I'm going to jail for the rest of my life for a crime I did not commit

I'm going to jail for the rest of my life for a crime I did not commit.
The trial isn't over yet but I know that it's not going my way.
Do you guys have any advice? How should I proceed? I have five thousand dollars and a working car.

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Fuck shit up
Make it worth going to jail for life

>be nigger
>lie on Sup Forums
>go to jail
Have fun faggot. Put more effort into shitposting if you expect unsaged replies.

take your 5 grand and try to drive to make it to south america. hide in peru or some shit, you could buy a house with 5 grand in peru

tweet to hillary for advice

Rent a Lamborghini for a day and drive it off a cliff.

That's a boy

what are u on trial for

You are already fucked. The conclusion has already been set. The trial is a formality so the masses don't get upset at what is happening.

The prisons are filled with the innocent and non-violent low level offenders. They need to feed the slave industry somehow, and that is hard to do when crime rates have been declining greatly since the 90's.

Just remember, slavery is illegal in the constitution, but not for prisoners. Look it up.

So, what crime?

go eat your moms ass, that should solve all of this nonsense

>MUH innocence

Take responsibility
Increase your power level
Start lifting

Ask Sup Forums and fuck off

do a barrel roll nigga. no i'm sorry kek.


how what's "his" name

ah well, theirs worse shit than three hots n a cot.

Dunno he only sends pics on discord


Aren't they watching you? Are you considered a flight risk?

OUR you could just like dissapearr nigga.



I don’t think you was very educated

kill any witnesses of course.

Fire your lawyer. get up in front of the jury, and give the speech of you life. Go get em kid.

Can you explain the circumstances?
I will do my best to find a loophole for you.

What race are you?
(It won't affect my help, but it will affect the best choice of words/ action you have)

What did you not do?

Eric, get the fuck off Sup Forums. You don't belong here.


get to south america or eastern europe, your choice.

my uncle ended up like you when he was unable to make his child support payments and was faced with prison time. he headed to mexico and lives in the guatemala countryside now, he had less cash than you do right now when he left. it's been at least 8 years and he's doing fine. he does odd jobs and bakes muffins and shit and sells them to backpackers. if you don't want to be around browns you can do the same sort of thing in maldova or other questionable eastern european countries. look up weev. it's not ideal user but you can still have a decent life.good luck homie

cant convict someone who never existed...

Buy bitcoins then spend the years knowing you'll be rich if you ever get out.

Well either make it worth it, kill a bunch of Antifa commies and KYS in prison/before it.

Or just KYS now.

Prison4Lyfe is fucked, i'd definitely KMS if i'd face that shit.
I dont give a fuck lol, not gonna sit in prison for 60+ years over nothing.. or at all, fuck that shit.

It'd be cool tho if you could rid the rest of us of a bunch of... problems

Don't give yourself up to the Jewish judicial system. Buy a gun and kill your judge and prosecutor them try to flee from the country, if you can't just go on a killing spree of judges. You'll die, but at least you'll cause some reactions nationwide, I believe.

Run to another country, don't make the mistake of a normie idiot and flee to another US state. Go to another country entirely.

i agree, this should be done by every single person that considers itself a patriot

we could wipe them all out in a day, we just need a sign, to help us coordinate,

ayyys, care to help us out?


Sure lets do this. Can I have your email and number so I can contact you? As well ad your address in case we need to meet up. Give me your facebook as well. We need to organize. What city and state do you live user?

Or into a mosque with the message "i can do it too, cars of peace for you, eye for an eye" somewhere on it


They like to let the violent, nutcases, incompetent go because they're useless to prison industry. The traditional, at least reasonably intelligent, they want them for prison industry.

Sorry about the trial, can you get your lawyer to do a better job?

Just run don't let yourself fall victim to the nigger state.

I have a cabin deep in the Alaskan wilderness. No fucking way on the planet you'd be found, you can stay there but don't make a mess and kill all squirrels. .

the road stops in panama.

Move to Seattle. Get a homeless I.D. with a different name dowmtown. Go to DSHS and give them a random S.S.N and your homeless I.D. then sleep in a tent and always have your homeless I.D. on you in case you encounter police. Say you are from another state other then your own. Also change your appearance. If you are clean shaven grow a beard and definetly die your hair and beard and eyebrows. Save money and buy contacts of a different natural color.

Just kys, fleeing is too complicated and prison isint worth it. It'l even piss off a jew. Give your 5k and car to someone you care about. Thats what I would do imho

escape user, run

Also sell the car and buy a bus ticket with a pre paid credit card you bought with cash in a store with no cameras. Use the no I.D. option and make a password you can remember.

no way i would go gay for him

Post more

Realistically, you potentiallyface the same fate either way. If you are sure that you are going away for life, going on the run and leaving the country to take refuge somewhere south of the Border means that if you are found and returned to the US, nothing will have changed.

