"The Alt Right Has a New Symbol"



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Make nazi Breathing oxigen signs.

>neo nazi has a new simbol = oxigem

Media is so out of touch, it's hard to believe

This is now a fashwave thread

friendly reminder Anglin is an Israel First kike

Neon lights, it's all white.

>facist wave

It all makes sense

So is anyone with a conscience

>Some things about Israel are okay

I don't even like Anglin, but holy fuck, if only it was possible to physically remove Naziboos from this board

are you dumb, this '''fascist''' vaporwave shit has always been called fashwave

This is reaching.

Will you call me a kike lover if I praise their ethnostate as a future model for our own?

kikes are better than pooslims

Name one thing that is okay about Israel without mentioning Muslims

You can't have a conscience and defend Jews.

>Fashwave artwork’s indebtedness to and departure from vaporwave is a prime example of what Angela Nagle called the alt-right’s “ability to assume the aesthetics of counterculture, transgression and nonconformity.”

The author concludes that the right has used art to become the counterculture and steal that role from the left. She is right and it is beautiful.The far right is now creating the symbols that influence the culture, not the left. I can't believe they actually came to understand that very important fact.

I saw a bunch of antifa fags on facebook pissed off because they thought the fash wave stuff looked pretty cool.

TFR at around 3 kids per woman

Friendly reminder that Eidolon is run by Mark Zuckerberg’s sister, who can’t get a real job in Classics because she doesn’t know Greek or Latin well enough to write a decent article (she tried to pluralize an adverb once in something she wrote). So, she writes and now publishes (electronically, because she isn’t scholarly enough for print) by generating controversies about modern classicists and things peripheral to classical studies. She’s not smart enough to do actual scholarship, so she shifts the goalposts by making noise about classical scholars in terms of feminism and race.

Are you moarpheus?


funny how these bugmen would sooner conjure up these bloated theses about how every aesthetic, movie, character, book, discussion Sup Forums has at one point liked is "alt-right" or "facist", than just accept the ubiquity of the chan culture. These cunts will write whole books on the "phenomenon" of Sup Forums (which will be horribly confused), ignoring whats staring them right in the face -- pop culture belongs to us.

MIDF detected


>be me
>have fashwave meme page
>dont get mentioned



She just runs the site, but didn't write the article, correct? I mean the article was good, at least partially, because it reached the correct conclusion that they symbols being constructed by the right are effective but she spent the whole article talking about how awful they are. How can they both seize the counter-culture from the left but at the same time be bad works of art.

If this is what passes for well constructed writing she should stick to just managing a magazine, but maybe change the topic to something simpler.


Hey, I just learned of another one
The UN put a heavy arms embargo on apartheid South Africa back in the 1970s. Despite the embargo, Israel continued to trade and support the apartheid government.

are you?

co-opting Zionism to equate attacking white nationalism with attacking Israel has been a successful tactic. I'd do the same thing as Anglin despite not giving a shit about Israel or stinky Arabs. They can wipe each other out completely for all I care. You'd have to be retarded to take anything he says at face value. He used to have the "world's number one pewdiepie fansite" as a banner for fucks sake he's a professional troll.

this is now a fashwave therad

Which would hurt Israel more:

>exposing them as hypocrites
>exposing them as responsible for European Genocide and Globalism


>they don't know about fashnoir

Right. The author was a grad student in Amsterdam. Zuckerberg is the editor of the blog.
The SCS (the main professional association for classicists in the US) took a heavy turn to the left when Trump got elected and has started supporting and publicizing Zuckerberg’s commentary on social media encounters with the alt-right. It’s caused a bit of a rift in the classics community, most of which doesn’t want to see the field politicized like the MLA did to the modern languages (now a Marxist cesspit that hates America and wants an end to borders). Sone of us aren’t renewing membership for the next year, which is a pretty drastic step considering that it’s the professional association that handles all job placement in the field.

If this is actually true, then the fight is over, we've lost, and you may leave. If Anglin is controlled op, the game is over. Period.

So I refuse to believe it.


>Liking nice things

Who cares? The filthy kikes have already done as much damage as they possibly can. Destroying Israel accomplishes nothing at this point and it is not my concern.

I hear the sound of dicks being sucked.


lel nah man. taking their pawns before we take their Queen is the natural rhythm of the game. just have to be willing to take the pawns.

6 million illegals being deported every day


Which would gain us more political capital sooner:

>using very reasonable talking points that take advantage of opinions that many elements of the public already have about geopolitics
>re-using Hitler's platform of counter-semitism in the current year and expecting it to resonate as well as it used to


Israel's influence only exists because our governments are full of corrupt officials, and our privatized central banking systems give them undue leverage over our economy. We can fix both of these problems, thus fixing the Jewish problem, without even broaching the topic of the Jewish Question to the public.


>tfw ancap but fashwave is sexy
I'm a juicy contradiction

>Who cares?
not an answer. come at me when you have integrity.

