Why the society tend to push the idea that marrying a single mother is "manly", courageous and even a duty for us males?

Why the society tend to push the idea that marrying a single mother is "manly", courageous and even a duty for us males?

same reason why they made being attracted to post-puberty females with developed secondary sexual characteristics but under the age of 18 something for people to call you a sick fuck and a monster for.

I just don't know man, weird stuff if you ask me, pretty wicked too.

please shop in le 56% face

>99% of the time women just need to be told what to think
Spending resources on another mans child means less resources for your own child. Evolution encourages men to NOT spend resources on other mens offspring. The proper manly thing to do is to dump her and get a woman with no kids and make your own.


>*walk away from the bitch*
>*her phone rings* What do you MEAN my son is going to juvenile hall?!

Does adopting a child who lost their parents make you a cuck?

Because women are an insatiable Void where lives and wallets go to disappear

because it removes the blame for having children in a broken family from whores, and gives them the moral authority to ride the cock carousel until they hit the wall/have a bastard kid and need a beta provider.


women have the unfortunate luxury to define what masculinity is and they also have the luxury to delegate the civic duties of men, but we know that modern day women are nefarious and malicious by nature so whenever they moralize we know that its a lie, they just want a man to have no standards and to ignore and accept the bastard children they wished they aborted, but then again

bastard children=gib mees.

It is manly though. Only a true alpha is willing to step up and be there for a woman when her asshole boyfriend leaves her.

Because society is a jew.

The welfare state allowed for mass creation of what once was a small issue, single motherhood. Now these dumb whores need another man to "step up to the plate" fucking lol

I would rather die alone than raise another mans child, fuck being a cuck - I am a man with self respect.

lol fuckin brutal

I hate it when people get kids involved in this shit, it is so disgusting to use them as a political mouthpiece. 9/10 times it is a liberal too, go figure, a liberal appealing to emotion.




Do people that work at restaurants just munch on any half-eaten food left on diner's plates during their shift?

Accepting another's leftovers is the utmost in poverty and desperation.

Are you saying that saint Joseph wasn't manly?

The right thing to do is the kill her male children and eat them in front of her. This should bring her into estrus and allow you to successfully impregnate her with your own genetic seed. Do the same with her daughters.

married some girl he never got any pussy from and had to raise her kid, that's a cuck as it gets my dude


Look, if you are an diamond jawed chad who can get any woman you want then this message isn't for you.

But if you are a guy who has problems getting girls then listen up. Just stop caring. You know how fucking easy life is when you don't have to worry about that whole optional side quest of life? Don't settle. Every woman EVERY SINGLE woman has like 10-15 years tops of being hot. Then they all become hags unless god tier genetics. They pretty much cut your income in half. No matter how hot she is, in a couple years you will be thoroughly tired of her shit. If you have problems talking to girls and you somehow manage to get a girl out of your league, she will cheat on you and leave you. So that means in terms of stability, you gotta go for a fatty/ugly woman. But at that point, why even bother? Why deal with ANY of the horse shit (and there will be horse shit). You're a young man, you have the world by the ass. Ultimate freedom and free time. Your paycheck is yours. And just you don't have to emotionally and mentally labor over the "Gotta get a girlfriend gotta get a girlfriend gotta get a girlfriend" shit all the time.

Don't believe me? Talk to any married man. Talk to any man 40 or older about women.

Because a child need a mother and a father to have a stable development.

What they should point however is that it's important to check the reason why the mother is single.

Christianity is the ultimate cuckold religion.

Women don't like being responsible for their actions

That actually IS manly and responsible.

>So that means in terms of stability, you gotta go for a fatty/ugly woman.
What's the problem of having an ugly girlfriend if she's honest, hardworking and loyal?

>if she's honest, hardworking and loyal?
You gonna get a saddle for that unicorn or are you gonna ride it bareback?

i always see this picture and i wonder, who is this guy, what's his story.

You will have a hard time proving there's not a single honest and hardworking woman in the world. Unless of course you believe that humankind as a whole is bad.

Stepping up to the plate is an analogy derived from baseball. No one who says "step up to the plate" is talking about finishing dinner, fuck.

I don't answer mixed metaphors.

if you are dating the perfect woman in the world why not

anything below that you are a cuck, and deserve the cucks fate, eternal cuckdom

I like the bit where her loose, stretched-out pussy lips catch in the screen door as she chases the guy down the drive way, and slingshots her back like a bungee cord.

