/nig/ Neogaf implosion general - MUH GAF GOLD EDITION

>A tumblr tier gaming forum which spewed sjw filth down the soul of the western videogame industry is going down overnight due to the owner getting Weinstein'd.

>What is neogaf? A heavily moderated gaming forum which became a hivemind of leftist scum. It also gained influence in the video game industry.
>One of the biggest site drivers to HillaryClinton.com during 2016 elections.
>The owner of the site is Tyler Malka aka Evilore. He is known to have done revenge porn in the past with evidence of harassment which surfaced around 2012-2013, somehow it was ignored and business went on as usual.
>Today a women accuses him of sexual harassment.

twitter.com/Manly_Chicken/status/921139492140077056 (embed)

>Evilore is now getting slammed.
>Most of the mods/admins have stepped down, many banned. Forum is imploding.

Previous thread:
Older threads when it happened:

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off Gamergaters. Without NeoGAF, how are we supposed to tell game developers when they're making microaggressions and threaten to boycott them?

where will they go?

>Sup Forums leftypol (((mods))) at the moment

Listen here, my freiwilliger /vidya/ Korps:

>Sup Forums RULE:
>Sup Forums rules and customs are respected
>No arbitrary SJW mods deleting threads that hurt their feelings
>Guaranteed meta thread to defend the interests of /vidya/ posters and to air grievances as Hiroshimoot conceded

>Sup Forums rules and customs torn to tatters
>mods delete your threads and/or ban you for any reason or none whatsoever any time you offend their faggot sensibilities
>Meta-thread is illegitimately suppressed





Fuck (you).



post yfw you're not a neofag cuck

Our next goal needs to be leftypol. This is their owner.

I care slightly less about that than you!

Damn I want a Hot Pocket now.

Let's see those steam libraries Kammeraden

So, is it fully dead now?

reminder to tweet hiro about the mods of Sup Forums deleting meta threads

we clean the swamp of Sup Forums

GAF survivor here,

Just a reminder to some of the users on this forum to follow the rules. Many of us GAFers are here tonight and still shaken over what's happened to our forum, we don't need the extra stress. Please respect your unexpected guests and the site's rules

don't worry, someone like that'll take care of themselves.

Unless you know any hot aryan women you can sic on him and get him #metoo'd

i..i have all the elder scrolls and fallout games todd..is it enough ?

>neofags wander the internet without a nation website
>oppressed wherever they go
>remember the gafocaust

rip the inside of your mouth

More or less. All mods are good, Evilore will release a statement saying he's sorry and he will try to be better. The site should physically stay afloat but shell of its former self before eventually going down for good.

shill my shitty image boyos

Anyone have the irc room name and server? Lets do this shit. Free Sup Forums.

Nobody cares about that rule in Sup Forums

>neofag is no longer around to ruin games and promote jewish SJW propaganda
Today was a good day.

>All mods are good

gone*, rather.

Thanks for all the thread bumps this will generate


and DLC?




H-haha, w-well.. you see.. uh... funny story Todd...

What's your favorite Sup Forums meme?

Quick someone post that screencap of the Neogaf owner turning down ten million dollars so I can laugh hard again

I don't have steam open and don't feel like opening it since I pirate all my games

Tfw the GAF is crashing and burning

Fuck you nigger

"Sup Forums is invading us because someone said something vaguely political!"

Well as long as you've pre ordered Fallout VR you can have yourself a lovely day.

At least post the good one.

this is good

i hate the faggots that site breeds

But now who will support Polygon?

shut up nigger

What about horse armor?


Friendly reminder that insisting on posting Neofag threads on Sup Forums is "raiding" and raiding is against the rules.

It's also not video-game related discussion nor is it video-game culture. Please respect Sup Forums.

When did you install a chain lock user? Explain!

Microsoft props that place up.


I think western gaming is too far gone to be saved at this point, but hopefully this a step in the right direction.

why does Sup Forums do this ?

stop being a faggot, nigger

>attempt to go to neogaf (((dot))) com
>Error 503 Service Unavailable

Prefer the swastika famalam

>GAF Zeppelin
kek, subtle


Because they're autistic

People said that Cotacu would die after Hogan destroyed Gawker, and it's still kicking.
I don't expect that vermin nest to die either, in fact, all they have to do is crucify the sucker and pretend their the natural evolution.

I wouldn't hold my hopes up for Neofag closing shop.


Sup Forums has been infested with neofaggot and leftypol

what's sad is that neofags will only migrate to greater numbers therr

Because all the reasonable posters left in 2014.

>try going to neogaf com to investigate

>Error 503 Service Unavailable

>> gg

>A friend
>A male friend
>Road Trip
>Had a boyfriend

Fucking slut lol


Remember when furries where univerally hated and banned?

>gaf owner "rapes" someone
>site implodes

>hiroshimoot rapes someone
>everyone asks for pics and video


Get Fucked NeoFAG

in b4 *they're

I-I'm s-sorry Todd! M-my brother's autistic and nuked my steam account! B-but I still have F-Fallout 3 and Skyrim for the 360!


>Trump is President
>Hollywood is ded
>Neogaf is ded
>There is Todd posting on Sup Forums

Is there anything this man can't do?

Their really needs to be a game where you play as the nazi's if the one WW2 and Hitler died as a "hero", giving you the option of how you would run a post WW2 nazi party.
It should b open ended and allow the player to expose Hitler early on, resulting in the collapse of the nazis, hide Hitler's past and try to liberalize the nazi's into being a European version of America, or attempt to keep up with Hitler's ideals in a world that slowly modernizes around you.

So continue to shitpost and ban evade in Sup Forums, faggot. Stop complaining.

Who, Todd? He can do ANYTHING.

It has not been infested with shit. Its still our board but being controlled by leftist mods. The MODS are the problem, not the posters.


Call of Duty is GOAT shooter.

I don't understand the hate. Battlefield and Rainbow Six are the only others I like and Rainbow Six can get tedious.

Call of Duty is simply virtual arena paintball. I don't see any other game doing that with the same level of polish.

Go away Gaffugee, literally no one on the internet wants you. You can thank your rapist-in-charge for that

>System Shock 2
my nigger

I want a good place to talk about videogames though

Who are the MODS?

It's 2017 user there's Skyrim Remastered user. There's fallout 4 user. There's soon to be fallout 4vr and Skyrim Switch user. Because of past loyalty you have 3 days.

>inb4, mods move it to /bant/


Find a discord to talk about whatever game you want to in.

Have the player play as Hitler and call the game Literally Hitler

Finally a fucking happening. Let me roast a few marshmallows on Neofags burning remains.

kek. More like this plz.

here you go

/nig/ either goes to Sup Forums or /vg/ or stays at Sup Forums. Mods can get fucked.

Something I don't get, which applies to all these sorts of scandals.

>Woman accuses a man of [something].
>No proof, literally their word vs theirs
>Man's life is ruined regardless, loses business, friends and all he owns. Probably goes to jail.

Someone explain.

i dont care about vr todd


you need one post in facebook to make this happens?

T-thank you Go- I mean Todd! I w-won't let you down!

What would happen if Todd Howard got two scoops of ice cream and Colbert refused to buy Todd's game?