Why is life so full of anxiety nowadays?

What is causing this?

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I don't know but I have it. Cheers

this is an actual issue that is prevalent in every 1st world country, and not a BBC post
get this shit off MY Sup Forums

Is it Capitalism? Lack of family?

Because you don't have to spend all your time hunting and gathering to survive each day...you have too much time on your hands and too much fake news to sift through

Before the internet and smartphones, people had down time. Time to just sit and think/relax. Most people today don't have those opportunities for stress reduction unless they make it a point to periodically unplug and meditate.

Humans were meant to move around a lot. Moving makes our bodies happy. We don't move enough anymore.

Man no longer has control over his own survival. It's dictated to you by a chain of schools, companies and various other administrative bodies for your entire life.
Anxiety fundamentally stems from uncertainty about the future, which arises because you do not feel like you have control over the future.
This has been an ever-creeping problem since we developed agriculture.

And the Standard American Diet.


Because we are so very rarely properly exhausted. Sustained physical exertion erases anxiety somehow. We didn't evolve to sit for weeks on end.

Because you are around people of different ethicnics, people of a different tribe. Always worried about a chimp out or a a bombing or being called racist for be successful, etc.

advanced capitalism invading every inch of our lives

Not sure, let me get another coffee and I'll think about it while I sit all day long instead of exercising
Pretty sure I can figure this out.

>Basically this
Very few people are actually able to survive on their own anymore (like innawoods survive). Therefore, you are essentially required to rely on civilization for survival which means the greatest danger you'll face is social ostracizing. In densely populated areas the opportunity to "fuck up socially" in multiplied a hundred times. Essentially, you can't escape the single most dangerous element of your existence...

Honestly, from what I can tell we are doing pretty good when you look at it like that.

Niggers and jews

even though there are fewer things to worry about that are directly life-threatening
there are more things people need to worry about

Kids are constantly taught everyone is against them.
>Oh highschool is full of jocks and mean cheerleaders and cliques and everyone will gossip about you!
>There are no jobs, education is shit, you have no future and no chance! You're doomed!
>You're a shitty generation and everyone hates you, you're good for nothing

Of course they're going to have anxiety. Everyone has told them how shit everything is, and at least the first 1 and a half of those is a lie. It's this constant pessimism passed down from previous generations that's ruining everything.

starbucks logo open legs for intercourse
men fall for lust,
just to end up
with stolen life

Mein neger

food additives/preservatives and processed sugar

Depression makes money, and 5th dimensional shits eat human emotions and apparently suffering tastes the best. That's what late night Sup Forums tells me, at least.

We were probably always anxious, if we didn't need to be anxious we wouldn't have evolved with it.

Why rates of anxiety are increasing however, I'd blame social media. I think its been shown the popularity correlates with the growth of anxiety. And I think that comes down to feeling inferior and detached from the community.

Like when you use social media you're basically an animal in a cage watching other animals walk by during the best periods of their life. Our brains aren't advanced, and they certainly aren't capable of primally interpreting what it sees when it sees social media.

You're just an animal who knows that someone else has a better life than you, and that won't make you feel better, it'll make you feel anxious, because of the implications that come from living worse off.

For example, if you're an animal and another animal is better than you, it will take your women, it might even take your land, it could even overpower you. If you see lots of better animals, that's lots of anxiety.

Humans have always been full of anxiety. People just weren't always encouraged to overshare their issues with others. Now that everyone shares everything, it only seems like there's more of it.

This is very interesting and well said.


It feels fucking amazing to be in-shape with zero anxiety.

To claim that I found my zen in the prime of my life - it's like I live on a different plain of existence than most.

mostly jews but we can get into some specific jewish tricks below:

1. Poison in food
2. Poison in water
3. Caffeine
4. Fucked up hormones from consuming jewish corporate poison
5. Most people are more isolated than ever due to jewish forced diversity
6. Following the last point, the jewish destruction of the family and community causes existential anxiety
7. Fake news media is meant to put you in a constant state of fight or flight

stop trying to convince this board how good you feel or whatever it's pathetic


It's lack of purpose.

The Jews got us to reject God and His Church, and so now we are reverting to paganism and hopelessness.

very good thread op

Purposelessness, nihilism, and disaffection.

