Does anyone else find it troubling how much Reddit and some people actually hate Trump...

Does anyone else find it troubling how much Reddit and some people actually hate Trump? I use Reddit for Fantasy football and some shit, but every now and again I look at the front page. I legitimately do not understand the problem these people have. They strongly believe Trump has raped children. They strongly believe Trump wants to kill all Mexicans and Blacks. They strongly believe Trump is 100% evil and will start World War 3. Where does this come from? I never liked Obama, but I never thought he was evil, I never saw people talk about him like that either except select retards, but it’s a very common opinion to despise Trump, it’s troubling

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The left is very hateful, bitter towards anyone who isn't liberal or doesn't have the politically correct opinion. This bitterness is inspired and pushed by the media under the guise of "being on the right side of history".

>Does anyone else find it troubling how much Reddit and some people actually hate Trump?
People who disagree with me... DISAGREE WITH ME?

fuckin 15 year old newfags are killing this board

Checked and it's almost like they're brainwashed by the liberal media.

>where does this come from?
No one knows goyim...

BTW nice digits. Good way to start a thread

Does anyone else find it troubling how much /pol and some people actually love Trump? I use Sup Forums for /out/ and some shit, but every now and again I look at the Sup Forums. I legitimately do not understand the problem these people have. They strongly believe Trump is a genius. They strongly believe Trump is uniting the country rather than dividing it. They strongly believe Trump is 100% honest and will destroy the rights of minorities while making whites superior in the eyes of the law. Where does this come from? I liked Bush, but I never thought he was a god emperor, I never saw people talk about him like that either except select retards, but it’s a very common opinion to worship Trump, it’s troubling

There’s a difference between disagreeing and blind hatred Muhammad

Nice quads

There's a difference between disagreement and the level of vitriol displayed by the American left.

Pussies in your country also react unusually negatively to him.

Bush was a stooge who's puppet strings we're controlled by Haliburton and Cheney

>the level of vitriol displayed by the American left.
>implying the right is calm, gentle, and not at all vitriolic
LOL you live in a fantasty world dude.

>look at the/pol/
>the Sup Forums

comedy gold right there

Does anyone else find it troubling how much Sup Forums and some people actually hate Clinton? I use Sup Forums for webm porn and some shit, but every now and again I look at the Sup Forums board. I legitimately do not understand the problem these people have. They strongly believe Clinton has raped children. They strongly believe Clinton wants to kill all white people. They strongly believe Clinton is 100% evil and will start World War 3. Where does this come from? I never liked Obama, but I never thought he was evil, I never saw people talk about him like that either except select retards, but it’s a very common opinion to despise Clinton, it’s troubling

Not really as much I feel

Those are the brainwashed people who have inner demons to hide (such as homosexuality, pedophilia, etc).

Trump is a threat to all these things, therefore a threat to them.

Trump is meant to save everyone from the apostasy that has happened to our planet over the past century. They have literal demons inside them that keep them from seeing the light, therefore they are all literally going to burn in hell very soon.

That is not an understatement either.

They're all fucking idiots. Literally stupid as fucking fuck.

It's not all their fault though. Every single last negative thing they think about trump is something that the MSM news told them
The problem here is they believe the lying these lying kikes

I didn't even know the difference between a Jew and a white person until about 8-10 years ago. Many people still do not. Many people still do not really know what a Jew is or their history other than Hitler was a big meany to them

this user knows

When people talk about the media's ability to manipulate perceptions, this is precisely what they're referring to. You and I might look at CNN's or Stephen Colbert's hysterical screeching about Trump being evil or callous or a buffoon and laugh it off. But for people already predisposed to dislike him, and for people who were neutral and unwilling to form an opinion of their own, this becomes their opinion of him. And the consensus reinforces itself.

tl;dr leftists and people too lazy/stupid to form their own opinions being manipulated by the press

Have you ever watched any Fox News talk segment? Listed to Alex Jones or Rush Limbaugh? Conservatives have that shit playing 24/7, so I guess it stops sounding so insanely violent, but those people are incredibly cruel.

Nice digits and Reddit is a place for people unaware of the JQ. Accordingly these people are still holding their jew-approved views. Only way out of that cycle is extreme hardship and given what the jews have done to society it will happen soon enough


The left embraces failure, oddities, rejects and perversions.

