Americans are no longer allowed to make fun of politicians from other countries

Americans are no longer allowed to make fun of politicians from other countries.

This is literally a congresswoman from America.

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oh wow get a load of this fucking nigger

We will weed them out soon enough.


I do what I want

You should have seen her as a kid

Who gave pimpy mcnigger the job in the first place

Fucking all hat and no cattle nigger.

this dumb nigger

God please start tweeting this at Trump I bet hed retweet it

>This is literally a congresswoman from America.

That’s no woman.

No problem

That's a space station.

Why did it take so long for a cowboy hat nigger thread?

WTF? I sort of get it when natives wear "traditional" shit in terms of headdresses or dick sheaths, but what's her excuse? Its really coming down to niggers just dress like retards due to genetics. Pimps, rappers, divas, congresswomen.

Is there a shorter, more popular word for 'second hand embarrassment'?





She looks like a black adult version of Jon bene Ramsay.

Vaguely reminds me of the prostitute from Borat


Isn't she a Florida congresswoman? It's Mad Max down in Florida, so they don't really count.

Remember, this pink hatted sour cunt supplied the nails that went into that negro soldiers coffin. Don't let the world forget what this two faced rat bag did.

Rodeo clowns need representation too.


Fred rica Wilson, the ugly fucker that he is, was responsible for the legislation that put American troops in West Africa. Fuck this blood thirsty bald headed wind bag

The niggress comes with a hat/weave tandem

>Taking nigger politicians seriously
The Congressional Nigger Caucus is a bunch of diversity hires in black districts. They nothing nothing but bellyache

The correct term is Congressnigger

not for long

>The niggress comes with a hat/weave tandem

Hey! Don't make fun of her pimp hat, you cad!

give us a cycle or two.

I'll do whatever the fuck I want.

look you coward flag hider bong huggy bear may be a pimp and may have some felony assault charges and sure countless possession of a controlled substance charges on her record but huggy bear is kind to her hoes. she only beats them when they dont have her money

I've never heard her speak, but from the images I've seen I imagine she sounds like a female version of Foghorn Leghorn.

the dumb fuck who thought Guam would tip over because of overpopulation, you know - because islands float on the ocean surface. what was his name again

Read a story about the insanely high turnover rate at her office in DC and in FL. She literally thinks she's a fucking african queen. Something like 11 different Chiefs of staff in 12 years. treats her staff members like slaves baby

hank "box of rocks" johnson

Americans are making fun of other countries' politicians who don't look like they are citizens of said country. That thing looks exactly like I'd expected Americans to look like so they're still allowed to do it.


ahahahahah. that's the one. this country needs to be burned to the ground and rebuilt.