For me it's the Pumping spice latte.
The best fall treat

>Man no longer has control over his own survival.

Holy fuck that you for putting this horrible feeling into words. That's exactly it.

Your picture answers your question, but I think you know this.

First off I think a lot people with anxiety are over-exaggerating.
I myself am Dutch and lived in the U.S. for a year and every chick I dated had anxiety issues over there.

That being said I do have light aspergers and ammore easily triggered to stress.
But that's all your own fault.

In my case I had a bad case of ex wife and tax problems.
Finally met my new christian-Israeli wife and moved here to a farm without all the bullshit.
Not a neet, have a good job but Israelis understand the value of r&r.
If I need a day off.. no problem.
If I want to come in later.. no problem I'll make up my hours another time.

Not promoting Israel, it's not perfect but I think people here do have a better life.

You've been a slave to the fear engine since 2001.

9/11 was more important as the beginning of terror as a constant state and it's subsequent mind-altering effects on the world than a few thousand dead bodies and trashed buildings.

You have been conditioned to expect fear, to accept it as a constant in life. That doesn't mean the exposure to fear stops having negative effects, of course.

Eventually, we will all crack one way or the other- societal collapse, or genocidal violence.

You're talking like these things are some sort of impossibility now. They aren't, they just require some semblance of self control. We literally live in the easiest age in the history of men; people have no excuse to be this level of stressed out

Too much technology and too many people.

>Wish we could turn back time
>To the good old days
>When our momma sang us to sleep but
>Now we're stressed out
>Wish we could turn back time
>To the good old days
>When our momma sang us to sleep but
>Now we're stressed out

My anthem

>self control
That was exactly my point...

>unless they make it a point to periodically unplug and meditate

The elites no longer follow Noblesse oblige. Government is straight up malicious now.

Also interesting and true,
Funny thing is that people iaren the west are always fearmongering.
However since I lived here I never been more relaxed even though I live around that shut all day.

Seriously a guy got stabbed in the supermarket around the corner and I just couldn't care less.


This. It's the whole system that is breaking us.
For me it's the fear of not passing my exams and dropping out of university. I'm in a master of (((ARTS))) in economics so its content is useless crap that wouldn't be studying otherwise. So I procrastinate, hate my life and shit my pants in fear.

Ask yourself this. . Will your fears help you pass your exam?
Don't think so.
Just study and do the best you can.
If you flunk that's shitty but nothing you could've changed if you did your best

>moved here to a farm without all the bullshit.
i think this might be a very important hint.
Too many people on a spot (cities) increase stress and fear level also. I have a cab out in the nowhere and whenever I'm there I can calm down and don't care. I may work hard all day (physical work) sometimes but it doesn't bother me at all, it is even more relaxing actually.

Idle hands mostly.

People could read the greatest works ever written, have almost a century worth of entertainment in electronic form alone.

So of course they dick around on the net instead of painting, learning, reading, socializing, fucking, ect ect

Would make me anxious too if I was a wreck

stupid kike. I hope you get cancer.

avocado toast

Haven't looked at it that way but yes I think you're right.
Honestly if I walk around on a Friday or Saturday there's no cars here.
Me and my wife sit out all day and just relax.

When I was in New Jersey I would often find myself trapped in a cage of people.
i Could see from a hilltop for miles and miles just built up with houses.

I actually felt like I could never be really alone.
And even if you are alone you still got the frigging cellphone

Here's a (you) retard

Most people are atheist.

How about spewing out your own opinion not Joe Rogans

You know that Christianity was built on fearmongering right?
Pray or you don't get to heaven and all that crap.

thank you master.

The alienation, false problems and fear for survival caused by capitalism


End yourself, kike.

Loss of meaning.
It's easier to be courageous when you have a purpose.

so you're not a kike ?
you're just a disgusting traitor to the dutch

>Because you don't have to spend all your time hunting and gathering to survive
Old method have been replace with wagecucking to survive.

Its because we stopped having sex with our daughters and little girls. Because of this we dont sate our sex drive.

>Because you don't have to spend all your time hunting and gathering
> all your time hunting meme

not sure why but I grind my teeth so fucking hard in my sleep I have to wear a footy mouthguard or they'll be gone by morning

If you want to call it that that's fine by me.
I just have a better life here.