They don't want to make America great again because they are losers. They want to make America shit so they feel at home, like a stinking pig

Reddit BTFO 1/3


>They don't want to make America great again because they are losers.
That sounds like something a freethinker would say, not like something a brainwashed sheep would say.


not an overstatement**

and neogaf just because it's timely

Reflection of their inner hate and their secret desires. Trump is merely a vessel for their own desires to kill all blacks and Mexicans, to rape children, to be evil and start WW3. It's what happens when you don't have a soul, but a void inside. They ARE the evil.

They live in a bubble

They are actually now going to kill themselves because they lost that bubble.

That is how you know their true character.

There is some truth to what you say, but the truth can also be twisted.
To say homosexuality itself is related to inner demons I think is a stretch.
When we talk about the God of love.. one would think that acceptance of people who love each other, regardless of the gender match is what matters..
They also serve a purpose, almost like.. tests from God, going back to the basics. Bait, you could say, that judgemental people could fall into. Remembering the whole judge not thing.
This guy explains better than I can..

Demons blind people from a lot.. and if looking at trump you honestly thinking he represents what Jesus taught.. it might be worth rereading some shit

The comments on that suicidal furfag's youtube videos were hilarious until he deleted and disabled them

The mass suicide of those types of people is part of God's way of cleansing the earth. They are giving themselves a one way ticket to hell, their destination from the very beginning.

Hang yourself, prissy little city faggot

It blows my mind that people actually think like this. Sure, fox speaks negatively towards the left. On the other side, you have multiple prominent figures in the news media, Hollywood, and social media calling for trumps head and claiming that all of his supporters are Nazis who need to be punched. The difference? The right rarely goes out looking for violence, the left CONSTANTLY goes out looking for violence. You are willfully ignorant. How many times have right wing people gone to left wing events to shut it down compared to leftists going to right wing events? You can't even compare the two.

NOBODY likes Drumpf. Russia spent $2 billion shilling this orange clown into office and you all just sort of identified with the Russian meme patrol that was being paid to manipulate you so you went along with it.

We can't let this madman control our nuclear codes. It's time for impeachment.

Reddit is filled with ghost/ accounts and lots of sock puppets.

Reddit politics is an echo chamber and safe space for SJWs. Board is heavily moderated. You can't upvote or downvote unless you subscribe. Mods pounce on any thread that doesn't fit the narrative. They blacklist any source that isn't shareblue tier liberal propaganda.

Reddit is a cesspool..

Does anyone else find it troubling how much Sup Forums and some people actually hate traps? I use Sup Forums for trap roleplay football and some shit, but every now and again I look at Sup Forums. I legitimately do not understand the problem these people have. They strongly believe traps have raped children. They strongly believe traps aren't women and are gay. They strongly believe Traps are 100% gay and will start World War 3. Where does this come from? I never liked women, but I never thought they was evil, I never saw people talk about hating traps more than women except select retards, but it’s a very common opinion to despise Traps, it’s troubling

this is satire, isn't it

>Sure, fox speaks negatively towards the left.
Do you have memory loss from the 8 years of Obama's presidency? I honestly don't know what to tell you.

>The right rarely goes out looking for violence
>implying provoking people, screaming about nazis, chanting with torches isn't looking for violence
I'm sorry you're so stupid. I don't know how to help you, it seems pretty permanent.

no it's neogaf

bait. Russian's spent millions on funding nigger activists, for Christ's sake.

Russian paid anti-Trump shills.

Did the Russians rile up spics and niggers to make whites angry or did they miscalculate how cucked America was?

They thought angry spics and niggers would intimidate the majority into voting for Hillary is swing states?

For the Russians a country run by low IQ niggers would be easier to deal with than one run by the White Man.

If you're a white Russian and want to win a chess match. Who do you choose as your opponent? A strategic white man or an SJW nigger?

The emotional, irrational, illogical nigger would be easier to beat.

This, I can't stand plebbit.

It's an echo chamber.

Why the fuck would that bother me also gb2reddit and nice get

Why do people block names on reddit? You have no right to account anonymity there; anyone can go and search your post history, and if you're smart there'll be no real life connections. Face the backlash.

