Come Back Allen I Miss You

I ALWAYS Deliver!

post pic of self with timestamp

what is the meaning of OP's pic?

Allen, you really need to do something about those ugly ass red shoes. And whats the deal with the black on red theme? Antifa much? Im doing (you) the favor of leaving your face out of it. And it will go no further unless you want it to. There are 3 lessons to be learned from this.
>1. We DON'T cross children here (period)
>2. NEVER give out pid's (period)
>3. Watch who the fuck you run your mouth to on the internet

Im not there anymore, and am being 'polite' by leaving faces out of it. He's too fat for me. He would swing himself out in 4 swings. I grew up fucking up big boys like him "My whole life" he's not on my level, on the netz...or IRL.

I win! And to all those who would bet against me, you are making the same mistake as him. NEVER under estimate someone else.

A dispute earlier and a challenge accepted

OH Did you find the LARPer?

Does it look like im larping? The only larp about me is the name. And the only reason I do that is to fuck with lefty's & shills.

no. I mean the professional LARPer. Did you track down the fucking person who LARPs here nonstop.

Tits or GTFO

Lol, you mean the entire board? No, I have an issue with people who target children, BIGLY. And a problem...turning down challenges. I don't lose very well desu. It's a shitty feeling to come in 2nd place. And if it came to 'proving' myself in a fight against him, he would lose, badly. You handle big boys by letting them drain themselves out. And with his/your size (Easy 235-260) it wouldn't take very long. He/you has a strong jaw, weak chin, solid (fat) but solid body. Target chin/temple after he/you tires, and it's game over. I grew up to this (unfortunately). Allen. Listen man, no enemy shit, just don't target children. I take issue with it, badly. Shit happened to family members of mine, and since then, i've been off the hook. Children are innocent until corrupted. And that "little boy" earlier...was just that, a little boy. Feeding the cats in a super hero costume. You should feel fucking ashamed of yourself bro...for real. Don't make it worse by not paying attention to 3. here . It's over. You lose. Accept your loss, and don't make it worse for yourself, b/c it CAN get over 9000x worse.

They are kinda hairy

And bro, stop scrolling your phone at work, im not there anymore. Relax. It's over.

You and I both know it's not over.

What are you talking about LMAO. I'm sitting in front of a computer desk moron.

You're move.

You're making the move*
5 minutes.

need more context OP. link to thread?

Come come. I told him, he'd never even know I was there. B/c I wasn't lol. I was in the passenger seat of my friends car. Quick little drive by and a few clicks. So I mean...yyyeeeaaahhh good luck. Nice cali number, your only 2800 miles away lmfao.

MODS delet

>Not a phone poster

KEK. Idk what's going on in here just was curious is all.

Cali number comment was ment for you. And im not as stupid as him. Like I said, no pid's, yes, lemmie give you a call real quick lol. Retard XD

And like that you lost a valuable resource.

Im good on my own. Ty, but no ty, I don't trust anyone, especially ppl from commiefornia.

Outside The Globe in Athens Ga?

Sad, resources wasted on a loser. Good luck getting anything real from here on out.

can somebody gimme a quick rundown


>MODS delet

post it anyway. we can use archive site

Lol, when they are ready to 'recruit' me, they will do it in person. Like I said, I don't trust commiefornians and can't wait until your state 'succeeds' right into the pacific.

I don't feel like re-hatching it man, it's not worth it. Someone called me out, after talking shit about a little black boy (7-9 years old) who was feeding cats in a super hero costume and I honestly got triggered by it. Then me, like im some kind of bitch, im not, lol. I don't like ppl who cross kids. That's my 'one rule'. NEVER target children! Ppl were calling this little boy a nigger. Children are children. They are ALL innocent until either parents, friends or schools corrupt them. And there IS a difference b/t a black person and a nigger. I think if we can 'help' ppl distinguish b/t the 2...there is an opportunity for REAL progress to be made. But it has to be done right. And calling little ass kids doing good deeds NOT the way. And all it really does is damage credibility. Im not about that.

why dont you give me a run down.

>after talking shit about a little black boy
I would have shown up and fucking beat the shit out of you. Fucking DONT CROSS SOME NIGGER. Fuck you faggot newfag fuck. You have no idea the people who lurk here you fucking nigger loving piece of shit.

this shit is fucking pathetic as fuck mr.internet tough guy

7-9 year old kid in a batman costume, doing a good deed, feeding cats, is a nigger? Your pathetic bro. For real. And no, that's not how it would go, as Allen found out. The ONLY thing that would get smashed is you. I live this shit! You just pretend.

you have to be larping mr.internet tough guy yes a nigger is a nigger no matter the age. How about a fucking nigglet? That better for you mr.toughguy

Man your one angry shill aren't you? Angry that your D & C fails with me, and that I can distinguish between the 2? Try harder...

Your wrong, and it's faggots like you that really try your best to destroy credibility. You will fail. I think your just angry that ppl here realize the difference between a nigger and a black person or even a child. And you don't know how to react to it, because it goes against what you want to believe. And the meme you want so desperately to force to divide all. A true kike tactic. Oy Vey Rabbi! Oy fucking vey.

I haven't a fucking clue what you are even talking about. I just dislike you from your faggot posts you aren't from Sup Forums you are some reddit newfag trying to internet tough guy someone on the fucking internet.

>Not from Sup Forums
Listen...kid. Your a 'fanboy' because of ppl like me. I've been here on Sup Forums, before Sup Forums was (Back when you were still in middle school). And I could give 2 squirts of piss what you dislike.

thats fucking laughable I've been since 2006-07. No idea who this fanboy is I just don't like you. Fucking larping about nigglets or internet toughing with people shit makes me sick. You are fucking PATHETIC.

>Called out
>Accepted challenge
>Follows through
>Wins BIGLY against someone trying to be an IRL tough guy
The ONLY pathetic thing here is that nasty stinky black hole of a pussy your mother birthed you from, cunt


No, but when you tell them where you work at expecting them not to follow through, in the same city you live, don't be surprised if someone doesn't take you up on the offer.

Which is what happened

I wish he showed up and fucking clubbed you over the head and took shit on your chest I know I would have.

no, it didn't you pussyed out in doing anything.

1. Your just mad that your a coward, and im everything you wish you were. I think you were the one in the thread earlier running your mouth rooting against me. How does failure feel?

2. No lol, I know exactly who and where he is. My example was made. It needs to go no further. I did exactly what he asked of me "Ask for allen and i'll slap the ears off your head". And smiled right in his face as I was taking a pic of him XD

>I was taking a pic of him XD
wow you are a little beta bitch and not even from here. Take your faggot shit somewhere else you skinny fucking faggot.