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Comparing the potential risk of STD's and infection to eating cheerios. Virgin Detected

Every bowl of cereal is fresh and pure the first pour. What a shitty analogy.


made me think

John Green fingers children.

>comparing women to food
What did John Green mean by this?

would you prefer the freshly poured cheerios or a bowl that's had dozens of other people eating from it

wow, it's almost like we're held to different standards because my dick doesn't get limper and more gross looking every time I put it in a vagina

It's not just the STD risk, it's also that there has to be something terribly wrong with someone who has had, say, 10+ previous partners. It shows a serious inability to commit to a relationship, and if you're #11, what makes you think there won't be a #12?
Also, if these previous "relationships" were purely sexual, the person clearly has no intentions of settling down, as they only pursue pleasure. These women will end up either washed-up, miserable and alone, or married to a top cuck like John Green.

No way is that nerdy virgin-shaped skinny face such a womanizer that he’d need to explain his past to a woman.
I’m calling bullshit.
This nigga is probably trying to normalise and make ok his girlfriends half black sons.

Best kek


why did google kill the blob emojis? I liked them.

Bet this guy would love to eat a bowl of cereal that had 48 different men cum in it.

When you first open a box of cereal it is Fresh and delicious. As time goes on the cereal gets stale, might get some bugs, and will expire at some point.

Just don't break that seal!


Terrible analogy. This guy 100% looks like a pedo

that's right discard if the freshness seal is broken

Cuckface activated

>the current mental state of the left

It's quite fair actually
women: easy access to sex, shamed for having a lot
men: more difficult to access, shamed for having little or none


He looks like a lesbian.

If a men sleeps with 10 women, it means he's good at seducing women.
If a woman sleeps with 10 men, it means she's easy.

youre not having sex correctly if you think its anything like cereal.


Idiot thinks nature is wrong. Tries to override kernel programming with crap, convincing only children and whores.

One has to exist to get bombarded with sex requests. The other has to be rich, have a good face, be fit and have a good personality.

It's more like being offered a spoonful of cheerios when twenty other people have already used the same spoon to eat from the bowl.

People don't have to justify their reasons for what they look for in a partner. Some people don't care if their partner has jumped on twenty cocks before them, some do. It's only people who have slept around a lot get bent out of shape about this because they are so egotistical as to believe no one should turn them down.

On the bright side, that means the kid at least gets to spend time around daddy as opposed to being this whores permanent fashion accessory.
Hopefully daddy actually has some sense.

To be honest it doesn't even matter if his argument DID make perfect logical sense, we pick partners based on emotion, and 48 partners will never not be disgusting on an emotional level and no amount of "logic" will convince people otherwise.

>Take an open bag of stale cheerios, pour it into a bowl with slightly sour milk, leave it outside for weeks and let flies, rain, etc. inside it
>Take a fresh bag of cheerios, pour it into a bowl with fresh milk
According to John Green, these are exactly the same thing and he should have no problem consuming the first one over the second.

Why aren't you eating oatmeal with whole-milk and a scoop of whey protein thrown in you faggot?
Eating anything that isn't:
- oats n whey
- eggs n bacon(or sausage)
- biscuits n gravy
Is basically degenerate.
Also, this guy degrading women down to food. Some of the worst food at that. I want women to fulfill their purpose, not be some quick and disposal item that's bad for you.

How long till it's revealed he is a rapist?


>Similes and Metaphors. A simile is where two things are directly compared because they share a common feature. The word AS or LIKE is used to compare the two words. Eg. ... A metaphor also compares two things, but it does so more directly WITHOUT using as or like.

Link or didn't happen


Another term for the filter, thanks kike. Sage.

>eating breakfast is the same as trying to pass your genes to the next generation


Retarded cuck argument.

Who on earth is stupid enough to invest time and effort in a relationship where the other partner is likely to cheat or just outright leave you at the first sign of friction? And in any intimate relationship that progress to a shared housing situation, there WILL be friction.
With 5-10 partners under the belt, its safe to say that leaving them is a pattern, and anyone with half a brain will know to steer clear.

Women however are attracted to what they think is popular. So almost any man with his dick half way rotted off from STD's and a superficial fashion-sense accompanied with the white teeth of basic grooming will still be able to part their legs to spread his worthless seed around, and the women can tell themselves they are beautiful and special because they got the attention of someone 'popular'.

Women have created this culture on their own. Women can fix it without me. I refuse to lower my standards so that they can whore themselves around while attention-starved betas become male-feminist cucks. I'd far rather have some personal dignity.

TL;DR: OP is a fag.

she has her own life

If you're referring to the image, it's a joke referring to this bible story. I know what similes and metaphors are.


>Toast is degenerate
You may need to sort your priorities out.