Society doesen't push for such ideas here, not even media or social media. I guess it's more American thing.

Even when I was a young Christian and didn't think his degenerate family situation all that much, nothing in him was manly to me.

There are 100,000 women in the world that are honest, hardworking and loyal.

3 billion that aren't.
Good Luck!

It doesen't matter how perfect the woman is, but rather if you ever get your own child from that relationship. I mean everyone will look like trash when they get old.

imagine her blog posts.
>Don't you just hate it when you step out of the shower and accidentally step on your labia?

Taking into account that should be approximately number for humans in general, sure.

You seem to forget that searching for a woman doesn't mean settling with a woman. If there isn't a single one in my sociosphere then whatever.

Not sure if you heard but there are a lot of single mothers out there. That’s why (((society))) says that betas need to clean up the mess that the cock carousel left behind.

>It takes a strong man
Desperate man*

are you calling napoleon a cuck?

he took care of the woman he loved and of her sons, when she couldnt give him heirs he dumped her, which is the right thing he did.

There were always a lot of single mothers, the difference is that today is mostly because of divorce, in the past it was for war and disease.

Fuck off, hebephile

The only time it would be remotely acceptable or manly is if she is a widow and the father died an honorable death.

>I mean everyone will look like trash when they get old.
You are a pig.
A successful relationship comes from the merits of the persons themselves rather than just their appearance. That old couple you know that have been together for 40+ years have been together because they complement each other as people.

It’s only true if the father is dead.

As the son of a single mother I can say that picture is bullshit the creator should be shot.

I think I know who is behind this...

Obviously he wasn't a cuck as he just tested the woman, and when no luck with getting a child of his own, he immediately dropped the father act and got out of the one-sided relationship.

But on the other hand I remember reading that it's basically Napoleon's legacy that French people are now banned by law from paternity tests. Somehow this law had strong ties to Napoleon's government.

hey man, good luck is all I can say.
just as someone who always had a low sex drive, I really don't see the appeal to the endeavor other than "muh dick git wet, feel good". I've had a couple multi-year girlfriends, many multi-month girlfriends and I've had a lot of sex when I was in those relationships. But they ended and fortunately through none of them I didn't do anything permanently damaging like marriage or kids.

All I know is that I've seen countless men pursue and interact with (X) and I've never seen any of them ultimately happier for it in the long run. In fact I've seen many of them completely mentally, emotionally, and financially fucked over hard due to interacting with (X). I've personally been, well not fucked over. Fortunately I've never been cheated on, but I have had my heart broken real bad.
But I've done it. I've experienced the whole "Girlfriend" thing thoroughly and yeah, great times when it occurs. The passion, the love, the companionship is very nice. But really it just isn't worth the bullshit if it goes bad, which is the majority of relationships. Half end in divorce, and how many relationships don't even make it to marriage? at least a 19 out of 20 chance that any relationship you start will end in some kind of pain.

It's like a video game that you have done pretty much every possible thing in the game about. And you suddenly lose your game save. You just play a different game at that point because you "get it". You've done all that could possibly be done in that game.

It's like heroine. You end up 2 ways. Dead or in jail. I've never done heroine but you can learn from the misery of others. Same thing with women. Ask yourself "Does any man who is married with kids say "My life is so much better now and I am as happy as I have ever been!"

Seriously, go ask people. Go talk to older guys about their current situation. Do you want that for yourself?

That's a real half-assed shop. You need to go back to art class because that's just basic shit, faggot. Seriously, Sup Forums. This is just sloppy as fuck.

>Reddit spacing

Society should shun the men who walk out on their kids, and ridicule the women who pop out kids, not even knowing who the father's are.

because any guy who does is obviously brave as fuck, or stupid, or both

My father, uncle, both grandfathers are/were all contently married. My grandfather married at 15 for example and stood together until her death.

It's a lot of work? Yes. But I will be happy getting old and seeing my childen making their own lives. But as my own mother said, if you don't find a girl of good values it's better to stay alone than making a bad marriage.

>banned by law from paternity tests
What the vittu?

This meme's categorical name is: The Cuckening

This bothered me too

This. There is nothing wrong with settling for a 5-6/10 if shes loyal and honest. Looks are so fucking overrated in the long haul of a real relationship. 9 out of 10 times they get fat and ugly after a few years anyway.

gas them all

I'm white and I got back together with an ex (also white) that had a baby (aryan stock, blonde w blue eyes) from another guy that legit wanted nothinto do with either of them. I was 25 at the time so this was six years ago before I swung right.

