How do we get the Black Far right going?

How do we get the Black Far right going?

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By making them realize they've been chained to a voting plantation for decades.

Pan african nationalism

I'm thinking more African American Nationalism.

I think it's impossible at this point. The far right requires SOME sense of self-sufficiency and independence, and niggers in America just cannot be this way anymore. With the amount of single moms, deadbeats, etc. they're born into dependence on the state. It cannot be done.


>fried chicken and watermelon
it's like cryptonite to niggers.

That's the thing though, we want to bring them back to supporting the black family unit that liberals have told them since the 60's is evil and wrong; Whitey's grand plan to KEEL DEM NEGROS.

Embrace the hotep, brothers.


Stop being racist.

Guess which year LBJ implemented the welfare state.


Hoteps close enough

Maybe with religion, but you sort of need both the institution of the family and the institution of the church to be going on to get this. The church is still strong amongst the niggers, but the institution of the family is destroyed.


I went to all-black schools growing up, many times I was the only white kid in my classes.

Black culture is tribalism + communism + cancer

enslave train and free them?

Yeah that's true, but I can't tell if you're agreeing or disagreeing with me. I also think the "muh nigga and ma sista" shitty culture is a CONSEQUENCE of the end of the institution of the black family.

>he can't be this stupid

I'm probably giving you too much credit. Before the 30's, Democrats and Republicans effectively stood for the same values, plus or minus trade protectionism. Progressive reformers on both sides, financial leaders on both sides, crackpots on both sides. Following Roosevelt's rise and the introduction of New Deal politics, the dems shifted to the left, save for the Southern Wing. That wing persisted even as the Republicans withdrew and developed conservatism as a response to New Deal politics.

It's only post-war that cracks began to show in the ranks of the Dems, when Dem presidents showed weaker and weaker support for Southern state ideologies. The big switch happened because southern Dem leaders realized their presidential leaders didn't give a damn about protecting segregation law. We even had the elections of 60 and 64 as signs of the switch.


>don't be racist
>basically ignore the bad ones and praise the good ones
>African men have a strong sense of masculinity so associate the left with femininity
>try and get some rappers and basketball players on board

Neither. I'm simply stating that my YEARS, and YEARS at black schools have led me to a few conclusions.

1. Niggers aren't human
2. Crackers who run schools aren't human anymore, maybe once.
3. I failed the majority of my class when they attempted bell curve grading
4. Niggers are scum who ruin everything but if we say it out loud we're racist.

yeah that's...not what you think it is, you retard

Redpill them, they need to know that their fight must be pro-black not anti-white this is why their BLM movement is a complete delusion.
Also they need to know about the jews.

Doesn't matter the color. They need a shock! You all need to log into every fake news live feed you can. Then mention uranium one. They will deflect. Keep pushing. You will be called a troll. Keep pushing! People watching will be in awe as they squirm. Record it. I did this tonight on fblive local news. It was glorious!

Everyone needs to know about the Jews.

Even a bunch of islam preaching niggers could understand the absolute state of the country under Jewish dictation.

Don't forget to record it. My actions tonight, were promptly scrubbed of video and comments

Still a better love story than Twilight.

>in brooklyn if they dont want blacks in a certain neighborhood they have to be sneaky with it, ie they say your credit aint good enough

Do these people think before they speak? At least they do get into some obvious stuff like the whole nogs wasting money on cars. Is there stuff worth watching that you posted this for?

All 12 of them?

The far left is doing it for us brother, rest easy and let it happen on its own.

just two that I've seen today. The 2nd might be more directly related to what you're asking, but the 1st one is more entertaining

Make corporations pay for gibs with their massive tax breaks. The only reason minorities vote left is because they get free shit

>nra is the new face of the kkk
>philando castille shouldn't have been shot 7 times

Into the trash this goes unless you are saying you have ideas of how to use this stuff into pressing them into going back to africa. This guy is retarded.

>bell curve made you fail classes
>you're dumber than a nigger

Blacks were more conservative when they lived out in the country. Once they moved into the cities they rapidly liberalized. Have to reverse the living situation to reverse the political leanings.

Stab the confederates in the back, give the blacks some of the old confederate land, possibly some florida and geordia and mississippi. Re-settle the confederates to GOOD land, possibly in the Virginias or Carolinas/ New Reich so they don't shoot at too many people.

Few will protest giving them parts of the gulf;

>Wait til after hurricane season; if a big disaster is fresh in their minds, white people won't want to be there, and blacks can say it is a good opportunity to make a promised land.
> They can rebuild out of BRICKS and not fucking wood, fish, and drill oil to build an economy.
>Then, they can branch into life sciences and take care of the everglades and their species.
>Absorb Liberia into this country as well. Now they have colonies, and Liberia foreign aid dependency is over on white Americans
>Black people will go fucking nuts if they have something Europeans had; a multicontinental empire
>Eventually black people will design a car or grow some fruit that we want to buy, and then we can love them again and not kill them and take their shit
>We both guard our borders and have homie-status non-aggro treaties
>Blacks create thousands of good police jobs to combat crime, eventually with Black Panther-like identity principles, crime goes down

Any coalburners, communists, and nu-males can be bussed peacefully to the NW or California

As for how their society won't collapse, I suggest import/ export to Liberia (Liberia does raw materials and former US territorries do manufacturing) until both develop more and maybe even Nation of Islam, although I'm not crazy about Islam being anywhere in North America.

There will be no talk of gibs ever again. The land and like a trillion dollars in gold crowdfunded across the US and UN is the Final Gib.

Daily reminder that this man was right and the only non-degenerate leader the black community ever had. X was Adolf Nigler and any National Socialist or fascist should respect him.

Kryptonite, you fucking troglodyte.

Support Black Nationalism. Ally with black nationalists. Everyone deserves an ethnostate.

White Nationalists and Black Nationalists should be natural allies, not enemies. But the Jew won't allow this. Reminder that Rockwell and Malcom X were both assassinated when they were forming an alliance.

Daily reminder Richard Spencer is a shill.

they don't get 4 minutes in before they start we wuzzing

>Africans were the ones who first settled china
>budda was black

>Coolidge was a republican and was laissez faire as fuck
>FDR was a democrat and started the welfare state

Lol they switched

Remind them of who they once were, Men of Jazz and adopters of civilized living. Remind them that there is an alternative to living in the ghetto and joining gangs.

There is already, they’re called the far-left

Blacks already know about the Jews why do you think Sanders did so poorly in their communities.

How do we get the Black Far right going?
Affirmative action until the government starts stealing their money.
It is a dry well user, don't waste your time.