Also Israelis and miles not really the same.. do some research first.
It's like you had a goddamn brainfart and realized too late that it was in fact diarrhea

the pic explains some of it. caffeine increases anxiety. dairy increases anxiety. dairy has unhealthy hormones and other drugs in the cows producing it. similar problems with all factory farmed meat.

corn syrup in every fucking thing. water is contaminated with the millions of birth control pills upriver of you, and practically every other pharmaceutical concoction known to man - in your water. + agricultural runoff (pesticides, fertilizers, etc.) + industrial/mining runoff (heavy metals, benzenes, etc.)

+ electromagnetic radiation everywhere

+ increased population density

+ poor economy, disintegrating society

+ ww3 incoming soon

Miles= kikes

I'm going to see a doctor because my lack of willpower to do many things has finally begun to apply to things I WANT to do. I can't sit down and watch a movie I want to watch, I can't play a game I just bought, I can't do anything. If I force myself to do these things, I just get really tired.

It's miserable, and I suspect this is clinical depression.

Everyone has fucking anxiety. A large portion of people just milk it for victim points. It isn't anything fucking new that people have only started suffering from recently. The best way to solve insecurities about yourself. Is to work on improving them yourself. Some people do and some people don't. That's life buddy.

Screen sickness.

CafeĆ­na triggers this.

You got it has it seems user.
Just remember that pills will never be the answer.
Try to find stressful factors and try to make a life change before you burn up.

Get rid of any debts.. mortgages and monthly bills if you can.
That's one thing that really helped me

No they don't.

I have two chapters in my life, before and after I developed anxiety. Before I had it, life was on rails, like a fucking cartoon so I know enough to make a comparison.

Taking a bunch of diazepam is the only way I can acquire normievision.

why are you so mouthy? Seems like your a true kike at heart.

how many mg's do you take a day?

If I was a kike I wouldn't be saying pay off your debts and mortgages.
Honestly I can relate to a lot of this.
Never had it as bad as most people here but I think this is a good thread.

Dont agree then f off

Too much information without the capability of parsing it correctly

is your pee pee cut ?
why are you jealous of Baku?

when in doubt it's always the jews

They're hard to get so I don't take them often but usually 15mg

it's just another kike trick, don't listen to (((him)))

General bodily inactivity.

Too many variables. My main bet is on how anti-social society has become as in you have less meaningful relationships. I can garuntee that people would be less anxious if they had a strong family unit and circle of friends. Instead we have whatever abomination our current society is. Too much mobility causes bonds to break at an ever increasing pace, people not willing to interact with others if they don't share their world view 100%, and constant bread and ciruses making people be alone in their homes.

Cultural capitalism, a.k.a. the society of the spectacle.

Industrial capitalism created unprecedented bounty for the average person by mass-producing the necessities of life cheaply. The problem is that it didn't stop there, and couldn't possibly stop there. Capitalism went right on up Maslow's hierarchy of needs, commodifying and selling the unsellable such as belonging, self-worth, and even personal identity. Identity politics on the right and left are the direct result of cultural capitalism.

These Pepsi and Coke commercials mark the beginning of "lifestyle marketing" which has radically altered culture:



So instead of pills isn't there another choice you can make.
Don't know your situation but mine was fubar.. still have a 10.000 euro debt with my ex and another 5.000 euros in taxes.

They can both kiss my arse now.

I used to take 60mg a day of valium, but now I can't afford it.. When i took them i had a job and everything.

Yes we have all been made into proletariat.

if kikeness is a disease you surely have it.

bad diet
being a fatass
constantly worried from social media/comparing lives with others

Don't forget pre-workouts

bad coffee

checked. so we will be ostracized for speaking the truth. got it.

Projection of sadness and anxiety by sad and anxious people on non-sad-or-anxious-people

What a incredibly selfish thing to say. So basically your anxiety matters but everyone elses doesn't. Just because majority of people don't whine about it on facebook. Doesn't mean they don't have fears that keep them up at night. Life may not be as good has it was when you were younger. However, that happens to everyone at some point in their life.

Aimlessness, self realization through materialism and public image, lack of Self, compound labor.


pretty much this, just that people don't it because it doesn't get reported

You need to accept yourself, oh and get a better therapist