Help me fill my fash folder


off balance layout
pretty colours tho

>Israel's influence only exists because our governments are full of corrupt officials, and our privatized central banking systems give them undue leverage over our economy.
True. But how did Israel gain this control? I;m not avoiding your question and I will answer it but we have to understand all the factors. So how did Israel gain such control over the nations?


MLA, the organization that put out the style guide I used when at college, was politicized by the commies? I guess I should have stuck to Chicago when writing my papers. In all seriousness I am happy that you are guys are refusing to renew as those organizations should suffer for become so political. I knew the professors were always to the left, and did a number on me and my fellow students when I was there, but I didn't realize they were corrupting the organizations to such a degree.

Peterson was right the Universities need to be defunded and we need some alternate form of higher education free from their indoctrination.

at this point, we need to meme
> dihydrogen monoxide
into an evil enhancer chemical used by neo-nazis

>e id o lon
> relevamnet

>Integrity is not wanting to senselessly murder a bunch of innocent people out of spite for a few bad apples

Back at you, you controlled opposition shill. Why can't you niggers channel your impotent rage onto something more blatantly evil, like the Open Society Foundation?

I made a thing

>our only options are doing what the Jews want or murdering them
either/or thinking is immature and unhelpful.


Almost needs no editing, but I'm sure some user could do something cool with it.

MLA runs English and the modern foreign languages. The Englishbots who failed on the job market and ended up teaching “communications” or “rhetoric” or “media studies” also tend to be MLA. All the above also use MLA format for citations and bibliographies; Chicago style is mainly for historians. Classicists, the truest autists of academia, look with disdain on all and have a variety of different citation formats, most of which compete in terms of brevity.

probably my favorite of all of them Tbh

It is beautiful.
Saved, thanks.

Caring about the Jews at all is immature and unhelpful. An enemy is an enemy. Their race, religion or creed does not matter. They can all be dealt with via physical removal.

Protip: eidolon is the source of the English word “idol,” as in the false kind.

Can you explain how deporting all the Jews to Israel will prevent non-Jewish Zionists from enacting Israel's agenda in secret just as they've done for decades?

pls post more fashwave lads. I'm building a folder. Its very appealing


The cathedral of light aesthetic is really quite stunning.


Also building a folder. Even ideology aside it's aesthetic as fuck

would someone do a picture with angery muslims/ refugees that says, " save europe from eternal night "

Did you even read what I just wrote? We deport all Israel-firsters to Israel, Jewish or not.


>So how did Israel gain such control over the nations?

This is a very big historical topic. Pic related gives a rough timeline of Jewish involvement in European politics.

The answer to your question, in simple terms, would be people becoming indebted to Jewish moneylenders in the pursuit of personal ambitions, or corrupt leaders being bribed, wars being financed etc. The democratization of the West (which began with the slaughtering of the Germanic royalty and nobility in France, Jews really hate Germans for some reason), and later the privatization of money printing have together led to an unprecedented amount of Jewish influence. With certain economic changes, and a strong, ideological leadership these problems can be dealt with (indeed the very process of democratization was started because it would render our governments inefficient and easily corruptible. Anybody effecting major change will have to wade through so much red tape they will likely not see their dreams realized before their time in power has ended).

My general opinion is that we can pass around Jew memes here and discuss Jewish influence etc but it's not wise at the moment to use it as an open platform, we should be focusing on accruing political capital, and with that capital producing societal changes that are contrary to the developments of the last millennium and, if you are a traditionalist, since the Christianization of Europe in general.

How can you tell if someone is Israel First if theyre not a Jew? You think theyre just going to admit it or what?

This article basically read like "Everything that is popular that I just found out about is alt-right!"


Tangerine Dream - Dream Mixes

Ray Lynch - Deep Breakfast

>My general opinion is that we can pass around Jew memes here and discuss Jewish influence etc but it's not wise at the moment to use it as an open platform,

It is not the right time for the JQ to be a part of the platform, agreed, but things like the Federal Reserve and banking should be. You could, theoretically, fee a country from the money lenders without linking that to the Jews in the mind of the public. Some may notice the (((coincidences))) but no harm for those that don't. Either way we help our fellow man by removing the influence of the money lenders and their system of slavery.

> but things like the Federal Reserve and banking should be. You could, theoretically, fee a country from the money lenders without linking that to the Jews in the mind of the public.

That's literally what I said here

It's easy enough to tell from what they support and what their main talking points are.

The reverse is also true, Jews, particularly here in America, are often not Zionists. We have so many liberal "Jews" that support Palestine because they're regular Kool-Aid drinkers. These people may be deported to the Gaza strip instead

So you did, I should have pay more attention to the thread.

