How feel /pol?

tell me how you really feel /pol?

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Fucking what lol

bestiality is wrong

Ahahahaha wtf



but that never happens, locker room talk is fake

This is some serious man bites dog shit.

It's like reading about a bunch of black kids randomly doing volunteer work and making their community a better place.

them boys caught themselves a couple of flys

the white male showing superiority. based white kids

They missed the most offensive parts, which were that they were simulating gay behavior AND miscegenating.

We gonna fuck the black outta these african children from uganda

nigga thats gay

Blame homosexuality not racism

Best part will be when it's revealed the "other" kids doing the humping are Arabs

Has gen Z gone too far?

Top kek

Would he funny if it were illegal mexicans, but I doubt it

We should claim this story is homophobic and anti-interracial.

Most based generation

The coming generation of strong men responding to their weak beta parents destroying all civilization and legacy.

These boys get it! Dominate them and they will submit.

This is the dumbest and gayest shit

Like, I would have never done that when I was there age

What type of failed parenting leads your child to simulate gay interracial sex?

Being raised on kike media I imagine.


You seriously underestimate the modern normalization of homosexuality.

We final stages of civilization noa.

Heard about this from some parents who have children at the school. Short Pump is relatively white, hope this doesn't prompt more "diversity training."

Generation Zyklon incoming

Look into it, they are going to get f’ed up the ass with diversity training. They cancelled all of the football games, but they are still forcing the kids to come for practices that they are turning into mandatory mind fuck sessions. These kids need our help.


it aint faggotry when its racism

Call them nigger when fucking in the ass to ensure it's no homo

>I bet you faggots love this, you're so gay I'm gonna dry fuck you to prove how gay you are


My sides are gone


Seems like they are homos


this is kinda faggotlike tho. If they were doing that on their nigger females, to cuck them, then it may be okay in my view. Still quite degenerate. Violence/hate > love/degeneracy

at 1:10 the blur only covers half of one of the kids faces

>about 6% of the population was Hispanic or Latino of any race
That's way less than national average. I'm doubtful they were spics.

Theyre just pretending to be Mr garrison from south park.


Look at all these triggered libs not understanding that it's the fucking locker room and dumb gay shit like this always happens because it's the fucking locker room. Much if not all of it isn't serious and it's just playing around. Of course, it's playing around weather they like it or not, but that's just how the locker room goes and should be.

Retard, this is racemixing roleplay. Roleplays are often used as indoctrination technique.

black bois btfo

This is not a good thing; these are sodomites being sodomites. They're given over to a reprobate mind and are filled with every sin, including violence and male rape.
Read the Bible.


White people are inherently homosexual. There is no two ways about this. A fag race.

bored as fuck.