Are the nazi and white supremacy crowds cool with gay people?

Are the nazi and white supremacy crowds cool with gay people?

What are everyone's thoughts on gay people?
Cool regardless,
Cool so long as they don't hit on you,
Not ok?

Other urls found in this thread:

No. Gays need to hang.

Disgusting subhuman filth.

Quite frankly, as long as they keep it behind closed doors, I could care less.

Bring that shit out in the open and I'll bust out the finest rope in my arsenal.

kill 'em all

faggoty little jewish lying females. the scum of the earth

an apple a day stupid goyim

Fags get the rope.

tampons get ropes too

Think about all the work your parents put into raising you, only for you to deny them grand kids and to destroy your own bloodline. This is the antithesis of everything good and natural. The Bible is right- homosexuals are deranged and an abomination, you guys just need help.

>Fuccboi peeing his panties after hanging himself
Well, hold that thought a second. I don't disagree though, marriage is between a man and woman just like how the Good Lord intended.

wrong. all of these are in every repeated spam thread on this. all lies. youre all fags. youre all pedos. youre all satanists

Completely agree. Gas the faggots first.
If Hitler was a faggot I'd gas him. No room for men you like to have cock in their mouth and ass and want to fuck your in your ass

no you wouldnt. you create israel and ignore his fagginess and that of his party. also all his antichrist symbolism

...Would you happen to have a source on this artist? You know, for scientific research.
Be gone faggots

I'll still find a redpilled aryan bf to fuck my boypussy

be gone period drinkers

Homophobia is a mental illness exploited by religious fundamentalists and enabled by a gun-obsessed culture

Am I the only one who wants thinks we can cure them?

Kill yourself faggot

Spoken like a true cock swallower.
Pitch or catch?

Keep it behind close doors. You get as many rights as any single people. No Marriage and sure as fuck no adoption.

dont forget fake muslim fake jewish fertility cults

I am. Just stop pushing it everywhere

i dont see why not. the degenrate behaviour in gay is solveable because it affetcs straights too.once we find a solition to drug addiction,promiscuity,personality disprders ect gays should be fine

Nah. Definitely getting gassed or a firing squad. Depending on the real number

This one's from him also.

Homophobia is natural and correct. Unlike homosexuality which effectively destroys your bloodline.


Nobody cares what stormfags think about anything. The reddit LARPing cunts have ruined this board

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.


only some of us
again, only some of us

I love standing up against the ultimate
form of degeneracy. Faggot are the worst. Period. You cock suckers are trying to start a diaspora on /pol but we won't fall for it. Don't get comfy butt fucker if it HAPPENS you are all going to burn.

Religion is the ultimate blue pill.
Amazing that you plebs still don’t get it

Honestly I wouldn't have much of a problem with fags as long as they keep it to themselves and don't go out parading it around and throwing it in everyone's face. However that's not the case nor will it ever be so to hell with them.

They want to push it in your ass idiot goy

believe me, despite being gay i hate those fucking fairies. makes me ashamed.

Why did you lose your empire Pedro?

Right and the hard cock you swallow is so red pilled give me a break shlomo

Homosexuality is completely normal. It is found in every culture, every religion, every nation, in both female and male, and at all ages. It has been found since time immemorial and is in fact as old as human itself. It is not something very different from a left-handedness, which is seen in minority population but is still normal. It is not a handicap by which a homosexual is not able to perform certain physical or mental activities which a heterosexual can. Except for sexual orientation, a homosexual is similar to a heterosexual. It is neither a genetic defect nor a biological abnormality. Homosexuals are normal people with a different sexual orientation.

>c-christianity is tots not jewish guys, i s-swear

Sadly, a very large chunk of gays are pedos or deal with pedo thoughts. This is why you have to go to California, and then we shall annex you

Fuck off shlomo. You suck dick irl. I wouldn't even want to stand next to you

All the forms of devil worship encourage and often require homosexuality. Coincidence?


hey, i hate those fucking kikes for what they did to me, just like you.

Shills post this fuckin thread every day for the past 10 years.

Let it fucking die already. Does it look like youre changing anyone's mind? Sure doesnt, huh?


lmfao... you think that vague bullshit is going to change my mind?
There are a lot of things that fit the same criteria you named that I don't want anything to do with and if there was a nuke button I'd push you into it.

Fucking faggot mods leave this shit up but delete threads about getting rid of the shill problem.

No ones arsed where your dick goes as long as you don't promote it to kids

Gas the Fags.

the worst actual thing gays do to the right is undermine how arbitrary hierarchies and social norms are which is bad in general, but nobody loathes faggots more than the secretly gay nazi who'll never be a pure thulean god like his brothers (pic related)

Invisible noose around his neck


Trust me. You don't hate it
>just like me

I know this thread is fucking bait but just in case you faggots thought /pol was ok with your degeneracy, I thought I'd rage a little. Let my power level
Show a little.


I dont give a shit what you do with your dick. But marriage is not right i'd say.

