The Evolution of the Negro

Evolution has given everyone some threats to survive.

It gave the Europeans and Asians a Brain. It gave the arabs aggression to compete about the few resources that can be find in a dessert.

But what did it give the Negro?

Apparently be didnt get the brain. He Was never in need of one. But after some groundbreaking research it turned out that he acctualy got something.

What he got was Speed enough to outrun the evil Whitey.

And then they complain that lite isnt fair.

This is also an American hate thread. You may only post in it if your country is above 70% White.

Indians are allowed to post but need to ask if it is ok to post before postning..

A BBC to squeegee out the semen of the last negro who fucked the bitch he's fucking right now.

If posting again i might have to call the cyberpolice.

Americans are not welcome. Read the rules.

More Icelandics in my province than niggers lol

What did evolution give the white man? This guy.


He probably got meth adiction.

Why are burger mongrels so ugly and stupid? Why is America so racially inpure and why do they push their degeneracy onto the rest of the world all the time? Why is the average IQ in america like 87 or something?

like any organism that is selectively bred, the reasons come out as more and more interbreeding occurs

usually docile (with enough applied force), too unintelligent to effectively organize, but physically strong and capable of manual labour. their evolutionary advantage is that they make perfect slaves, guaranteeing the survival of their race for milennia

>when you're this cucked

Rasbastarder. Det verkar som att det blir fel på något sätt.

Som att generna inte är kompatibla med varandra även om man kan få barn med varandra.

The Anglo-Saxons

Here's your neighbor faggot!




Evolution gave the negros sickle cell, to better resist malaria parasites

Yea. And after that they got HIV instead.

The propensity for violence and starvation.



not only that, the nasal cavity is way bigger in Africans, and may explain why they are better athletes because they can breathe in and out more easily through their gorilla nostrils

thats dumb as fuck. the bottleneck for oxygen consumption is how much you can get into your muscle cells, not how much air you can take in per breath.