Why shouldn't I want free healthcare and college?

I don't understand why I should be against these things. Yes, peoples taxes will go up, but its not like I'm super rich, so I wont be the one footing most of the bill. With universal healthcare and college I will be getting these things free of charge. I can only benefit, it is in my self interest to support these things. Yes, I am aware that taxes go up, but you end up paying LESS in the long run, because instead of paying thousands and thousands for healthcare and college you are just paying a bit more in taxes. And since I'm not super wealthy it's not like most of the money is coming from me

So why shouldn't I support it? Capitalists always say do what's in your self interest, and well, supporting these things would be in my self interest.

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Lurk moar.

You shouldn't. It's just too expensive and useless. When everybody will have high education it will costs nothing.

Bernie > Paul > Trump > Clinton

pls gib Warren/Sanders 2020

While your at it voting for the doctors to serve you at the pleasure of the government can you do me a favor and learn to be that doctor? You know one of those wealthy people that made a lot of money because they had an in demand skill. Well now its so in demand that you can only work to for the state. Sorry that you don't like the wage or working conditions as a state doctor. What are you going to strike? Well now your on the train out to bum fuck egypt to work in a mining "town".

Nothing is ever free. Cui Bono. Who benefits?

The economy is a zero sum loop. If you get an education free, then it has no value and there's no incentive to get one. Furthermore, the value of having a college education becomes _zero_ for those who HAVE PAID for it.

have you not noticed how many useless degrees exist already?
uni is not for everyone

Goddamnit you can't have free healthcare in a society where everyone is obese or on welfare. This isn't fucking Denmark. Fucking moron.

take your meme flag off, snek

Your English is garbage, who are you?

>not enough teachers or doctors
>suddenly entire population can access them
>what the fuck why do I have to wait 6 months to get a cast put on my broken leg?
>what the fuck why do I have to wait 8 years to begin a 4 year degree that will be worth 50 cents more on my paycheck because I'm now competing with 10000000 other underwater basket weaving engineers?
Scarcity is not a bad thing retard.

As a native speaker thank you. I take pride in triggering people with my crap california education.

You are like a baby senpai. Far too idealistic and trusting of your commie masters.

What do you think the job market will be like when everyone can get a Master's degree on the governments dime?

Why should I study and work hard to become a doctor if the government isn't gonna allow me to be rewarded fairly for my efforts?

Why should I do anything at all? Work sucks TBQH.

But hey if you want to vote for this shit go nuts. The west is probably gonna collapse sometime soon anyways.

Quality will go down and it will never be enough.
The coverage of what your government will pay will go down to the point where you have to get private extra insurance.

Even if your college is free of direct charge you still have to live somewhere and eat. Who pays for that? it will be the same discussion.
To lower costs the government will implement new barriers to prevent people from getting higher education. Think affirmative action on steroids.
You think your education will be free and then you are not even allowed to study because government ran out of money and you have no alternative because private institutions could not compete with free.

U want a degree to make more money right? You know what youre doing to the cost of labor by robbing peter to pay paul. If not read a book, or a bunch of books, before committing to an action. Too many people dont do enough research before making decisions that affect everyone.

How you realize what you get for free is worth what you paid for it.

Why shouldn't I want a free Lamborghini and Lear jet?


Because then we'd have to tax rich people and dismantle the heath insurance racket.
You don't want that do you?
You're not a commie right?

>Free health care
You'll have every jobless fucks on welfare going to the hospital every time they have a cols
>Free education
You'll end up paying for lame degrees such has "gender studies" and retards who drop out

Source: being from Canada


>Capitalists always say do what's in your self interest, and well, supporting these things would be in my self interest.

Wrong, retarded Ayn Rand faggots say this. Everyone else says don't do evil things (like steal from people)

Fuck off you God damn pussy. I shouldn't have to pay for your free shit cause you're too much of a little faggot to get a job and pay for stuff yourself. And secondly, if college was free and everyone had a degree then it would render that degree essentially as meaningless as a high school diploma.

>Yes, peoples taxes will go up

>Capitalists always say do what's in your self interest
I never said that. Do what makes you retire young, and creates jobs for others.

Get a job, fucking communists.

>because ay yo, it don't hurt me none, so why should I get a fuck? :100:

Because we have these things called Western Christian values, which include things like not stealing (yes, even if they're wealthy!). And if you don't like it you should fuck off.

Do you want the quality of healthcare and education to go down for EVERYONE so you can get it free? I can tell you for certain you are better off in this world with more educated people who can afford their own healthcare, even if you have neither, than you are with both at drastically reduced quality (especially education).

By considering this option, you ave already decided that you, yourself, are useless and unsuccessful. You more than anyone else is dependent on the great success of others to improve your life.

You can only have sustainable universal health care and free college if you don't have a large nigger population draining the system.

