Is western culture (not civilization) dead?

I've been reading spengler recently, and he argues that once a culture evolves into a "civilization" with fixed traits that it inevitably begins to decay into ceasarism and ultimately death.

If you look at the objective garbage that is modernism and how we've fetishized classical culture as a sort of glorious past, rather than coming up with anything living that could replace it, it really does seem like we're just moving about inside a corpse. Is there any way to revive western thought in a contiguous tradition or should we just give up and start anew?

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show benis ples


that's a tranny tho ... right?

This is Sup Forums user. Everyone is a tranny.

who is that pelvis crusher?

No. It's a fitness model.


Is that the one who cucked Anthony Bourdain?

Nice taste brother.

Can she beat me up with her legs?

Why am I so hard now?

The family wage is gone.
That's the central component to all problems in the west.

she probably could yeah

It's because we have a secularized upper class that no longer mingles with the masses, due mostly to the size of our societies. Culture usually stems from the top down, the reason we don't eat offal for example is because the rich never did and the poor imitated them.
The only thing the lower classes have inherited right now is that quasi religious, garbled multiculturalism junk.
The fastest cure would be monarchy btw.

The sad truth is that the degenerate western bullshit is still vastly superior to every other culture.


no tits sempai

I believe we've reached that point within the past 50 years. I do not believe it's permanent, only a symptom of whites virtue signalling their tolerance. It will pass.

20 dollary-doos says she is a lesbian!

>objective garbage that is modernism

I think that you mean 'post-modernism'. Modernism isn't all bad, and includes poets like Wilfred Owen. Additionally, the late Romntic music of that time (early 20th century) is nothing to look down upon:


>Is there any way to revive western thought
>Or should we start anew

I don't know what you're really talking about here. Do you want us to desert two thousand+ years of cultural development just for the sake of starting something new?

I believe that a start is reclaiming the education system, either by starting a movement for home-schooling, or with the construction of /ourguy/ private schools.


People feel alienated because they were indoctrinated by their well-meaning parents to believe they are Beautiful, Wonderful, Special, and Perfect. They are consequently hyper-sensitive, cannot fathom the concept of compromise, and are essentially pathologically self-entitled and self-absorbed. Combined with our safety net society, these people are basically in a perpetual state of neoteny and do not realize that life outside of our civilization is unforgiving and does not spoon feed or hold your hand.

We have unforeseen access to an incredible wealth of data, have unrivalled health care, hygiene, food and water quality, etc. Everything is setup for you to succeed, so long as you have a bit of a fighting spirit, survival instinct, and an edge.

Instead of simply rolling over and becoming bitter and depressed, the social irritation should provide a good form of antagonism that encourages competitiveness, healthy aggression, and the desire to strive for something better.

Why do people expect to be catered to? We have all these great benefits of society, including many stresses that encourage adaptation and strength.

The elites are making a new post national world, however it's a dystopia rather than a utopia. We just need to take care of ourselves and our own until we get space exploration tech. Overpopulation will bring us to war with China, India, and Africa. If the killed each other it would be good, but (((they))) will intervene. Jews are going down. A modern day exodus of jews would be optimum


i think that many young western people are self-entitled and absorbed and in a state of neoteny... however i would say instead that people feel alienated because of lack of meaningful social relationships and community membership due to atomization and the scale of society.

>tfw you realize that it was the Boomers' plan all along to eventually die off and leave nothing but a society full of apathetic depressives behind to deal with their mess.

Western civilization was dead and buried by 1945. The twentieth century is better understood as a wacky techno capital driven sci fi adventure rather than a continuation of 'western civilization', whatever that means.

I think it's arguable it died with World War I.


>lets fix our culture by posting sluts and holding them to no standards

The degeneracy on Sup Forums is astounding. Even the 'traditional' women have exposed bodies and protruding nipples.
I should really just leave.


To be fair I only posted the pic because sluts are the only way to get anons to pay attention to anything other than 'BLACKED', '*sips tea*' and 'Sup Forums BTFO'd' threads. I'm not proud of it, but what am I to do?

Vivi Winkler

We are so fucked.

yes the west is dying, we've had our very short time in the sun. the cracks have been showing for the last 20 years and the decline is accelerating.

Pretty girl


If there is any greater proof than this post that we're need to reboot society, I have yet to see it

$10 bill?

Bump of coke?


It's not really hard to see why. If our societies were so bloody decadent at the time that the first thing they thought when some irrelevant Austrian prince was killed by a Serb is "I'm bored and this sounds like a good chance to shoot my fellow Europeans, which might relieve my boredom," then they had clearly lost their way as well.

No. It is evolving.

Wew lad. Wasted get.

you don't have a very good understanding of the causes of wwi.

