Sup Forums-approved halloween costumes thread

Bonus points for costumes that you can wear at a normie party

Pic unrelated

Parties are degenerate. Fuck off.


halloween is degenerate.

go as a fedoralord

Really that salty about not getting invited to parties, eh?

fuck off jew.

>Partying and drinking and hooking up is degeneracy
Ahmed pls


The guy who either a) thought about this or b) approved this was Sup Forums

ss uniform

this mask, some bloody clothes, a couple of toy guns, and a "What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas" t-shirt

I just go as Clark Kent every year.
Shirt and tie, superman shirt underneath with buttons open showing it and a pair of glasses.

Easy to pull off and can still get girls.

Top kek

I'm dating a reasonably based Indian girl at the moment (white shitlord here) and so we are going as a Bollywood couple. She's doing the whole, belly dancer or whatever the fuck that is, and I've got a black wig, fake mustache and "traditional Indian man" clothes. Our friends are pretty laid back so I doubt the cultural appropriation will trigger anyone, sadly.

wtf are you doing on Sup Forums fag dating a shitskin

> fucking leafs


Halloween is the best holiday. All them cute girls come right to my door and it ain't even weird to give them candy.

Protip: If you have to give a long winded diatribe about what your costume is, its a bad costume

I was invited to a Halloween party recently at a normies house. I'm thinking of going as a furry. Thoughts?

I know. I flagrantly fuck minorities. Would never get in a serious relationship with one, but it's just too damn east and I don't mind getting my dick wet with that sweet, sweet, white privilege. She's a rebound to be totally honest about it.

im fucking dead

As a furry or in a fursuit?

Well I'm naturally pretty hairy so I was thinking of going naked with a dildo with a tail on it shoved up my ass.

Adolf Hitler

gud plan leaf

Are you saying the tea party is degenerate?

best costume yet

More of her please

>having fun and enjoying life is degenerate

really not a good way to convert people to your cause, Nazi

I never get invited to parties either


anne frank

Im dressing up as a slav. Tracksuit, one of those hats, and a bottle of vodka.

not gonna lie. i would.

>everyone on Sup Forums is an autistic racist




Where I live it's the cute girls who distribute beer. Scary stuff.


Why don't you attach a dark skinned paper mache muslim character to the dildo so the costume is Canadian as possible

is it legal to wear a nazi costume on halloween?

no loli would do that, mr.salaryman, you're just overthinking things

you piece of shit, have fun with your mongrel babies

I'm not falling for that again.

in America yes.

and so?

that is degenerate, yes

That's exactly what being degenerate means Sven.

> have fun with your mongrel babies
> britbong
Kek. You're probably half shitskin aren't you? You fucking LOVE Indians there. With your butter chicken and shit. I just fuck em, seriously date our lovely vast majority white beauties. I've been to England, don't try and pretend you're some haven from the shitskins.

The sexy slav

You can wear nazi stuff in America legally any day.

Remember Soviet beret too comrade and gold chain necklace

yeah what about slumber parties? dont like pizza, soda, and staying up late playing videogames/watching movies with you bros?

You Won!

>t. Swedecuck

Shouldn't you be prepping the bull?


I love Halloween because it's one of the few times I can "dress up" as a Nazi.

I use it as an excuse to dress up in my old Confederate Army uniform back when I reenacted.



0/10 bait

this year I'm going as a "liberal"

is that a vladmir putin?

Mexican with sombrero and serape


Well I like bunnies
but that's creepy....

Parties are for high school children

Halloween is for literal children. Fuck off


actually a good idea.

That's because you're a homosexual.


That is a great idea!