The girl and kid lived with her aunt a few miles down the road. The kid was always sick and couldn't hold food down. It was a toxic environment for the kid so I moved them both into my house with my dog butch. The kid was better within a week. They ended up living with me for 2 years and I treated A as my own (I'm legit sterile). I loved my baby boy with everything I had and made sure he wanted for nothing.

One day at work Nikki calls me and says shes leaving tomorrow to visit her mom and will be back in a few days. Kinda weird but whatever.

Her nor A ever came back. It tore me apart and I went back to being a junkie and ran my business and myself into the ground.

Please, PLEASE heed my warning anons.... no matter how good you think it is, its probably fucked.

And if u want AMA. I'll hang for a bit

If it's a white child no.

Anything else then yes.

No not at all it's the opposite

Was she hot?

I wonder...

Because women are not accountable for their actions.

There's a fucking reason her last man left her. I'm sure as hell not going to find out what it was.

>misinterprets a sports metaphor to be about eating


Absolutely solid 9/10. Sex was awesome too

>end of life

No I'm a pretty shitty father and selfish as fuck.




Because we need garbage men

Because (((they))) realize how much their agenda has fucked things up. All the empowerment feminism bullshit has left an entire generation of barely-working single moms and that's fucked the entire economy up.

So now (((they've))) go to try and sell an entire generation of men on how 'cool' and 'hip' and 'manly' and 'brave' it is to play step-dad to some fucking used up whore's half-breed bastards

i'm listening

this, no prisoners

I started taking care of my exs kid. We broke up and i still see her every other weekend. She would have had a really shit life without me and my family. Its not wrong to care about people. Its not wrong to have some humanity in this cold world.

Go ahead, I gotta go back to study soon, we all know we men tend to try to do the righteous thing, this has obviously messed up your live? Do you regret it? You also got a legit son out of it. Do you plan on molding him after our views?

Well I basically laid everything out in the post. I took another mans kid as my own (I'm legit sterile) and when she left with the boy it tore me apart. I missed him more than her. He was my baby boy. His bitch mother ruined that by leaving me and marrying her other ex within the year and hacvinh a daughter. Then she divorced him and found me again.

Women are just evil. Im glad I didn't pull the trigger on getting married and signing his birth cert. I would have lost even more.

Methinks gov't wants to get these bitches off the welfare rolls and have some sadass beta foot the bill instead

No, since the kids had no choice in that situation. Nothing cuck about that

How alpha is it to use money and resources on some other man's kid?

Real players don't continue someone else's saved game file

Yeah I regret it something fierce. I took another mans kid and raised him from birth as my own, like I said I'm legit sterile. When she left with him, missed him more than her. Haven't had a relationship since and she left in 12.

I wish I got a son out of it , but I never will. That's what fucked with me the most. I had a beautiful son I called my own and I'll most likely never have that again.


I mean it' self explanatory. The government knows that children that grow up without fathers become criminals more often than not so they're trying to stop that epidemic.

The problem is having a child grow up with a beta father is somehow the solution? Cause only beta males will be willing to do this. I'm way too fuckin alpha for that shit please. For more than like one fuckin day? Nigger, please.

He did sleep with Mary, you know that right? Christ had two brothers.

>step up to the plate another man left on the table
Why not just come right out and say it... sloppy seconds.
>Why the society tend to push the idea that marrying a single mother is "manly", courageous and even a duty for us males?
Because society will fall a part without men doing the shit that no one else wants to do.

No as long as you're the same race as the child.

Dude, just from reading that post, it sounds beta.

Just letting you know. You sound like you were the "shoulder to cry on" guy that she was with inbetween her exes.


Unfortunately you are wrong. It is cuckoldry on the biological level, and by some views can be seen as "even more cuck-y" since you willingly raise someone else's offspring using your own resources.
I would say it stops being cuckoldry if you and your partner are both infertile, but that is so rare it might not even matter.

>Because society will fall a part without men doing the shit that no one else wants to do.

Too fucking bad, maybe they should have thought about that before ruining society for my potential descendants.

I hope this society burns so we can re-build from the ashes, why would I want to be a part of society to uncuck the governments shit?

Fuck that.

Yeah I see that now, I'll never fall in that trap again. She left me in 12 and I was much less conservative than I am now.

Just trying to warn other anons. If one user ever uses my story then its a huge win.

it doesn't.