New Archaeologic Discovery in Europe

>We Was Not Kangs
>10 million year old homo sapien tooth found in Germany
>Europeans did not come from Africa
>Nigger sub species BTFO

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So germini waz kangz?

no, germany was barbarian


Kinda embarrassing that babarians invented jet engines, normal combustion engines, stealth bombers and invented kruppstahl ahead of you then.

6 million year old bipedal footprints were recently discovered in Greece, predating almost all African counterparts. The paper on this was just published in August.

Article on the topic here with links to the published paper:

Out of Africa theory is debunked. At this point we're just waiting for the establishment to catch up to the findings and they seem to be reluctant to.

I asked one of my professors (Human evolution, he's an anthropologist who's spent many years in Africa at dig sites) what his opinion on the monumental findings in Greece were. He said he hasn't read the paper, he saw a picture of the tracks on Facebook and they're "bear prints".

They're not bear prints, not even close, and the published study spends 3 pages explaining why it's impossible for them to be bear prints. Read the paper if you want the details, it's free.

OOA is done, now we're just waiting for the bugmen to catch up.

It's not an homo sapiens, you dumb fucks, it's just a "great ape". It doesn't debunk the theory that homo sapiens came from africa.

The article states the tooth is most similar to an australopithecine, not a non-hominin ape, you iliterate pizza-nigger.


The article says "great ape" 5 times, and an australopithecine is still not a homo sapiens, you illiterate pineapple pizza nigger.

Negroes confirmed separate species. Whites of European ancestry now proven to be the superior species. Possibly even descendants of higher beings.

Another interesting story is that all people (white) with blues share a common ancestor.

>not spaghetti nigger or spaghetti coon
only a non-white could come up with such a low IQ insult.

Don't concern yourself with the opinions of non-white cucks, Hans. Germans really are the masterrace, you guys have just been subverted by the eternal jew and their pets.

no those were the teeth of your ancient bulls that cucked your great great great+++ grandmas husband

Yes, maybe the great, great, great .....
was black, what's your excuse 56%?

We are barbarians. We are proud to be barbarians. Our barbaric heritage gives us strength


Everyone was a crazy primitives at one point or another.
All that matters is making sure we stop being crazy primitives.

Yeah, it's not even the same genus. Australopithicus is a genus preceding Homo. Homo sapiens emerged MUCH later the 10 million years ago. We've only been around for a couple hundred thousand years.

that is a trap

Still not Homo sapiens you dipshit

Out of Africa is basically reversed, and why only the original africans remained on the southern tip areas VS admixtures



It says similar to LUCY you meditteranean half-monkey rape-baby.

This is why you stay in the kitchen and make meatballs. Leave the adults to speak.