Europe is the cradle of humanity new study says



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>The teeth, which were discovered in a former bed of the Rhine river near Eppelsheim, don't resemble those of any other human species found in Europe or Asia

So now they're admitting race is real? Wew lad, Daily Mail is going downhill.

More like Sub-Saharan Africans are a different species that evolved from chimps.

Caucasians are a Neanderthal-previous Caucasian mix. Same with Mongoloids (Asians).

>Tfw science proves Africans are not even related to us

>mfw lefty atheist scum still insist LE ALL THE SAME ONE RACE HUMAN RAEC

>Tfw niggers are scientifically proven to not be humans therefore human rights do not imply to them

Fucking hell, wrong gif.


atheist here

the bell curve is real an niggers are not human

Fix your shit.

>atheist here


Then how the fuck can they breed and produce fertil offspring

Lots of different species can.

example, no sub species

Case in point.

There's 2 different species of birds near me. The main difference is the color of some of their feathers.

They can breed and produce fertile offspring.

The different between Negroids and Caucasians is FAR, FAR more.

Male horse and female donkey is one.

Just got my DNA results back! Turns out I’m: >22% German
>12% French
>4% English
>62% Soy

That's a bit harsh, they have Dravidian origins.

Neanderthal DNA in modern humans

It's still inconclusive whether or not humans can actually breed with some species of great apes. A scientist in the USSR was going to try it with some chimps but the experiment was never completed.

Sub saharan africans don't have dravidian admixture. You're thinking of Abos and Papuans.

They're Caucasians.

Negroids did intermix, but they mostly stayed down South; only raids from the Northern Caucasians were the real contact, and they tended to bring them back as slaves.

They might not be from chimps, but a chimp-like primate, perhaps a longer limbed walker.

It's not harsh, really, as we would have descended from some type of cooler climate primate too at some point in time. We would have killed off much of the native primates from Europe, along with Neanderthal doing it too, and we bred together and here Caucasians are.

Sup Forums was right again
Fuckin scientist retards

>The teeth, which were discovered in a former bed of the Rhine river, don't resemble those of any other human species found in Europe or Asia.

My sides are gone KEK Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/ Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/ Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

Blacks and Neanderthals were the indigenous earthlings. White and Asian races came from other planets.

Whites confirmed descendants of the gods.

Whites came from Neanderthals you Troglodyte.

franks plz go

>whites are martians
>asians are hyperspace dwelling insectiod-machine hybrids like the shivans from Freespace


White man came from Mars after a catastrophic war that destroyed Maldek a planet that existed between mars and Jupiter. It's remains formed the asteroid belt.

Sure, (((they))) never completed it. What really happened is they went thru with it and a little nigger baby popped out and said "bix nood". so (((they))) shut it down

>What really happened is they went thru with it and a little nigger baby popped out and said "bix nood"
fuckin lel

Study will come out proving that Europeans and Africans evolved separately, so different species. WILL BE FUCKING BURIED BY LEFTY SCIENTISTS or outright forgotten about. They'll never allow the world to know that black and white are 2 different species. It would mean every racist/speciesist? was right. WILL NEVER BE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN

yes goy git on your knees and suck jebus' cock


what about blacks? where did they come from?

*tips hammer and sickle*

haha xd upboated
*tips fedora*


So Europeans were forced to innovate and survive freezing winters in dense urban cities, while neegs were like fuck it, i'm going to where it's nice.

WE WUZ LAZY AND SPREAD OUT for millennia meant cultural and technological stagnation while Europeans and Asians figured shit out.

Species indicates capacity to interbreed; so subspecies which is already a thing.


"evolved" out of gorilla shit

You don't belong on our world.

They're native to the earth.

Dark skin to deal with being closer to the sun. We evolved on Maldek further away from the sun so have less melanin.

Come the fuck on!! i have killifish they came from the same river they are same specie, they got just separeted a couple thousand years ago, and nowadays they cannot breed producing fertil offsrping, dont be a faggot, even the little difference of being just issolated for 2000 years or so made them unable to make fertil offrsping how can a different specie separeted i dont know how many years ago produce viable offspring in mass production?

>Da Jew
Oh shit I guess I'm a kike

They dont produce fertil offspring you fucking faggot

>Having at peak 10% of neathertald dna in the blood

We wuz neanderthals and sheeit

because they can. The problem is your false belief that they can't, you've been misinformed.

explain this.

You can cross two different species of animals related but they wont made fertil offspring

>get called retarded by atheists when i challenge them on their out of Ffrica theory
>tell them Noah's Ark wasn't in Africa
>continue going on and on about scientific theories being undeniable proof because yeah SCIENCE!
>as expected, they are wrong

I would laugh but the idiots who said those things wont even remember how wrong they were.


Well cannot rebate that, but if they can breed they had to be really related in orther to do that

"Ligers are rarely fertile, about 3 in 100 are fertile. Tigons, on the other hand, are fertile about 1/3 the time."
how is that 'not fertil'?

Removing the politics, by definition niggers are a difference species, and..

closer to bonobos than Whites.

Whites are closer to homo erectus than we are niggers.

>9.7m year old teeth
Wow, it's fucking nothing

Haplogroups still proved all humans came out of Africa

Post yfw you'd rather procreate with a gorilla than a sheboon


200,000 is now older then 9,700,000. Who knew?

>whites are close to homos
your not some faggot whos dick gets hard when he sees trap pron are you user

Do you want your intelligence to be brutally raped on the internet?

Because that just happened two times already.

Human species were a thing before homo sapiens killed everybody

What defines a species is the ability of reproducing healthy and fertile offspring in natural ambience.

If anyone is interested here is the link to the pdf of the source on that image.

Short read as well.

I really just came into this thread to post lotr pics.

so, we need at least one new scientific classification name? how's THAT going to be decided..
>homo negrus
>homo blanco
>homo abacus
any suggestions?

Caucasian Superious
Chimpus Niggrus

>tfw I am Kang
Non Germans btfo

Christian here. Blacks are the sons of Cain, God cursed their souls, thus they are not human.

Tell us more pls

>Homo Gibsmedat
>Homo Wewuz

lol how does it feel to be the true master race?

srs lads, is this legit? i'm probably so black-pilled i just don't believe anything anymore




Old story my grandmother used to tell me about the Bible.
Basically God cursed Cain and his offspring for murdering Abel. He would put a mark on them to everyone see. Black=dark, a malevolent and cursed soul.




That was actually a canon Mormon belief up until the 1960s when the US government threatened to drop their tax exempt status for not letting blacks in and the elders coincidentally got a message from God letting them know the sons of Cain had paid their coal toll and were okay now.


Neinger neinger neinger

They should have stuck to their guns and work out alternative ways to avoid tax. They gave up their principles for shekels.

There's more and more evidence popping up every day, but we'll have to wait and see if the scientists can come up with enough to dispute the dominant 'Out of Africa' theory. You can't just uproot all of prehistoric human history at once just based on a handful of teeth and bone splinters. Tests have gone wrong before.

A core one too, opening the doors to race mixing is the ultimate destruction, not worth any tax discount.

Fuck off, this is our planet, Nigger genes were frozen in space and crash landed here and spread rapidly

Sounds about right


>They gave up their principles for shekels.
Shekels are their principles, at least at the level where doctrine is being set.

trolling kangz for maximum keks lads

keks @10:05 @35:20

>Some unknown higher simian roamed Europe 9.7 millions of years ago
>Therefore, somehow, mankind descends from it

Literally WEWUZ

>see if the scientists can come up with enough to dispute the dominant 'Out of Africa' theory
Already disproven.