>watch tv
>black women on cnn says 'white people have no culture'
>everyone laughs
>even the other white people due to ""white guilt"""
>I can't say anything in defense because if I do I get called a bigot racist nazi and loose my job/livlihood
>modern architecture looks like nihilistic garbage compared to the greatness it used to be in the west
>music, movies, and art are all the lowest possible forms of quality and doesn't do anything to elevate our existence or give us meaning
>in fact we culture has become so secular we deny the very existence of meaning
>millions of third world shitskins are pouring into the west as we speak
>people work jobs they absolutely hate just for the sake of acquiring more material gains just to impress people they don't even like

Oh yes the west is "evolving" all right.

It is not dead but we are nearing the end of our Faustian bargain. All cultures die and we can't avoid that. Now with that being said that does not mean that white people are going to die nor does that mean should be allow the Muslims to conquer. The white man is going to have to accept the death of his culture and somehow create something new. I don't know how but I have faith that we will find a way. And on the off chance this is really the end, and no phoenix rises from the ashes, we need to make sure our enemies pay for every square inch of territory.

Was for

Yo ayee lmao this is my copy pasta

holy shit what a waste

I know it was because of muh alliances. But we're speaking of the average person during the time, not necessarily the geopolitics. From the way it was described to me, most of the people who signed up to fight didn't even care who or why they were fighting

Bump of coke.


If you want to be all esoteric about it, then this death of the west is apart of a higher order. There is the principle(essence) and then the fall from the principle(substance). We are in the era now where we are in the fall but eventually it will lead us back to the principle.

Is that Chung Lee?

>I can't say anything in defense because if I do I get called a bigot racist nazi and loose my job/livlihood
You can say a lot more than you think. Grow some balls. You can get away with a lot. Most people will agree with you-- just need to be the first person willing to speak out.

It's an Emperor's new clothes scenario. Lots of reports of this type of thing in the USSR.

Speak your mind (just don't go FULL 14/88-- but you can talk about "western culture" and be surprised at how people will come out of the woodwork and agree).

Why do right-wingers believe they can overcome modernity with esoteric garbage?
Socioeconomic conditions are, crazily enough, not solvable with fabricated cultural myths. It's the same old fascist bullshit that only an idiot can believe in. I hope you get killed by a tranny communist.

>in fact we culture has become so secular we deny the very existence of meaning

Sad that the conditioning of christcucks was so massive that when they were freed they went insane. I feel for you, user.

But nevertheless, society is evolving. Humanity tries to survive in the toxic environment of madmen. And we are nowhere near peak madness yet.

No, I wouldn't actually. People like you are the reason pol exists and is about a hair away from becoming mainstream. You're insufferable, personality wise.

The guy was proposing that we should prioritize improving ourselves as people first over rebooking economic solutions, and you never refuted shit. You accused him of taking the antithesis stance to your own and continued to inadvertently strawman.

Could education not be an answer? Could some sort of moral foundation not be a great way to point people in the right direction? These aren't facist/racist/capitalist propositions, fucking Socrates put forward as foundations for change. Probably many before him as well.

It's sad because there is some merit to what you propose but it can never be heard over the volume of your (((resisting))).

>teleports behind you
Nothing personal kid.
>destroys your argument

Reality is and has always been subjective. Do you think your outlook is the same as an Arizonan? an Ohian? Mississippian? Yet we all share the collective identity of being American.
Wishing to venerate and uplift a belief in something "esoteric" like civic or national pride offers a level ground for debate and eventually understanding.
The rampant individualism without direction has rotted the west from the inside out by allowing the most successful and ambitious among us to control the mobility and freedoms of the rest, while convincing people like you that there is nothing to be done.
Empires collapse and cultures die. But the greatest of them always had a chance to turn back. Don't despair or disparage those who think there is still time.

>No, I wouldn't actually.

I need sauce on that semen demon because... reasons...

It is _your_ reality that is subjective not reality itself. Forgetting this leads to monsters born left and right.

Think of the glorious West as fire; by the will of God, Prometheus (representing pagan Roman gods all the way up to our Heavenly Father) gave fire to man. It is our divine right to propagate, subjugate, and conquer. It is our destiny to reclaim our birthright. Deus Vult.

No, Spengler is always right.
We are in winter. Spring will come later after the collapse

Yes, infact I'm more proud of my arabian heritage.

lightning kick!

Fool that you are, for you truly believe in your mewling, child-like naivete that all is inherently lost, and that there is simply nothing left to redeem.

You are like a horse with prehensile hooves, willingly stapling blinders to your own temples.

Hell is for ever!

Go /innawoods/, have babies, do propaganda work if you can. What is important is that Whites EXIST and KNOW WHAT'S UP. The Zio-American Empire will fall in time.

What one are you referring to? The one where the earth Is the center of the universe? The one where imbalanced humors could be bled out of the body? Or the one where everything we know about the biggest and smallest things in existence can't be reconciled?
Absolute truths are the domain of the zealot and the ignorant. there are objectively true things about the world that we should all expect to believe, but the level and dedication of one's understanding will always be personal. I don't want a world of followers any more than one of self absorbed nihilists.


I refer to all of them. Blindly racing in your subjective reality inevitably leads to crash if you race fast enough or long enough. The objective reality is the wall you will hit.