>putting the neon in neonazi
that's catchy. I like it.

good answer. can we agree people become lost in money-lending scams because theyre deceived by the Jews? if so..the answer to
>Which would gain us more political capital sooner..
is realizing the ENTIRE strategy of our Enemy hinges solely on deception Even the MOSSAD's slogan is "By Way of Deception." We can topple the entire Jewish castle by simply exposing their deceptions. Nothing else does the Jew fear more than his lies being exposed before the People. He does not fear being called a hypocrite, greedy, inbred, or anything else. I call you all to replace Jewish lie with the truth, and the most pressing matter facing the world is not ethno-nationalism VS traditional nationalism but genocide. Not just European Genocide but the genocide of all men: omnicide. This is what we should expose the Jews for first because it is most pressing.

so your entire backup plan for crypto-Zionists is that you hope they accidentally expose themselves?

you don't belong here.

Also by projecting and relying on pseudo-intellectual overanalizing coming from their own circlejerk of hysterical lefties (they even cite the article that syas that marble is white supremacist lol) they miss the point entirely. This is why "leftists can't meme" IS a meme.


I don't have to hope. Support for Israel over America is mostly irrelevant and nonexistent outside of Congress, where it is easily manifested as "Russian and Syrian aggression" and shit like that. Or in the billions we give to Israel in foreign aid. This stuff is so transparent.

>Support for Israel over America is mostly irrelevant and nonexistent outside of Congress
>and religion
>and media
>and education
>and entertainment
>and even hurricane relief

you havent given your strategy a single day of thought, have you?

The Internet has given me a great deal of hope when it comes to combating the Jewish media monopoly. The content that is created does not even have to be made by the people on the far right as long as it is free of subversive kike propaganda it is helpful. The problem is as soon as people get popular the jew is right around the corner to offer them money and get their tendrils around the neck of the content creator.

It really all comes back to money which makes me think we may need a large economic collapse to finally bring about full weimar conditions in America. Confronted with those same conditions we may be able to manifest the same type of solution. Although that would require the correct application of propaganda, which the jews control.

More like Zeon am I right?

>crypto-Zionists is that you hope they accidentally expose themselves

They already do. They operate so publicly it takes only a second of scrolling on Wikipedia to figure out exactly who controls any given bank or media conglomerate. What they've managed to do is make the social climate such that even with this knowledge, it's impossible to do anything with it because as soon as you bring up Jews and their influence on politics and finance the normie's brain shuts down.

I think a better way of bringing this topic to the public is to talk about corporatism, since that is effectively the way in which they are operating. Plus, they themselves are not the only problem, there are plenty of goy-run organizations that are intentionally collaborating with their plans which will need to be dealt with as well. People will be far more receptive to "this central bank is intentionally inflating currency for the benefit of its cronies" or "this corporation is playing on the sympathetic nature of the European people to bring in foreign workers for their own economic purposes rather than any lofty humanitarian goal" and things of this sort than they would be to "It's the Jews" no matter how accurate that statement might be.

You can essentially pull the rug out from under the Jews and their collaborators while dodging the political suicide that would come from attacking Jewish finance entirely.

Now, back to the original topic of Israel and Anglin. Anglin doesn't care about Israel and I doubt he thinks their "banning" of George Soros is in good faith. I doubt he trusts them as far as he could throw them (neither do I). The point is that in the mean time getting people's noggin joggin on the whole "wait a minute, why do I think Jews should have their own country but not white people?" thing is really the best possible move.

Support for Israel =/= Israel First
You're like a fucking delusional liberal

fashscrewball comedy when?

What program are these effects from?

Good insights. Jews control the scene because you and I allow it. We see Spencer and others running the show and some think they're fighting so we dont have too. Those of us who know different should give them fierce competition or otherwise not complain and accept our Jewish masters.

when do you realize deportation without reformation is a failed approach because Zionism and "Jewishness" can spread among any peoples or any lineage? The problem is not the Jewish PEOPLE but Jewishness itself.
>"banning" of George Soros is in good faith.
Soros has protected Israel, user. This kike VS. kike shit is a trick...

>implying there is no conspiracy to own the federal banks

"muh joos!" right, leftypol?


>deportation without reformation is a failed approach because Zionism and "Jewishness" can spread among any peoples or any lineage?

We weren't talking about that. I briefly mentioned traditionalism in one of my posts, which should give you a hint as to the kind of 'reformation' I'd implement. The topic at the moment was only what is happening and what steps we can take to solve it. We can talk about the restoration of ritual consecrations and the castes after we fix the fact that we have literally no control over our interest rates or inflation and our entire media are the propaganda branch of a foreign nation.

>Soros has protected Israel, user. This kike VS. kike shit is a trick...

If you could read I said "I doubt he thinks the banning was in good faith." I was insinuating that both I and likely Anglin don't really buy the Israel vs Soros narrative.

>We see Spencer and others running the show and some think they're fighting so we dont have too.

Everyone has to do something. Even if you can't make a fancy video or change the minds of thousands of people you can still make use of your ability to speak, carefully select and push certain topics of conversation, and help change the minds of the people you know. One voter at a time, that way when the right leader is generated and starts to gain a following you will have primed people to be ready to jump on board.