First off nothing is free. Free health and college mean higher taxes to pay in order to pay for it and keep up with the demand of now more people having accsess to both of those services.

Second not everyone wants, uses, or needs those services so why would I pay for someone else's bill for it? This is even more true when you add how many people choose to not act healthy or do not treat their higher education seriously. People who do want those services end up being the ones punished for it while the fuck up who will probably never improve continue to get treated.

We already have jobless fucks and illegal immigrants in the ER everyday. They simply don't pay, not much to do about it.

I also don't understand you, burgers. Why don't you implement a system like the one in place here? If you want into university easy expensive, pay big bucks, and if you want into university hard, study and then study more and then enter and it's basically free.

>free college
is a horrible idea
1.)Most People Don't Need College
Manual labor jobs such as farmers, soldiers, mechanics, plumbers, drivers, builders, industrial workers, janitors, firemen, policemen, construction workers, etc. do not require a college education. Therefore, funding free college for these people is completely useless and a waste of money.
2.) Devaluation of Higher Education
With free colleges, pretty much everyone can get a degree easily by going to an easy school. Due to the laws of supply and demand, this means that a diploma becomes worth less and less the more people can have it. Eventually, a college diploma is worth as much as a middle school one, and companies just end up raising requirements even more, therefore hurting the very people you're trying to help.
3.)No More Quality Jobs
With the overall quality of graduates drastically lower, the quantity of jobs such as doctors and lawyers will go down drastically. As the middle class fades away, social movement will become even more difficult and rare. As such, enjoy waiting months for a health appointment and years for an attorney - at hyper-inflated prices to boot. Oh well, at least you can go home and eat at your favorite mom-and-pop restaurant, right? Well, no, because...
4.)Higher Taxes Hurt The Middle Class
Guess what? The average billionaire will not be too badly hurt by tax hikes. They will simply move vast sums to their own private charities and Swiss banks and lose barely nothing. However, the millionaires and hundred-thousandaires, those who end up barely making a profit due to the costs of overhead on a small business or local place? Yeah, higher taxes fuck them over and force them to close down. Only big megacorporations will be able to stay alive in this new economy. So this is your brave new world. A bunch of idiots with worthless degrees working shitty low-paying jobs at endless Walmarts.

Yes goy pay for my everything the post


I'm not paying for your degree in Gender Studies get fuckt

Oh shit youre right nigga

Because you're white and you've known there's no such thing as a free lunch since you turned 8 years old.

"college" is way too broad a term. Access to education and information has never been more free. Stop looking for someone to hand you a job because you paid some Jew money for a diploma.

Never use the word "free".

It makes people forget America has the highest wealth disparity in human history.

You might use free shit responsibly, but others won't. Everyone who actually tries to contribute to sociaty will be punished by greedy lazy people. Basically free shit doesn't work because of niggers.

because it's not free, someone else is paying for it

Adding to my point:
That's why there are only a handful of free colleges here, and are considered the best (though it varies). Some poor guys made it big after free college, but yes, most of them end up as normal white-collar.
The perception here is the opposite of that. Many pay-to-enter colleges are responsible for the devaluation of higher education. Perception, I said. I'm not entirely sure if it's true.
Well, can't say much against that.
You don't know the tricks the middle class has to avoid taxes, don't you? The ones that don't know how to use them are the legitimate retards and deserve to close down.


Your father has been telling you you're a worthless sack of lazy shit for a long time.

He's right.

Get a worthwhile job and career you lazy fuck.

You weren't put here to simply be given shit that everyone else works hard for.


this. basically. It would work in an all white country like Sweden or Germany but it stops working the minute you invite social welfare leeches into your country. This is basically why socialism in America will never work. Too many niggers and spics.

you understand just fine, you just prioritize free shit over objective reason, because you're a cynical degenerate, which is just as the (((government)) wanted you. you're a carbon copy of a million other brainless communists kiddo.

>I don't understand why I should be against these things.
I want free food and my mortgage paid for. Boogie is the leader of our club.

Free college means that college is the new high school. Free college actually hurts society because we don't need that many college degrees, but we're still footing the bill. There's nothing wrong with hc for everyone.

As for who pays it, you will always pay for it in some way. Higher taxes on the rich means they have less incentive to make more money. This means fewer jobs and economic growth. Look at europe which has both free school and free hc. Almost all major companies come from the us, and their economy sucks. This is amazing considering when we pay for their defense as well as our own.

And people say libs aren't driven by jealousy.

>Why shouldn't I want free healthcare and college?

If you want free healthcare you must convince all the doctors and drug pushers to offer their goods and services for nothing...

If not you must then flood the market with doctors and drugs to drive down prices...

Any other solution is fake news

Stringing you up from a light pole is in my self interest. Day of rope soon Bernie fag