To Christians: Can you be an ethno-nationalist and a Christian?


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The important thing is that you accept Jesus as God.



Can you be an ethno-nationalist and not Christian?


modern example: poland

>God created all men equal
>niggers and humans are "equal"

Explain yourselves christcucks

Reminder to disregard all posters with troll flags.

Hell is for ever!

Without a problem:


You can. But you will never be able to be an ethno-nationalist on the same level as Jews. These people have lived as a minority for centuries and still managed to retain their ethnic identity because besides language and customs, they also have a religion that's all about them and tells them they're special. A German Christian, meanwhile, will easily assimilate in another Christian country (given, there are a few exceptions like Amish, but these are consequences of extreme cultural choices, not conscious action)

Catholic Bishop anyone ?

Bishop Williamson a Catholic Bishop on the Catholic Fight Against Jews (Goto 12m33s)

Bishop Williamson a Catholic Bishop on the Dilution of the White Race (Goto 22m19s)

Bishop Williamson - I Believe there were no Gas Chambers

Sure, all traditionalists christians are in fact ethno-nacionalists, all the "all men are equal" shit came from new wave leftist christians.
Just look at the middle ages to see how they saw blacks and indians as inferior people so the church felt bad for them and felt the need to evangelize them to semi-civilice them, this feeling has been transformed in what we see today as saying that races are equal, but its a complete missinterpretation of what christians have always thought

Why do you so often push this "le Christians hate the Jews agenda"? To appeal to Sup Forums sensibilities? It literally doesn't matter at all. It's like a Shiite trying to push his religion on us because they hate Sunnis. It doesn't matter, they're both Muslim. The same is with you and Jews. You're both branches of the same religion and nothing will ever change that. You are welcome to kill each other as much as you like though.

Yes you can. The Bible says nothing against wanting to preserve your own race. Before you morons cite scriptures saying to help others, helping others doesn't equate to letting everyone inside of your country
>inb4 people cite the scripture about allowing people into your country for help, while ignoring that it is referring to people whom were once slaves in Egypt

people were exactly that for literally thousands of years

Can you cite the specific scripture, I've only heard of that as a talking point for politicians.

>Why do you so often push this "le Christians hate the Jews agenda"? To appeal to Sup Forums sensibilities? It literally doesn't matter at all. It's like a Shiite trying to push his religion on us because they hate Sunnis. It doesn't matter, they're both Muslim. The same is with you and Jews. You're both branches of the same religion and nothing will ever change that. You are welcome to kill each other as much as you like though
You are religiously illiterate to start off. You made a false equivalency fallacy via your example of Sunnis and Shias, which are both sects of Islam. Christianity broke off from Judaism, and got rid of almost all the major teachings in Judaism because they considered Christ to be the messiah, thus he either re-enforced laws or changed them. Christianity isn't are branch of Judaism, just how Buddhism isn't Hinduism, nor is paganism- Hinduism. Nor is the Bahai faith Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, and so on.

Historically they have been.

The Church has always gone to great lengths to NOT kill Jews. You know not of what you speak. They have always wanted to convert them.

"[The Jews] ought to suffer no prejudice. We, out of the meekness of Christian piety, and in keeping in the footprints of Our predecessors of happy memory, the Roman Pontiffs Calixtus, Eugene, Alexander, Clement, admit their petition, and We grant them the buckler of Our protection.

For We make the law that no Christian compel them, unwilling or refusing, by violence to come to baptism. But, if any one of them should spontaneously, and for the sake of the faith, fly to the Christians, once his choice has become evident, let him be made a Christian without any calumny. Indeed, he is not considered to possess the true faith of Christianity who is not recognized to have come to Christian baptism, not spontaneously, but unwillingly.

stop making up things.

As for your Christians and Jews being branches of the same religion. I won't even comment, it's too absurd.

can you greentext the racists btfo one? I can't pay attention for 1 hr.

