Art Right general

alright thread theme

lets have fun with political art for once dump what ever ya want (political art related) and chat about it, measure dick size what ever just try to shit it up.. i do mean try now

i'l just dump tackywave


not really art but i made a few posters earlier



mey that will do have some fun with the art and posters help spread the message

while im also here might as well post some noir-wave

keep in mind you can post what ever it doesn't have to be your own oc




and yes this is gamewave or mega drive art




Bravo. Saved every image.

Yes. You remember!

there's plenty more lad trust me on that





We were told not to hate. Now as an adult I realize hatred is necessary and healthy.

put it like this, you dont have an emotion unless its needed






m8 you're using the (((media))'s pictures.


my nigga

I'm loving this new style. Sounds like you took the criticism from that thread a few weeks back and really took it to heart.


He's on another level

XD god man dont take this the wrong way but i dont remember people in the last thread but i have been workin on my style


the media publishes those pictures in part so you'll back away from them and look weak though. those were people marching to protect their culture and their heritage and they weren't wearing masks and there is still a power to that in our collective social consciousness if you don't back down from it when the MSM pushes.


get the banter goin

Fashwave wasn't *that* bad...

We should have as many art styles as possible. Hell, some of us should take up painting or sculpture. The more art the better. If you don't like one style, find one you do like.

true its healthy to take up skills like that can also can develop into a trade if your good enough for it

>those 90s dates

genXfag here: This graphic style was essentially over by 1991. I went to a mall that opened that year that employed it (probably designed years before) and it already looked very dated.

not wear i lived the uk couldn't get enough of it till around 96 - 97 then it went and the world got a little shiter

As a Gen Z fag, I can honestly say that I've never actually seen this style employed. I think it could be Gen Z's retro.

this made me feel a little... actually alot.

I wish Iron Pill would come back.




Damn. This one's moving.








you could always meme it back with some fresh oc pushin it

I'm guilty to see all of your OC when I myself have nothing to offer. When inspiration strikes these days, I head to the gym.

"Hatred is necessary" would make a great slogan

''lift when life gets you down'' xd sorry couldn't help myself i might actually use that one targeted to anons like yourself tacky-wave for the gym true chad national

Why the fuck did you ruin it with the art right watermark? The entire point is to get them trending in leftist dominated vaporwave circles.


Attention whoring. Sage and ignore.

it really isn't it still very much right ring and they would never use any of it in a million years so why the fuck would i cater to them