Pipe down you faggot. That is false equivalence is it your first day here? Kek

I'd assume that image probably originated on Reddit and I think you'll get banned for posting any non famous people Reddit or any other social media usernames on most subs because it's "doxxing".

reddit is an echo chamber of Liberal nonsense, they are to be ignored and ostracized from society.

>"Damn you're cute" "Whoa" "Super fucking rad." "You look absolutely adorable"

>Trump has raped children.

His hands are too small to hold them down.

Because he does.

He has no redeeming values. You just voted for him because you are a dying old man in a hissy fit about reality not going your way anymore.

Let's not pretend like he is what he isn't. This whole presidency is a scorched earth tactic, plain and simple.

I wish Trump was as evil as he is made out to be. A white supremacist genocidal president would save the planet

Checked and yeah. I just don't understand these people.

During the election it was obvious that Trump's biggest flaws were his tendency to go off-the-cuff (also a strength), lack of understanding on some complex world issues, seeming unwillingness to educate himself on said issues, use of non-Presidential language, and his notoriously thin skin.

The left could have pointed to what everyone could see and made it about Hillary being safer or more experienced or whatever. But no, Trump had to be literally Hitler raping Mexican babies with his giant white schlong.

>he who shall not be named
Why do they love Harry Potter so much?

>The right is very hateful, bitter towards anyone who isn't nationalistic or has a politically correct opinion. This bitterness is inspired and pushed by the media under the guise of "being fair and balanced".


Complete retardation.

Not an argument


>the left are degenerate shitters
>we should get back to family values

hmm really the same right?

Which media outlet pushes nationalism other than Breitbart?

Perfect word for what's happening.
You have wisdom user.

post sargon meme pls

Just stop my dude. You're too far gone.

My sister even stopped talking to me. It's like a cult. Scary shit.

That's the power of propaganda. The media are owned by swamp dwellers. Trump is not part of the swamp, so they'll try to remove him.
I guess the fact that he "seems" so clownish is why they're going the route of "impeachment".
If Trump were more charismatic like JFK, they would have skipped the media-smearing phase altogether.

It's just not true. I have friends and family that supported her. I didn't disown them. The other way around, it's different though.

You're right I should have voted for hillary clinton.

This desu senpai

How does someone get this brainwashed? Do you have your eyes peeled open to CNN while you sleep and TYT blasting in your ears at all times?

Do you even watch Fox News, pleb?

And good job trying to feign ostracism, while you have every other news and social media parroting your imbecilic opinion.

You can't be a rebel and part of the status-quo.

The right doesn't have a stranglehold on every media outlet like the left does. Whether that be social media (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube) or news. Fox is the only right wing cable news channel in the United States. The media is what allows this bitterness to be validated in the eyes of the public, we do not have that same backing the left has.

Holy fuck

I interviewed this freak for a job. I said no and my managers went around me and hired this thing.

Their performance validated me in the end. One of the single worst employees we ever had. only lasted a couple weeks.

Theyve been whipped into a frenzy and herded by fear just because democrats are so fucking butthurt. Oh and deliberately lying for clix and payback for spirit cooking fake news. It is a disgrace.

I worry that making millions of unhinged people who can only think emotionally believe trump is genocidal is extremely dangerous. Given power again they may just think jt is justified to round repub voters up. At least dems have the suppprt now. Optics were bad before to do the fema camp thing.

The left are hateful and totalitarian anyway so it is good for people to see that this is about power and that they dont actually live by or believe anything they espouse. I think it has woken many up this year. However, it ensures there is no way to bring everyone together and have a functioning country. No maga, checkmate drumpf

Fun side note. About 2 years ago this person made a social media post about how happy they are that they pass for a woman 100% of the time now

You really are a special snowflake. If a nigger like obama can handle conservative vitriol, trump should be able to handle liberal vitriol. Unless he really is as thin skinned as he seems.

There are stories about how he raped a 13yo girl. I don't know anything of the truth of it, but I can believe that he did pretty easily. While I don't, the stories that surfaced how he leered at underage girls while in the dressing room of junior miss America pageant are bad enough and have been corroborated. How does it feel knowing you voted for a sycophantic, b-list celebrity pedo?

