Why is Sup Forums filled with fucking losers?

Seriously, I've been told being an "autists" is better than being a "normie" even though in real life that hilarious.

Are most of you NEETS? Failures? Why would be believe a career con-man like Trump? Or don't you believe you just want to see America burn?

What would bring a person to this cesspool to circlejerk with fellow losers? Is being a Sup Forumsfag wose than being a nigger, spic, woman or jew?

pro tip: a man who doesn't project wouldn't feel the need to make a thread like this.

Sup Forums consist of basement dwelling 15-40 year old man children which of most still live with their single mothers who are permanently triggered because that black kid in highschool who actually took his life seriously got together with their freshmen crush and not them.


welcome to Sup Forums

you have to go back

OP is so obviously a Jew.

Getting too real on these white boys, ameribro.

0.02 has been deposited into your account.

Only a few more thousand posts and you can lose your nerd virgin virginity to that prostitute you have always fantasised about

This thread fucking sucks.
but its true that /pol is trash and most of the people here a lot of anger and projecting.

NEETs are the zenith of evolution, silly wagecuck. Also, learn to spell before you call others "loser."

Yet your the ones who wants our attention, let that one sink in.

>black kid in highschool who actually took his life seriously got together
>pure fantasy

So tell us, why are you here??

your just mad Kanya took your symbol white boi >Le leddit da donald xD

that last part isn't true

Dont speak nigger, no clue what your trying to say but worldstarhiphop is the other way monkey.

Incredible, diagnosing a huge group of people using (((psychology))) using only the posts they individually make on an anonymous imageboard? And without having a way to know if what they are saying is a joke or serious?
Amazing stuff fampai

So Jet from Fallout is nigger-drug as it can get?

Seriously though, Prez has a nice ass.

> Are most of you NEETS? Failures?

Sounds like a bunch of pretentious bullshit to me already. Trump supporter must clearly be a failure, right? Wake up. Start thinking about how many small business owners there are and how many of them are likely onboard.

> Why would be believe a career con-man like Trump?

Mmmh, interesting, most con men don't go to Wharton School of Business or speculate real estate in NYC. Career con-man sounds like more socially palatable brogramming. Does he not really allow people to stay at his resorts when they pay? Did he not actually build or develop the project bids he won? Hmm..

> Or don't you believe you just want to see America burn?

No self-awareness. It's not even possible that some people see America burning now and Trump as avatar of public resentment?

> What would bring a person to this cesspool to circlejerk with fellow losers?

Oh yeah what would bring a person to post on the internet golly gee shut the fuck up pussy. What have you contributed to society, if I'm a loser? Get a business license you smug shit.

> Is being a Sup Forumsfag wose than being a nigger, spic, woman or jew?

Is visiting a Bhurmese sandpainting chatroom worse than being a woman or minority?


>Sup Forums filled with fucking losers
>your still here tho

Coming here makes me stop caring about being empathetic towards my peers at my own expense, and seeing them as equals when they don't deserve it.
I work FT and am in school FT with a 3.3 GPA and a BMI of 18.1 (swimming/cardio/diet). I'm no loser, and my sheer epic belief in myself intimidates people who would fuck with me otherwise.
Was an anorexic emotional mess before I came here.

As a big dick high-T male I have to say, if that ass were indeed real, I would totally hit it.

because people like you come here when you're not getting enough attention on plebbit


Insulting trump supporters just shows how much the most adjective worthy demographic of your country has of an influence on politics.

Pence could never understand. His closest is locked tight.

how do we fix trump gen guys?
pic related

Oh fuck off

Not all Trump supporters are neets, but every Trump supporters in Pol are

With my in depth knowledge of PSYOPs, social engineering, and hentai I will conquer the world.

>What would bring a person to this cesspool to circlejerk with fellow losers?
you accept what is fed to you by the msm and those in power, some people like to look beyond the facade
>Are most of you NEETS? Failures?
No mate, work a trade, surf nearly every afternoon and weekend, engaged
>Why would be believe a career con-man like Trump?
The very fact the left leaning media (becoming more centrist lately) considers cherry picked asinine 'stories' regarding Trump should be enough to show you he is an honest man.
>Or don't you believe you just want to see America burn?
No mate, it's the anarchists, antifa, communists that want the USA to burn. Usually when it boils down to the reason it's one of 2 things.
- easy pussy for 1st year university students who throw their beliefs in the bin to appease dreadlocked arts student pussy
- lazy cunts who want everything given to them for minimal effort

Your post reeks of a superiority complex. I can play that. I'm cool as fuck irl and have heaps of friends, body of a god from surfing and make good money. go away pleb

Cringe so hard at people who use Sup Forums as their blog

You faggots have no skills.

Someone has probably jacked off to that image. Sad.