It is seriously worth a shot.

Run, now.
Start a new life and don't attempt to contact anyone in the US again.
Good luck x

Yea and make the password something so fucking retarded that people will accidentally use it so you wont know when someone is actually trying to use it!

this burn a synogauge

user I think you're keeping but if you're not I envy you. You have something in life that will create actual danger. You have something that will give you drive and give you the push we all wish we had to abandon this fucked up system. Run. Use your fear as fuel and run as far as you can. Live amongst nature. Live.

This, seriously. You're about to be locked in a fucking cage for the rest of your life? is that what you want to be? A forgotten monkey locked in a cage?......Go do the will of chaos.

FBI pls

Please I need more of this goddess

either you try your best to escape or go out in a blaze of glory. i'd recommend the second one, depends on who you'd be attacking too.

[spoiler] op is lying stop bumping [/spoiler]

>he doesn't have a plan for escaping the country already
>he doesn't have a bugout bag packed with enough cash to get to another continent
>he doesn't have a lawyer on retainer in case he gets surprise arrested
>he hasn't already reported all his firearms lost in tragic boating accidents while out deepsea fishing

Get your shit together.

>bus to border town
>walk across border at peak hours
>cocaine and hookers

Pic related

All you need is to raise any doubt to prove innocense. also we need more context you nigger

kill yourself

Buy a very good quality gun
can help you with that
>get a very good quality backpack
>pack your backpack with survival essesentials ( maps most important),
>survival guides
>get a phone from another country, if possible travel to said country, buy it yourself and dont order it. Download different apps that you can think can come of use (buy solar power charger)
>get warm clothes
>solar energy generator, mount on car if possible
>get your car and just go
>go for the wilderness, survive by yourself. Use car as shelter

of course dont do this if you think it's possible you're proven innocence, only if it's a last resort

It's probably karma. Enjoy rotting in prison.

might be of some use:

Nice bunny boy


sure you are faggot, call them then


you don't need a car, you are such a worthless faggot


>I have five thousand dollars and a working car.

Wire me the 5 thousand.

Transfer car into my name.

T. David Rosenbaum

Find Jesus first


expalin to me how is he gonna carry the solar energy generator?

>google "died while awaiting trial"
>About 34,200 results
They figured it out

>Brazil’s constitution prohibits the extradition of Brazilian citizens to other countries.
Fly to Brazil, marry a native, have a child, apply for citizenship,
once you have citizenship you can never be extradited.

1 Post by this ID


lmao you gay

Become antifa and join a flop house

post by this ID
+ replies

Self immolate like a Buddhist monk protesting injustice.

they'll find you within a week, don't do this. Its harder to get lost in the woods than you imagine.

also 1 post by this id lmao

similar, but learn how to do zen buddhist meditation. meditate for your entire life now that everything is paid for and you have a lot of time.

literally reach enlightenment

No it doesn't. You just have to brave the Darien Gap.

This get a nice solid portfolio going. Look at oj

Free muh nugga user



There is nothing gay about this btw

life isn't like tv. wait for the verdict.

The Pan-American Highway[1] is a network of roads measuring about 30,000 kilometres (19,000 mi)[2] in total length. Except for a rainforest break of approximately 160 km (100 mi), called the Darién Gap, the road links almost all of the countries of the Americas with a Pacific coast in a connected highway system. According to Guinness World Records, the Pan-American Highway is the world's longest "motorable road". However, because of the Darién Gap, it is not possible to cross between South America and Central America, alternatively being able to circumnavigate this terrestrial stretch by sea.

100 miles of undeveloped swampland and forest good luck crossing that in a car.

LMFAO @ OP's pic.

That "cat" always puts my sides into orbit.

FFS, I can't stop laughing at that fuckin cat...


This evil eyes cat is better than OP's cat.

Oh fuck, my sides,,,

>1 post by this ID
>same slide thread every week

Two options:

A) Flee
B) Kill the judge and prosecutor and/or as many niggers as you can (not at a church).

Best of luck to you user

1 post
Come on Sup Forums
You're better than this

if you are not larping (small change) then just got to mexico faggot. Park your car in san yisidro and walk over to TJ like all the other pedos and faggots. EZ PZ

no homo thinking heavily of moving to Alaska and living the cabin life. How easy would it be for a city man to do/ general advice?

I swear on Mia khalifas tits, this fucking cat does me in every time

Didn't do it!!! Riiiiiight!!!

LARP slide thread.
1 post by this ID.
Offtopic horse shit.
No one sages the fucking stupid thread. Stay classy ladies.