
I don't know why you posted this here OP, but okay, I can work with it.


Two things I'll never bother listening to.


>that weird piece of metal behind the upper lips that is occasionally visible

Body piercing was a mistake.

>Click the vid
>Earphones on
>brb, gonna book a visit to laryngologist

>you can do whatever you want in this world

I want to kill all niggers


tinnitus will rape u for life

That was awesome,
Makes me feel like a kang n sheeeit



Oof, I can smell the shit breath through my speakers