"LL is HW with a vag"

w t h is going on ??


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laura loomer looking pretty good here

take this eceleb drama back to twitter.

Fuck off, jihadmarch


Palestine > israel

I dont doubt that. Atomwaffle faggots need to fuck off.

sup boo?


Try not to kill your friends, fellow redpilled moslem

You know trump is a known zionist? He sends them anualy 40 000 000 000 of your tax $$$

wonder how much money im costing you niggers every time your site gets pulled


eople talking about Trump being pro-israel in the zionist sense have no idea what they're talking about. Ryan Dawson, THE anti-neocon warrior-king himself, has already said as much, but since listening to experts is not something people are generally interested in doing, I will explain it in detail myself.

What are Israel's interests? There are three.
1: Expand Greater Israel.
2: Prevent Iran from achieving nuclear power.
3: Dismantle and disrupt coherent secular Muslim countries in the region.

Trump has already destroyed two of these interests. By vetoing any war against Iran and Syria, he has completely ruined Israel's path to success on point 2 and 3. Syria is the backbone of anti-zionist resistance in the Middle East, and Iran is the brain stem. So long as those two states are intact, Iran will achieve nuclear weapons by 2030. When Iran has nukes, Israel is fucked. They will be rolled back to their heartland and continue to suffer demographic decline until they cease to exist, or they will be nuked. There is no win strategy for Israel once Iran is nuclear. Trump could "renegotiate" the Iran deal 500 times, there is no way to prevent them from arming without physically destabilizing the country, and that requires boots on the ground or CIA intervention which the Russians will prevent. It took years of effort and enormous amounts of money to spark the puny uprising in Syria and that has already begun to collapse now that Hillary has been disabled

Point 1 has also been handled perfectly. Obama has stuck in the knife, and Trump doesn't need to twist it, he just needs not to pull it out--and he won't. Trump will seek to "negotiate" something with the Palestinians. Israel doesn't want negotiation they want submission. Without it their efforts will be hampered and they will be unable to extend their reach to Iran

Inshallah, fellow brother!

Now let us look at this from the Israeli side. The UN has turned against them. They were expecting a bought-and-paid-for stooge like Hillary to back their interests by destroying Syria and giving them a route to seize the South and to infiltrate Iran.

Instead they get Trump, who is nominally on their side but who in reality has already ruined their last-ditch effort to bring down Assad. This is the problem: They cannot chastize Trump for anything he does because he is the only one who is even NOMINALLY on his side. They have to take whatever table scraps he throws them and smile, or else he might turn on them. The problem here is that there's nothing he will do for them that will solve their problems.

Here is the key: Israel is living on borrowed time. Every minute that we are not actively hacking away at Iran's buffer of stable states is a minute that the Iranians get to work on their nuclear program while pretending to be building reactors or whatever. Trump will "renegotiate" the deal with them but he'll focus on the money we gave them, rather than taking actual steps to fuck with their programs, because Trump has prioritized positive relations with Putin over positive relations with Israel.

Putin's geopolitical interests do not align perfectly with ours in most regards, but in THIS regard they do, and Israel is the eternal fucking albatross around our neck that needs to be thrown into the sea. If Trump steers the course he will be a disaster for Israel and our problems in the Middle East will reach a timely, pleasant conclusion.

The short version: Trump is a poison pill for the ZOG machine. They needed a Hillary or a Romney or a Bush but they got Trump, and it's going to destroy them.

You are delusional, oh well, keep sending them your tax $$$, nigga

>promotes white sharia
>calls other people moslems

AHAHAHAHAAHA time for a new domain

Me too

Not an argument. Sorry Chaim.

Yeah, we wont forget that you people openly endorsed islam and enrolled based moslems into your pathetic larp squads ;)


wtf are you even talking about nigger? muslims and jews are cancer. speaking of white sharia...i wonder if the lady suing Spencer, Enoch, and the rest knows about the white shariah meme and how it likely inspired the car attack. I wonder if this information would put a couple of high-up people in jail for huwhile..

i wonder how much this info is worth to their grieving family..

>becomes the Jew
>to Jew to the Jews


Is that you Vox?

>the white shariah meme and how it likely inspired the car attack
That's a really retarded narrative, so go for it. That Jewish guy who had a car accident in Charlottesville is going to walk.

I dream of a day when Israel ceases to exist.

>promote white shariah..violence in the name of white identity
>fagget pulls an ISIS and attacks crowd with car
>retarded narrative
>go for it
ok. i am going for it. Over the next week I'll compile all the evidence, screenshots and archives I've already saved and give them to the family and their attorney.

Both are annoying, but Lauren takes the cake.

By the looks of her recently she needs to be laying off of it.

Its happening before the year is out.

