Does Brazil have more or less crime than America?

Does Brazil have more or less crime than America?

More, are you fucking retarded? Their capital was listed as one of the most dangerous places in the world.

is this guy a monkey too?

Brazil probably has more niggers, so...

Nigger you ever been on Best Gore or Live Leak?

90% of the vids are Brazilian monkeys killing each other.

So worse than Chicago?

Probably more per capita, but if you compared nigger areas in America to favelas I would guess there isn't too big of a difference. Ever been to South Chicongo or Baltimore?

You don't have favellas

I mean, if you can't even bother to do your own research on the difference between a first world and a third world country, than nobody can take you seriously.

If you hate America, good for you. Keep being mad.

well, its very select locations. I've lived here for my whole life, never been robbed, stabbed. i mean, ive already stole shit(like fucking gum), but the problem is drugs man.

you don't have food.

I know America is first world country in 2017 but when you hear about people dying in Chicago every day and the las vegas massacre you start to wonder...

crime is widespread but concentrated in metropolitan areas mostly, in different forms

Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Porto Alegre have quite a big percentage in areas that are not middle, upper-middle and upper classes or touristic (besides pickpocketing)

the pardos (favelanogs) butcher each other with machetes in their containment slums
on the other hand corruption and bribery are way more common

You're more likely to get jumped in Sao Paulo than in Curitiba, at least from my experience

America is first world in name only at this point. Our schools blow, our media is in cahoots with the government, who are in cahoots with the banks, the infrastructure is fucking crumbling, our airports are absolute shit tier and worse than supposedly "second world" countries. Parts of the US are nice, sure, but so are parts of Brazil. Most people who defend the absolute state of our crumbling nation have never been outside of it. And our cities? Don't get me started nigga. East St Louis makes Mumbai look nice

I'd commit a sex crime in that juicy bunda.

No, you really don't. If you really think America is so bad, then go live in Brazil.

Got scars on my face. You're just lucky.

a lot more. Like this serial killer in the photo.

Just don't flip it over. Having it's limp cock slap against your stomach sounds kinda gay.

you can't have crimes if there are no laws user

Except "select locations" on a country your size can be massive issues.

Deaths don't define world status mongo

They are monkeys dude. They speak bird-chirp and stuff.

you know all those motorcycle assassination videos??? lots of them are in brazil

fuck brazil

bump for general Brazilian politics discussion

>BRAAPposting is dead...

Chicago is probably equally dangerous as Brazil. Same as Rio de Janeiro. But Chicago is one city. Brazil is an entire country with an insane amount of murders, and a criminal 'justice' system which protects the criminal scum. Plus you can't have guns.

Brazil has over 60,000 murders per year, and smaller population than us. We have less than 16,000 murders per year (most in places like Chicago lel)

Brazil has ten times more crime than America. Per capita and outright.

>storytime Vanderley???????????///

Controlled by per capita Brazil has the worst gun violence in the world. Whenever you look at things like this you need to make sure you're controlling for population. When people haul out information about gun violence and the U.S. they conveniently leave out the large population that the country has. Per capita is generally a better metric for measuring these types of things.

>Brazil has ten times more crime than America. Per capita and outright.

I forget the numbers, and when I last looked at them a while ago so they're probably out of date now, but Brazil by per 100,000 residents has something to the tune of like 5 times more gun homicide than the U.S. has.

>gun homicide

Gun homicide is a meaningless statistic, favored only by gun-grabbers, because it ignores knife murders more prevalent in places like England and etc, making America look worse.

But you say Brazil is five times more violent than USA. I say ten. Either way it's way more violent. I don't know anyone who has been shot or stabbed or killed. Can most Brazilians say the same?

Brazil is a 'gun control paradise' and should serve as an example to us, why we must never give up our guns.

Let me put it this way: Ive seen brazilians here saying that friends of theirs regularly got shot by stray bullets and that people there point guns at each others heads over ridiculous minor road rage incidents.

You take your own conclusions (never been to either the US or brazil).

Can I lick your ass

The best place to live in Brazil is the south part, only descendants of Germans, Russians and Italians. The rest is violent because it is infested with niggers

Are they as honest and hard working as the members of the government and large company CEO's? lol

I said regarding violence, because blacks are the majority of the poor who go to crime. But of course the political situation is sad. Basically a whole population wanting to take advantage of each other

Dont forget we have gun control.

Wtf are you 12?
This board is fucking ruined,

>people dying in Chicago every day
here one people is killed every 9 minutes

I would give [spoiler]almost[/spoiler] everything to live at chiraq

i wonder