>Trump is not part of the swamp
No, he has his own swamp. The best swamp. Let me tell you. Greatest.

>seems so clownish
For a billionaire who tauted his own great skills, he i dogshit at media handling. Then again I suppose thats the difference between a 'billionaire' with multiple bankruptcies and a billionaire like Richard Branson.

Is this shill season?
MAN they are plague.
Darling, would you kys? Thanks.

conservatives called obama the antichrist, a muslim terrorist, a satanist pedophile etc etc.

you have to understand that most websites are international and when they dont show countries like we do, you get hundreds of millions of america hating foreign faggots larping all over the place trying to sway public opinion and find reasons to shit on the USA and cuase division for fun. a leaf on the internet might as well be playing Second Life because they do nothing but pretend to be americans wherever they go. its just how the internet works.

>he i dogshit at media handling

which newspapers or tv hosts say that? please provide archive links.

They won't care. Because it was about winning against them 'libruls'.
They don't care about this caricature denigrating our highest office or our countries conservative values with hackneyed lies.

>is this shill season
In the echo chamber of his support base?
People have myriad opinions, not everyone will agree with everyone else. Doesn't mean they are shills.

How about answering the question?

welcome newfriend. would you like to know more about the hebrews?

I'm so happy you shills come here. You will become one of us in time. You add to our numbers.

look how fucking easy it is, and how badly he is doing with it.

>angrier at Drumpf for tweeting things than at bush for lying to start a war that cost a trillion dollars and got a million civilians killed

The nu left is cancer

Difference being Bush is out, Trump is in and has been playing the game with north korea.

I've been coming to pol since it started. Before that b was in an infected state by you stormflakes.

No darling, we're Sup Forums. You might be looking for plebbit.T_D?
>People have myriad opinions
yes, some are truth the others are pure shit, like yours and We recognize that NOT ALL OPINIONS ARE EQUAL, not all races are equal, and man and women are not equal. Welcome to Sup Forums faggot.

Then you need to lurk more, faggot

Does anyone else find it troubling how much Sup Forums and some people actually hate Clinton?

I use Sup Forums for Fapping to trannies and some shit, but every now and again I look at the front page. I legitimately do not understand the problem these people have. They strongly believe Clinton has raped children. They strongly believe Clinton wants to kill all Whites and Christians. They strongly believe Clinton is 100% evil and will start World War 3. Where does this come from? I never liked Clinton, but I never thought she was evil, I never saw people talk about her like that either except select retards, but it’s a very common opinion to despise Clinton, it’s troubling

by a very very loud minority .whose sole purpose is to create posts articles .movements.TV news demonising Trump.Its theior job to constantly divide by crying wolf.This is their MO and they hope it gets traction on the population .If you keep repeating a lie then it becomes truth.

>not all opinions are equal
Of course they aren't. Rural hicks should have no say on anything other than fields and their assembly lines.

Reddit is where most of CTR shills operated and they still operate there.

Beautiful child, tell me about your flag. I'm very interested.

Reddit users don't hold that opinion nearly as vehemently as the postings would lead you to think.

Here is why: the algorithm is broken bought at payed for corporate side evidence being the "randomization of vote tallys". Additionally moderators censor/suppress "bad content" which inherently elevates "good content". All medium/large and especially default subs are 100% subverted and hardly contain user submitted postings that are not shills. Additionally rampant voter manipulation exists in the form of vote farm and additionally comment farms/shills.

The average user is conditioned to believe in the supreme intellect of other reddit poster for egotistical reasons. They are basically overwhelmed by the stagnant community of over 200 iq rick and morty fans and easily mislead by the left wing pseudo intellectual cultured hugbox echo chamber. Which directly attacks their "virtue signaling" qoutant of so called karma for having non-reddit pleb conformant points of view. Which in and of it's self suppresses visibility of it and of all other use postings.

Basically the non radicalized user conforms to the meta or gets shit on until they leave or get banned.

Absolute hell hole, would not visit/10

>racist, vulgar, sex offending man antagonizes everyone but hard righties
>w-w-why does everyone hate him outside my safe little bubble?
I seriously hope some of you are not this retarded.

I don't know, I lurk like a fridge. Anyhow, a documented story on an admitted sexual predator taking advantage of his status to creep on underage girls isn't an opinion.