No problem with gays, if a dude wants to fuck a dude let them. Transgender on the other hand is fucked up, no it's not normal to need drugs to become another gender. Fuck off with that shit

sage faggot

you should join a gym or get a paper route instead and put all that extra energy to good use

You can fuck off, transphobic trash.

> don't really identify as nazi / white supremecy
> my redpills on gay (/marriage) are just about too strong for gays and nazi's / trumpers alike
> you may ask, but be warned

>you're gay

Gay nales ? Yeah. Not only bacause they statistically the most intelligent and innovative group.

Gay females however : no. Absolutely no way. They need to be burnt, shot, beheaded or otherwise erradicated.
They are unironically the most eeeeevil, toxic, psychopatic group of 'people' on this planed. They are a disease and must be totally erradicated.

>kids becoming gay with no explanation
> ((( lgbtq community)))
wow sure do love all that. cant wait to fuck random strangers in a godless promiscuous rage

Only Americans care about other people's sexuality (among the followers of the religion of peace).

I wish I was gay. Having a guy to share life with? Would be awesome. Friendship, no drama, AND sex? Fucking sign me right the fuck up.

Two genders only. There's no such thing as nonbinary.

I do have a problem with you, you’re a degenerate so you’re the problem and we will have you all killed so Sage

No, faggots are abominations not tolerated.

I don’t give a shit. Just don’t be a faggot about it
>A bunch of fags rape a straight white guy into becoming a fag

Damn right I'm transphobic, it's a mental illness that is completely accepted for some reason.

To the furnaces with you and your trannies, the gays can stay though.

gays spread disease and pestilence wherever they are. degenerate sex perverts and most often pedophiles as well, no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

i mean... have you tried it? :3c

> vegas was just an attempt to stop me posting
Are you scared yet?

Calm down pence

take back the rainbow

i guarantee you you're anemic IRL

There's nothing inherently wrong about homosexuality, bisexuality, or the like. Most issues come from behaviors like promiscuity and unsafe sex, which are neither inherent nor exclusive to people with nontraditional choice in relationship partners. Gay pride AFAIK is just a silly excuse to party, and it's an extension of petty identity politics that distracts from serious issues.
t. bisexual

Keep it to yourself and the few people who know won't care. No faggots though

Homosexuals / sexual: I dont care. Don't throw your gay pride in my face like your something special or a better person for taking another guy's cock in your ass. I dont give a fuck, just dont bother me with your bullshit.

Transgenders: Its a mental disorder / attention whoring to the max. Your not a "woman" because you feel pretty. Im not going to "respect your pronouns" because fuck you. If you were born a man, you're a man. If you were born a woman, you're a woman. Sorry, play the cards your dealt.

Remember the other veiled cia threat against australians
> aussie in america reports rape, gets shot by police in her pj's

I appreciate the offer, but I'm really not interested.


I don't see why promiscuous straights aren't lumped in with the degenerates

K but I still don't wanna hang'em. I don't mind seeing them out in public holding hands and shit I just don't like their parades.

Trans women are women. Go fuck off.

anyone going on and on about purging degenerates etc etc is covering up their own (much weirder) degeneracy

I don't see a how homosexuality could be normal in terms of biology. One of the main obligations if not the main obligation that all life forms have is to procreate. By being a homosexual you disallow yourself from naturally procreating. Therefore, my logic would align me to believe that homosexuality is wrong because of the aforementioned. I have a theory that it is a mental disorder.

They are mentally ill future suicide attempts

I’d be a lot cooler with them if they didn’t join hand in hand with pedos, trannies, and psychopathic feminazis at the voting booth every time they feel like redefining what a right is just because someone tells them no.

>slippery slope isn’t real! Don’t worry guys!
>tranny and pedo advocates explode onto the scene
>lol no hate, guys!

Suicide rates in the transgender community are so high simply because of people like you who bully them. People like you who tell them they are wrong or ill. Transgender people are not “mentally ill.” They are like the rest of us, only they happen to feel their identity does not match what they were born as.

Trans women are not women, they are men who cut their dick off cause its easier to prey on simple minded liberals who will give them thousands of dollars to pay for their mental illness surgery

Some have the sense to keep their private lives private.

> Justine Damond: 911 call transcripts reveal series of events that led to ... News World Americas
Jul 20, 2017 - ... to an Australian woman being shot dead after reporting a suspected rape ... out the back and I'm not sure if she's having sex or being raped.

Don't care. They will always be an irrelevant minority. Just quit shoving it in everyone's face.

I could care less about faggots sucking cock. Niggers, on the other hand, are stupid as fuck & they smell like a fucking sewer.

all LGBTQWTF into the gas chambers

we could argue all day about the meaning of "wrong". the truth is that it's not natural and it renders you unable to produce viable offspring. in this day and age we are limited by biology, but maybe from an moral/ethical standpoint we should be. if nothing else, what's natural is preferable to what's unnatural or would you disagree?

Total bullshit. You are physically a male.
You've never experienced anything other than being a male.
You don't know what being anything else feels like.
So you can't claim to feel different from the rest of us.