RIP Catalonia, you will be missed

Other urls found in this thread:'_War

Get FRANCO's helicopter ready,we have some one way passengers

no it wont

well i hope their hideous lenguage also dissapear


RIP Catalonia, I never supported you but we shared nice memes, you'll be missed.

fuck, damn, I laughed so much I woke my gf. She is mad now.

Sorry Manolo but we're more alive than ever.

I heard Spain just dissolved your country. Even your flag is now dead.

Official statement by Molt Honorable President de la Generalitat de Catalunya.

Our National Song (official version) w/English lyrics: [YouTube] Els segadors, Catalan anthem (Lyrics on screen - Catalan/English) (embed)
Metal version, by second generation descendant of catalans that emigrated to the US: [YouTube] Els Segadors (The Reapers) (National Anthem of Catalonia) A SOUND OF THUNDER (embed)
Traditional song about The Events of 1640, in which the official song is based on: [YouTube] Els Segadors - La Capella Reial (embed)
The events of 1640:'_War

Shut up, Rufián.
I am tired of your shit, go back to Twitter telling Mariano's goons are bad hombres while your good hombres shouldn't face consequences.

Proper links....
The song (official version) w/English lyrics:
Metal version, by second generation descendant of catalans that emigrated to the US:
Traditional song about The Events of 1640, in which the official song is based on:
The events of 1640:'_War

Only MI6 provides (((Franco))) with aerial transport, come on. I thought everyone knew this.

He prefers the good old moor guard doing the raping.

Based mexican.

Don't let those independentist scum fool you.

I love you, Spaniard.
¡Viva el rey de España!

Spaniards are retards and can't do a single thing right, much less dissolving our country.


>Santiago of the Trannyvan and his mongrel lackey Frijolito.

Truly an inspiring duo, I must say.

Haven't you heard already?
Apparently we are dissolved lad, D I S S O L V E D.
It's all over now, what we'll do without spanish law recognition?
Manolos can't even meme, is there anything you're good at other than emigrating?


HELP US Sup Forums!!


You dont even hide YOUR TRUE FLAG.


Fuck, after the past days when over 1000 companies left Catalonia and we lost half our GDP and taxes and now this dissolution we may as well commit sepuku. I guess Manolos won, or at least they believe that.

And how are you winning? Don't bring up that Gabriel Rufián autismo shit.

Must confuse us with the shitty sonora desert or those disgusting monkey jungles you have. Pretty sure the ones known for historically regular catastrophic famines when you worked too bad the land growing maize are you, bunch of manlet subhumans.

Less posting and more cutting heads Tegucigalpa. Spaniards will never like you except for colonizing the US like a breed of rats.

Great excuses there.
Look soros shill, this is the EXACT same post that was created a few days ago accompanying a soros funded catalonia video
We aren't as stupid as you think, get the fuck out of here and Accept Defeat.

Spain has such high unemployment numbers, they finally found honest work in oppressing you.

We're not winning but neither losing. But if one thing is clear is that these actions by the spanish goverment will only create more independentists and increase the hate catalans have towards Spain, they can suspend our autonomy but they're fools if they think this will stop us to try again in the future.

Fucking retard the clergy killed were catalans and the killers were fucking murcianos (Manolos from Murcia). Those filthy worthless gibmigrants came here to promote communism and kill our people. Fuck them and fuck you too.

Redpill me on Spain. Could they destroy the Catalans tomorrow if they wanted?

>implying I am not ethnically equal to you
Nice momo.

I like this flag, even a Bourbon faggy halfwit had the good sense of choosing aesthetic and royal colours instead of the shitty white french flag that he was using kek. Couldn't even distinguish his own ships at sea. Even with this you had to take inspiration with us.

I mean we knew that the plan was to copy the frogs to a tee but not so obvious paco.. slow down.

When the police (Guardia Civil) raid their houses to get them to prison.


Why fight for moorish rape babbies? Immigrate to Germany as rapefugees. Problem fucking solved!

Also try Canada. Either shit all over Spain in every respect.

Based on GDP that would be like Pennsylvania destroying Connecticut

Don't believe (((separatists))) lies.

Colombian Spanish accents ant its varieties are fucking hideous

Sure thing, come and try to pass as catalan here. You'll be welcomed with open arms, I'm sure.

Your compadres tell me quite the opposite, it seems that despite being totally the same and equal they feel like they have stickers on their backs. In fact they whine quite a lot about it.

Here's a question. Why doesn't Spain and Catalan just get together and say, "allright, we are doing a SERIOUS referendum this time and if everything checks out - participation and results wise - we will respect this decision? That's what we did with K-bec, they lost, and that shut them the fuck up for the foreseeable future.

>Message to Europe
>Speaks English

What did he mean by this? Does he expect us to fight a second peninsular war for him? Why would we support French/Spanish mongrels.

Plus they wouldn't want to risk it and it would defeat their entire narrative or one nation. Creates dreadful precedent for the future.

Democrat indoctrination.

