The left cant me-

The left cant me-

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Sup Forums btfo

Trump is a buisness men first before he was on tv as a entertainer where as jimmy the faggot did a complete 180 from when he was on the man show you tell me faggot

What's that blue thing, and what is it supposed to be in? And who does the snake represent? Who's the guy talking?

It's too confusing without labels. I don't know what I'm thinking looking at it.

>tfw strong disabled woman of color thwarts all of trumps plans.


>taking time out of your life to follow these instructions
the absolute state...

It's gotta be fucking exhausting gettijg completely ass blasted at every one of these manufactured outrages. There is literally nothing wrong with saying he knew what he signed up for. I have no idea how that could be offensive at all

I heard you guys hated Rick and Morty, I should have figured you'd all be too dumb to get these memes.

I can't believe this guy is unironically your president.

Why doesn't Sup Forums make memes? Oh yeah, you have no sense of humor.

Well, the creator of this pic sure makes a strong case against democracy

look at this embarrassment of a man

Is antifa this stupid to reveal their actual tactics !?

Aren't their targets so stupid it will still work?


This is a cuck fantasy, looked at the body on Obama.

Imagine thinking that doing this kind of shit is your moral duty.

This art style is literal subsidized institutional propaganda and it's being pushed on all sides. (Sad!)

Yeah we can't really trust the public to be voting for people like this. I guess we're gonna need a fascist ethno revolution to establish someone more competent

This is the dankest meme I have right now


You are just mad your entire ideology is being shredded by my memes.

Here's another really good one.

How will you MAGA cucks respond to this I wonder
Your movement is over, its HER turn.

cringe, it's so bad...
Why cant you guys meme?
Is there even any evidence of this call from this lady or did the anti-trumper just say this and we are taking her word?
I feel like the left is so fucking retarded now days that it's not real. A person can't honestly be THIS retarded can they? Thats why i feel like you are a paid shill.

They aren't OC and therefore they aren't memes. Hence the left can't meme

Stop stealing from your local paper you uncreative faggot

>mfw Blompftards don't understand free speech

plus Trump has an genius for politics. He beat the best and most well connected politicians in the country. Jimmy Kimmel and pretty much anyone else in the world could not do that. Trump earned the presidency

>coming to shitpost on Sup Forums
>with a plan

this guy has you fuckers pegged.



>get eviscerated
>pretend you don't get the joke
whatever, dude.
>he doesn't even know what memes are
Sup Forums is so stupid lol

It's a Sup Forumstard shitpost.

Right? I swear Khrumpfers have brain damage.

forgot my meme. The interface on this blog sucks.

Where were comics like this when Bill was the president, and when his fuckbuddy became a candidate?

Very, VERY poorly done slide/bait/shill thread. You're trying too hard, believe it or not. Less is more in shill/slide/bait threads

I'm going to hide and sage you this time, maybe next time you'll bring your A game.

Leftists lie.
Leftists deceive.
And especially, leftists project.

>I feel like the left is so fucking retarded now days that it's not real.

It's true. The Left has gone full retard. They got so caught up in pushing for the rights of every victim status they could create that they lost touch with reality. More than two genders? The gender pay gap? Racism is a big problem for the black community? White supremacy is running the country? It's all bullshit and anybody with any common sense is no longer voting democrat. Without some sort of moral soapbox to stand on, the dems have no message whatsoever.

Not saying I'm personally against democracy, just got the impression the creator of that pic unintentionally made a case against it

lel that comic just made me like trump more

Really shitty memes, and I couldn't give two shits about trump. Or any other pathetic burger for that matter.

Then again, its easy to infiltrate antifa

lol triggered. Didn't expect you guys to be so sensitive

how is america worse off now than before trump?

Wow, dude.
You're mean.

You wouldn't know quality memes if they danked you in your sharpie holster.

Pic related: president lardass being BTFO.

Keep 'em coming, lad.

Im starting to think that a noocratic aristocracy would be better since the normies are full on retarded even in this age where you can have access on all the fucking information on the planet.

lol, drumpfapedes getting salty

I can't wait for the meltdown when he gets impeached

Are you fucking kidding me? He's a fucking racist and he is threatening undocumented citizens.

that tree looks familiar...

Have you seen the meltdown when he got elected !

Sorry bro, I'm actually out. Content courtesy of a stickied post on /r/politics that just needed to be shared. It is a fascinating look into an alien mindscape and truly fills me with a sense of awe.


Is this your best ?
For real ?

Stop asking for facts my mind is already made up. Fuck Blumpf and fuck white people.

I thought Canadians were supposed to be smart? Only a few of these are really complex, most of them should be pretty easy to understand the jokes.

I kinda like this. Normies made a mistake when they started to take the internet seriously

Then I'll give you something super rare: a good lefty meme.

Breddy good
has meme potential

hurr fake news

OC hot off the presses.

Trump became an entertainer because he became famous for being a great business man...

dont equate him to anyone else... Big money Real estate means you need to know govt at his level.

He has been a part of that world for 50 years

>several respected news orgs
>some text on the internet
You guys are fucking pathetic, how do you fall for that shit?

Fuck all niggers


This story was fabricated by a discount Maxine Waters from Florida. Love that everyone takes her word for it when it means demonizing someone even further.
Sensationalist shit journalism everywhere.
She said she was listening in on the speakerphone call. She lied through her teeth for petty political motives. Yet our president is the callous monster.


The transcript is literally sourced to Time.

BASED meme user! This could be huge.

>Double Agent

Do they really think we don't know it's them? Who the fuck else uses meme flags?

>Is antifa this stupid to -

No matter what proceeds this opening the answer is always yes.

I made another one

>undocumented citizens



>No matter what proceeds this opening the answer is always yes.

Communist are so retarded lol. My grandfather fought in the Emergency and those shitty communist always act like nothing ever happened and even begged us when the malays won.

If that's how it ends than I'll say "hell yeah it was"

>leftist tries to shitposts

>Double Agent

Its impossible to spy on Sup Forums. Sup Forums is completely secured and even if you wanted to try, how ?!

And they still can't.

Whether you like Trump or not, people who thought he could just do everything he wanted in a sweep never learned checks and balances. US Gov can be fully understood in a way any voter needs to know in a matter of a month. Hell even in highschool the AP Gov exam can be passed with half a year of study rather than a full.

ill bite
Sup Forums makes really shit memes, like /new/ and Sup Forums of days of yore
now the left memes are seen to mean something or a little more
when in fact if tape replayed, the memes are shit from the left
as they are based on unoriginal thoughts, shitty edits, fags and theft

Jokes are supposed to be funny user.

The radical left can meme. You just need to find the egoists

You were supposed to say
>I recognize that tree!

but not the tankies

thats a nice abstract merchant


Obviously not the tankies. Tankies have no humor.

I don't think i've ever felt so utterly BTFO in my life. This is it for me guys, I tried to believe before but now I just can't. Drumpf isn't our president. I was so excited to vote for him but now, well now I can say that I regret it. I mean just look at these images! How can any man in his right mind still support this madman after seeing these! We must stop this madman Donald Drumpf before he gets his hands on the gas codes!

egoism is just leftists trying to make themselves behave like niggers, you should read less circlejerk material and listen to more wigger rap

>left makes a comic based on a fake quote

Pretty much this. MSM wins again, and the sheep will turn a blind eye to the -actual recording of the call-, because 'muh drumph narrative'. Blinded by unfound hate...

>radical left



Another one who hasn't read der einzige.