Why did (((they))) kill him?

why did (((they))) kill him?

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Fuck with the international clique's money and you die.

He knew the secrets of the last man they killed

he was going to disband the CIA and Mossad didn't care for that plan.

He was against vietnam, retard. Fuck off and kys

John de Nugent has the answer



Because some dumbfuck goy actually believed their retarded (((ideology))) and offed the President in the name of the Cuban Revolution.

To keep the goyim from knowing (((they))) pushed various conspiracy theories in Hollywood and books and the rest of the media blaming the right.


>backing shit with gold when there's 60 giganiggertons of it in the universe.

Humans are so stupid.

Israel wanted nukes and he said no
He was also working on ending the fed

January 20th, 2017 - Donald Trump is inaugurated as 45th President of the United States.

January 21st, 2017 - President Trump walks into the CIA headquarters to give a speech, vows to remove the columns, alluding to the destruction of the deep state.

This is why, as many months have gone by, the powers that be have grown to be increasingly neurotic. Trump is going to expose the secrets of the Deep State and JFK was a major turning point in the history of the United States.

JFK was intent on inspecting the nuclear facilities in Israel, something the zionists did not want. David Ben-Gurion, THE FOUNDER OF ISRAEL, decided the best option was to take care of the problem he faced. He didn't want the US inspecting their nuclear facilities because they were indeed making bombs.

Mossad in collaboration with the CIA and other entities conspired to assassinate JFK. Lindon B. Johnson, the Vice President at the time was sympathetic and in favor of the zionist agenda. Since the time of JFK's assasination the stranglehold over our country by the zionists has been nonstop and has only gotten worse. We've seen multiple false flags and multiple instances where events were carried out by Israel and blamed on another entity. From JFK to 9/11, Las Vegas, and everything in between Israel's goal has been to undermine our democratic process in order to further their own goals.

This doesn't stop at false flags. Ask yourself what could be so bad that our congressmen and people in government bend over backwards to limit our rights and ensure Israel's prosperity.............The answer is blackmail. Jeffrey Epstein, Hollywood, DC, everyone has been blackmailed to further this agenda. Pizzagate leads us down 2 avenues. Number one is the satanic occult group who sacrifice human beings and worship demonic entities, the second avenue is pedophilia blackmail that would destroy the reputation of anyone who would think about going against the will of Israel.

I believe Trump will reveal all

>He was against vietnam
You're right, he hated north vietnam with a passion.

World changing if true

and Federal Reserve


It was a disgruntled commie they killed him. Literally ANTIFA of the day.

Fuck, this sucks, because he means we truly are transitioning to the age of Aquarius and the free flow of information. This sucks, because soon after is the cataclysm

The most simple result is almost always the correct answer.

but maybe reason behind the result is not so simple?

Wasn't that in the 60s?.

he was the Trump of their era.

was gonna tell the world about ayys.

Shame that they splintered his skull instead.

So whur iz da papers at?

Yeah Israel Lobby would definitely be my bet:

Israel is a secret "State" of USA in Middle East, they don't want to announce it as such because then all Muslims would attack it.

Sure wasn't because he was Catholic. The man set the precedent for fags like Biden, Pelosi, and Kaine, which is...
>I'm personally opposed to [x] but cannot project my personal beliefs into my policies
Basically, he gave up practicing morality and religion in politics and became American. Fr. John Courtney Murray spearheaded the operation, who also helped write most of the document for the Second Vatican Council now known as Dignitatis Humanae.
It was a black op from the beginning, and effectively neutralized Catholics in politics, ensuring that there will never be a Catholic in office that employs the moral law of his religion in his policies.

No he wasn't you stupid cunt.

He would have been the Obama of the day.

"The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. ... Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions."
>Gee, I wonder why they killed him.
He was about to blow the top off the "deep state"

I remember seeing something about him supporting the whole black rights thing in the 60's and his death made him into a mourter for the cause.

Also he wanted money made without the FED's mark so that was probably a motive too.

why isnt trump taking measures to stop it from happening to him by sending seal teams to take out the fed board and demo their buildings to protect americas interests.

It will be too late, if he waits.

>didn't mention the mafias involvement in the JFK murder
another know nothing

It's actually a UK Royal Navy stone frigate (HMS Israel) parked on the Palestinian Mandate, but you're close.

>The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society

Nice avatar...

Lyndon b Johnson wanted to be president and JFK was going to abolish the CIA so they had his back.

Frank Underwood is Lyndon B. Johnson/Bill Clinton