> Voters.
What do you mean?
> Plus they wouldn't want to risk it and it would defeat their entire narrative or one nation. Creates dreadful precedent for the future.
Yeah we have that narrative too but you can't just stomp it, can you? You Europeans fucking LOVE self-determination don't you?

Think you mixed up colonizing regions spic, democrat and republican are on your side of the pond.

Ask Spain, but I'd say that the spanish goverment knows independence would win in a referendum and also they depend too much on Catalonia to keep being a viable country.

Democrats told us the mean white people are haunting down the Mexican people.

No. As much as I would like it, nowadays in the cucked EU shooting at protestors is frowned upon.

Yes we have an army but we can't use it.
We have the national police and civil guard but can't use them. There are not enough personnel and they would be forced to fire.

Meanwhile the separatists have 40% of the local population plus half the regional police. That's 2M cucks chimping out plus 8k armed men supporting the Catalan politicians.

Now go tell them to peacefully stop. Guess what, they won't. Unless the govt had some nice sonic and microwave vans, those fuckers can only be dispersed with bullets and the moment that happens the govt loses.

Guys this will end in total defeat for Spain.

So did they get 115’d or did pidgeymon just fold?

Meaning that in (((democracy))) parties use certain key issues to get easy votes, and being a hardliner on catalan affair gets you reelected eternally even if you destroy half of the country with your presidency. It's just how it is.
This has been being brewing for a few decades and methinks PP and PSOE have used the catalan free card to get out of problems too many times and now it's to late to maneuver. Now it's pretty much ethnic hatred on both disguised as god knows what.
Plus massmedia followed the narrative of the whole gvment on wherever it lead them. Half for clicks and cash and half for power projection.

of* one nation. I think you confused me with a spaniard. Cheers.


your alright leruso!

155 is already in motion, will be enacted fully by the Senate by friday.
The catalan parliament will also be assembled on friday, to do what everyone predicts.

Yes but how are you willing to take this? The fact of the matter is, self-determination and democracy are generally good things and you can only deny this for so long before things get out of control? I fail to see how Catalan is more special than our K-Bec, and we let them at least have a vote on it? What's wrong with that? I don't have a position on whether Catalan ought to stay or leave because I don't know anything about it (aside from visiting and banging local QTs). I'm just saying, Spain as a country looks shitty if they just force the issue indefinitely.

Pic from Indignados protests. Full lefty spanish psyop propped by the media that spawned podemos.

Is as true as a (((colour revolution))).

Go to jail

Arriba Espana !

The whole identity of modern Spain is based on the very fragile illusion of it being a monocultural whole, one, nation.
Thus they will not ever acknowledge (under any circumstance) that the region called Catalonia has self-sovereignty and that its parliament is the recipient of that sovereignty. For them that is blasphemy and nonsense, it breaks the entire ethos of the country.
At most it can have a partial sovereignty given by the whole of the spanish nation and subservient to it, as long as it doesn't disturb to much. Which is what the article 155 states, basically.

At most they would agree to a whole countrywide referendum of 50M citizens.

It's their piece of land and people, they own it. It's their property and they can dispose of it as they wish.

So that is the mentality behind it. Lot of history behind that idea.
Its over your German language will disappear

There is no sovereignty anywhere in the world. Its all run behind the scenes by mafias.

I guess this answers my question. Surprising that a modern European country is so hesitant to allow its own citizens the right of self-determination though. Not even the right, but refusing to even the choice to entertain it. This is the thing we Canadians and Americans know about you Europeans though. Europeans love acting all high and mighty when it comes to "muh colonialism" and making fun of us and all that shit, but when it involves your interests you're worse than us. This seems like a stupid to me, and this is probably going to get out of control if Spain doesn't get reasonable here.

Leaf asked me about law and principle, and I answered about that.

Ideas and concepts exist validly, even outside their flawed presence, on the material world.

Is Puigdemont planted opposition? He got mandate to declare independence but cucked out anyway, what a loser.

Rajoy really did 5/5 job handling their separatism.

>American English accents ant its varieties are fucking hideous

What exactly will be missed? I'm so ignorant of European shit that when I hear Catalonia want to break up with the rest of Spain I can't help but think of Quebec in this situation. I don't know the history enough to know if that's remotely an adequate relation. Also do Europeans go there often for vacation or something that any separation would affect you badly? What's the rundown

Unfortunately you are hearing about it at the end of the road not at the beginning. They have not been able to act, as you say, reasonable during decades when the thing was a pimple and now it's pretty much gangrene all over.

But as I've said they have their reasoning to not do this, it would shatter the base founding and conception of the state and that would doom it further. So maybe they prefer to put their line on the sand now and don't die an agonizing death further down the line.

Castilians are very idealistic, dreamy types, kinda like Quixote if you have read it.

I understand that there is a history here and political parties and (((they))) are probably just jockeying for control and money. But, what is their plan if mass strikes, protests, possibly even violence and terrorism starts up? Those are usually what happens when groups of people feel they are being wrongfully governed and they don't have the right to choose their own future.

Probably won't go the terrorist route, has already been tried and it leads to failure and even more fracturing in your own population. Mass strikes and blocking of highways, rail and harbours will definitely happen tho. Already planning for it.