I have little faith that Trump and Congress will allow it to happen.

congress? Trump is draining the swamp over half of congress touches kids. Where is the heart of pizzagate located? ISRAEL.

how fucking delusional you people are xD oh my fucking god xD


dude fuck sandniggers and jews idk why do you even bother to pick sides


>straight up lying to muh face
fuck off Vox, you faggot

lmao, you americans never fail to entertain me with your autism

This is why.

shitskin detected

Why are you guys so stupid?


>loomer does some good work in LV
>other alt-right roasties start attacking her
That's strange.

>implying vox has my style or any style at all

>good work
acting like a fucking lunatic and screaming incoherent bullshit at a sheriff is not good work, buddy. Seems like alex jones really lowered the bar for journalistic work with his zionist bullshit

stop shitposting lad, there's important gossiping going on ITT

>loomer making her own idf


I guess it's again that schizo nigger who shitpost all trs threads. He thinks the alt-right is a CIA conspiracy, but somehow trump is based. Americans really are an entertaining bunch.

any proofs? xDDDDD

I actually find this narrative somewhat plausible.

fucking moarpheus

I mean she went to Vegas with JASON GOODMAN who is George Webb's parter whose openly stated he's Mossad.


Yikes! Looks like Horseshack from Welcome Back Kotter

>Please let this be true......

yeah dude, trump is totaly based :)

who said trump is based?

this is wishful thinking of deranged inbred hicks who can't stomach the fact that trump is a zionist like all other presidents, they have to invent those mental gymnastics to keep their EGOs coherent. They invested too much emotion into the trump meme.

one of your personalities, senpai

I already proved you wrong Chaim. Your delusions and stupid posting won't change that. Post all the stupid pictures you have. It won't change anything and you know it.


>condemning trump for zionism
>supporting spencer for zionism

do you guys even know what it is youre fighting for any more? help me understand you a litle...

The US prez represents the People. If he acts against the majority he's done. WE have the power.. not Trump. thats what i need you guys to remember.

ok I'll post'em

Someone already made a thread, but this kid details being harassed by Loomer on numerous occasions. His story draws a lot of similarities to the Proud Boys user's post:


I've never met a poster as dumb and as autistically driven as you before.

>>condemning trump for zionism
the question is do you condemn him

>WE have the power
you have delusions

Nose circumcision really does wonders


literally who


Watch this Polish Jew lose his mind posting his PR created Pro-Israel propaganda folder.

>condemning trump for zionism
>supporting spencer for zionism
explain this shit right fucking now or forever stay BTFO

says the guy openly shilling for a zionist...

When did I condemn Trump for zionism?

>condemning trump for zionism
condemn him, I'm waiting

Trump hasnt said "lets send all the Jews to Israel" you dishonest field playing rat fink kike. But Spencer has? If Trump does I'll condemn him too!

Now explain why you support Spencer for Zionism but complain that Trump is a Zionist...?


>Anonymous (ID: moM+HoQb) 10/22/17(Sun)00:11:23 No.146199308▶
>File: 1507896667902.jpg (95 KB, 900x674)
oh wow, look at the schizo. take your meds yet, Alex Jones? stay off our board

but he sends them 40 000 000 000$ dollars and praises netanyahu every chance he gets, if that's zionism then definitely spencer isn't a zionist :)

Loomer is a tranny.

what a (((coincidence))), a-america first, right!?

HAHA you can't justify supporting Spencer because of Zionism while simultaneously condemning Trump for Zionism and you just lost the game, motherfucker. As a consolation prize I've decided to do my best to help the family of that fat jiggly landwhale you dumb shallow kikes got killed in the hopes that niggers face a judge.

Stay defeated.

Laura Loomer is a repulsive kike.

No amount of plastic surgery will ever change this fact.

trump is based, man, zionism4lyfe ;)

Loomer is CIA.

I don't know who this is, but I do like "vile kike terrorist."

spencer is based man, zionism4lyfe ;)

we can fight or you can acknowledge my superiority to Alt-Right bimbos and we can work together

work together for zionist trump? nice try CIA


did you know Hitler worked with zionists?


tell that to

You're so fucking stupid.


>I suppose Richard Spencer because he's a Zionist
>I oppose Donald Trump because he's a Zionist

hmmm something isn't adding up here, Rabbi ;) care to explain?


that's probably her making the posts she already said that the gf james has is getting blacked. Daily reminder don't let jews in any movement you're apart of

LOL how is that a strawman?! do you even know what a strawman argument is?

>I support Richard Spencer because of Zionism
>I oppose Donald Trump because of Zionism

clearly if you support the Zionism of one but not the other something else is going on. so why dont you explain for Sup Forums your position? :)

>accuses someone of using strawman while using a strawman
Farmer Brown, you need to lay off the hay.

strawman, I won't bother respoding to strawmen, I'll keep bumping the thread tho

HAHAHA you lose!