Alao, if you bothered to study history, various sects of Christianity produced an anti-semitic populous. Although to be fair, most Christian sects disliked any group that wasn't the same as theirs. A perfect example would be protestants in America whom disliked Jews, Catholics, or any other religious group that they deemed non-American. The same is applicable to various sects thar developed throughout European history. It's also important to note that there are currently some Christians who still hate Jews. None of your mental gymnastics in regards to twisting the fact that Christianity had a history of intolerance towards various groups, Jews included, will ever be true.

Could you give some examples pls?

I forgot about that too. Although many Jews consider wanting to convert them to Christianity, anti-semitic. Didn't a German church stop trying to convert Jews to Christianity?

So how much time exactly does it take until a branch becomes a completely separate religion. Until you "feel" like it is? And yes, Buddhism is Hinduism in the sense that it's just a branch of Hinduist school of thought. So is Baha'i a branch of Islam and both Islam and Christianity are branches of Judaism.

If you're Orthodox, you'll be much more closer to conservatism that cucktholics but the more deeper you get to religion, the more spiritual you become, so an ethnostate is not really of your concern.

Did you even read what I wrote? It doesn't matter what Christians did or didn't do with Jews. It's the essence of Christianity itself that is anti-European. If not for Christians confining Jews to a few trades, Jews wouldn't even be a topic of discussion today. They'd be just another shitskin tribe that no European would give a shit about.

How does "We are all equal under god" go with the masterrace, homogeneity, IQ, eugenics and all?

most American's from 1776 - 1960 were ethno-nationalist and dare I say white supremacists aswell (believing whites were superior certainly to blacks and probably to most other races aswell)

So yeah, no shit, its obviously possible.

I am a soldier of Zigma

Zionist tribal lines mean nothing when the soul is at stake

>the more spiritual you become, so an ethnostate is not really of your concern

>tfw a white nationalist
>tfw realize the need for spiritual guidance in a nation
>tfw don't know what religion to follow
Paganism seems to LARPy, but I grew up in the bible belt so I feel like I should have a loyalty to Christianity. I feel conflicted Sup Forums.

Keep your religion to yourself, it's your private thing to guide you. But remember that your earthly body should be used to help your people first. Don't worry if your brother worships Jesus, Wotan or Perun. Worry if he cares about his people.


You'd probably fall into orthodoxy or protestant, the papacy is not like it was in Hitler's time.

Well I'm not actually aware of any passage in the bible that says that all men are equal.
That is more of a masonic principle than a Christian one.

>the papacy is not like it was in Hitler's time
Pope wrote a special encyclical against Hitler where he claimed that everyone who exalts his race is an enemy of Christ. "Nazi pope" is a meme. Basicly there are no major churches that wouldn't be cucked. Even ortodox started to shill for rapefugees.

I can see why the papacy would hate hitler he ultimately undermines their power. But I never would have imagined churches that lack the centralization would spring for "da poor rapefuegees" and other notions. I thought they would put the spiritual well being of their communities first.

No wonder so many youths became gaytheists. Apparently in common parlance, Christianity is synonymous with fucking cowardice.

>I thought they would put the spiritual well being of their communities first.
Well, they SHOULD. But sadly we live in a world gone mad.


So why doesn't christian Sup Forums make a ethno centric church then? I think it would work it; it would incorporate a mix of catholic, orthodoxy and possible other branches like protestant. Centralized church that only cares about the well being of it's citizens. Won't answer to rome and will be like previously stated centered around the nation spiritual well being. What would the prerequisites be?

Being an ethno nationalist is a christian REQUIREMENT. (((they))) just try to hide it

They already exist. There is christian identity, some positive christians from nazi era suposedly still exist even in germany and there are things like KKK. You will find some extremly small churches that are pro-white in the same way that pro-white atheists exist. It's just more or less impossible for those movments to gain traction. And even worse they tend infight with other pro-white organisations becouse of insistence on converting people.

Why do you retarded stormniggers force your autistic racial pandering on everything?

>Christianity is just a doctrine for moral and values
>Chrustianity is bad begus muhsssskin ethnushtate

>Libertarianism is just a economic system
>Luburshuarianism is bad begus muhsssskin ethnushtate

>Civic Nationalism is probably the only ideology left that opposes open borders
>Chivuc Nashunalism is bad begus muhsssskin ethnushtate


>hides his flag