Why does anyone support the cuckfederacy in 2017

Why does anyone support the cuckfederacy in 2017

you were defeated in every sense of the word

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so was hitler, except in ideology
fuck you

You can't /thread yourself.

>"why are we celebrating the losers, huh?!?!?!"

>"let's change "Columbus Day" to "Indigenous Peoples Day!!!!"

That would make a good countersignal meme


Eat shit OP

Because the flag represents our collective southern identity.

collective white southern identity. ftfy

You'll get yours soon enough you nigger loving Yankee.


>Why does anyone support the cuckfederacy in 2017
Because you don't want us to support it.

Its a desperate reach they use to feel better about their backwards/ignorant culture of drinking, relative fucking and making moonshine in the woods

Of being too lazy to pick your own cotton? Maybe if your entire economy didn't hinge on free labor you'd not be a drain on the rest of America and a meme to the whole world. But no you stuck to a one-note economy of farming and growing cotton and peanuts so you could loaf on the porch of some mansion in a Col. Sanders looking suit chugging mint juleps, which somehow makes you the far lazier ones than the hundreds of negroes picking your crops

I don't support the Confederacy... but their honored dead deserve to be memorialized and remembered as much as those of the Union. The Civil War was the worst, the bloodiest, the most tragic conflict in our nation's history, and to disregard, disrespect, and disgrace those who died fighting in it, regardless of which side they were on, is to completely forget the hard-learned lessons of that war.

Le ebin sherman would be on my side maymay
Meanwhile he was a literal madmam to the right of most southerners

>thinking this is a legitimate counterexample

How many Nazi monuments does Germany keep around itself?

How many Chechnya rebel memorials do you think Russia allows them to put up down there in Chechnya Oblast?

TL:DR nations tend not to immortalize separatist/treasonous movements from their history, for good reason

Maybe if Germany had been allowed to properly memorialize its fallen 70 years ago, it wouldn't be destroying Europe and committing self-genocide today.

No its in the German DNA to destroy Europe.
And Europeans are too pussy to stand up to them, well except Poland, Poland is fucking based

less than %1 of southerners owned slaves

>not smart enough to realize it is

Because Germany is a utopia now..

>defeated people can't have pride in their ancestors who, despite the outcome, fought against overwhelming odds
