DNC 2020

Does Hillary still have enough blackmail to be in the 2020 race? If not her who do the dems support?
Realistically, is bern the only candidate with enough popular support to have a shot against trump?

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>Does Hillary still have enough blackmail to be in the 2020 race?
I wish
>If not her who do the dems support?
Probably Warren or some other progressive lunatic.
>Realistically, is bern the only candidate with enough popular support to have a shot against trump?
Bernie is overrated, realistically a centrist could beat Trump in 2020, someone Biden tier.

The question isn't if shes got enough blackmail, the question is if she'll have enough energy.

This. Biden is the best chance they got. He's got to stay healthy though. I don't see a dark horse candidate because usually they need a few years of build up. Obama spoke at the 04 dem convention, and you can see they were trying to put him in the spotlight. As of now, I don't see the dems putting anyone in the spotlight.

god the Dem's have become the party of old, slow, low energy geezers.

their "frontrunners" are HIllary and Bernie, who by 3 years from now will be fucking ancient.

been pushing kamala harris pretty hard but the feeling I get today is that DNC 2020 is wide open

>Does Hillary still have enough blackmail to be in the 2020 race?

no she is done

>If not her who do the dems support?
Lyndon Larouche is the only acceptable answer

If the party was honest and wanted to make real attempts at making the country better + making their party better, they would choose Tulsi.

That's not what they want or who they are, so they will choose Karmala Harris. If she ends up fizzing out in popularity they will probably try to run Bernie again, but I imagine party leaders won't humor that shit again. W/e blackmail they have on him will probably still be relevant then. Meanwhile, they'll push out Warren to see how she might do, but ultimately they will all fail.

Nobody has a shot again trump. Liberalism can't beat the man he is immune to it. Best card they had was Hillary and the pussy tape and it was ineffective

>ultimately they will all fail.
yes but we will have missed an opportunity for massive memes, we have to push Larouche into the DNC spot, just for the debates, Larouche with his Israeli Nazi conspiracy shit will be epic entertainment and he runs every year anyway, he just needs to be himself and have a few retards on the internet pretend to be democrats and vote in the primaries

They don't have a younger Biden in the deck. No charismatic Bill type in his 40-50s


The DNC needs to introspect and decide if we REALLY want to avoid another 4 years of Trump.

Because if Trump wins... fuck it. Just fuck it.

Are you guys actually Democrats? Biden doesn't really have any grass roots power. Any staying power he had a year ago was destroyed by pandering against the right with no real substance. He'll be torn up as a limousine liberal almost immediately, and rightfully so.

Bernie/Tulsi would be a hell of a ticket.

Bernie killed his own movement. 0 chance he is able to build that infrastructure up again after he let Hillary and the DNC steal an election from him and his supporters. A year later, still hasn't said shit, and is now parroting DNC/anti-Russia talking points. Most Bernie supporters I know want nothing to do with him, and some are full blown Trump supporters now, like myself. At minimum he won't have the financial support or volunteer support after a few ads reminding folks about how quickly and silently he gave up.

We'd love to see Tulsi give it a shot though.

>T. Correct The Record minion,

fuck you and fuck the Hildebeest you shill for anywhere and everywhere online


Bernie is the only chance the DNC has to redeem themselves and have any odds of winning vs. Trump in the 2020 election

didn't this guy kill someone and pay to cover it up?

*Me Praying*
>Dear God, Please allowed the Democrats to run (((Bernie "Free Stuff" Sanders))) in 2020.


On August 5, 1987, while driving a rented BMW in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland, Broderick crossed into the wrong lane and collided head-on with a Volvo driven by Anna Gallagher, 30, accompanied by her mother, Margaret Doherty, 63, killing both instantly. Broderick was vacationing with Jennifer Grey, whom he had begun dating in semi-secrecy during the filming of Ferris Bueller's Day Off; the crash publicly revealed their relationship. Broderick suffered a fractured leg, fractured ribs, a concussion, and a collapsed lung. Grey received minor injuries, including whiplash. Broderick told authorities he had no recollection of the crash and did not know why he was in the wrong lane. "I don't remember the day. I don't remember even getting up in the morning. I don't remember making my bed. What I first remember is waking up in the hospital, with a very strange feeling going on in my leg," he said at the time. Broderick was charged with causing death by dangerous driving and faced up to five years in prison, but was later convicted of the lesser charge of careless driving and fined $175

>fined $175 for killing two people

Here's a dank mee-mee for ya


Bernie was old as fuck this election, no way will he be able to stay awake for it next go-around

They will be no democratic party left in 2020 its been nearly a year and they still have nothing going on.

>its been nearly a year and they still have nothing going on.
The only thing they have is hate for Trump. Hate is the only thing the Dems have going.

Hate for Trump is the only thing that keeps the Dems alive until the next piece of liberal trash makes its way to the top of the trash heap known as the Democrat party.

Sanders, Kamala Harris, and all the other Dems who have said they will run can be beat by Trump without much issue. The only problem is the Dems plan on an all out assault on Trump with trash like Mark Cuban and others with hopes they can bait Trump into unnecessary fights.

Tulsi for whatever reason doesn't play well with the rest of the party's agenda.
Not evil enough for the clinton camp and not communist enough for the marxist camp. Not hippie enough fr the tree huggers either.

She is definitely not as easily manipulated as most of the dems and I suspect she is only with them because republican is such a pejorative label right now.

If bernie doesn't fall and break his hip I honestly think the party leaders can manipulate him into bending towards their interests.

loads of jews in pittsburgh

Memes? I got some memes, kid.

reminder that this piece of shit killed a family while drunk driving and never did a day of jail time because he is rich and jewish.

I hope that ex-military woman in Hawaii

old but good

excuse me do you want good press or do you want to try and actually win?

because it is now and always has been impossible for a jew to win in the general

Is this the joke when the ESB is the best movie?

Corey Booker, better believe it.


Every time someone says "The _____ Party is on its deathbed!", I laugh

Never underestimate a bureaucracy's will to survive and accumulate more power

This. The Democratic Party might have fuck-all going on, but they will sure as shit quash or co-opt any serious attempt to build a different "left"-leaning party.

>with trash like Mark Cuban

Mark Cuban would have a good chance against Trump

Lyndon Larouche is the only guy worth our time, he says the right things and probably Trump will give him a job like ambassador to Israel after he loses

Warren, that black dude who Obama wants to run, McAuliffe, Cuomo, and Booker might run.

Al Gore, Bill Richardson, and Joe Biden are possible.

Jerry Brown or some old tall white New Yorker will run in the primaries to get them used to debating a big dude on stage.

>Bill will die of a "heart attack" in the next few years
>Hillary will turn gay for one last shot at the title
>huma will guest star in hillarys last performance
>also newly announced gay
>will be driven out before first primary

It'll be him. I remember hearing he was lined up for the future anyways. Isn't he secretly gay though?

Hillary has enough black mail to keep from getting suicided by Deep state that’s about it. As for who send will run in the next election it won’t matter because they’re still to far left and need to come back to the center to win presidency which they won’t because they’re so anti trump they’re killing themselves. Trumps gotta cake walk at 8 years even if NK breaks out simply because it’ll never reach the US and an already booming economy plus war would be a massive boost.

T Kaine?

jewish privilege

the average voter probably doesn't care whether he's a zionist or not, even if he wasn't, I still wouldn't vote for him. I'm just saying someone like him would be most likely to beat Trump.

There's too much dirt on Biden that's now public info. The MSM obviously refuses to touch it, but I think they (the DNC, et al.) saw the damage that us little people can do - Russia was a convenient scapegoat - or so they thought.
