Why do women still earn a lot less than men?

PAYROLL clerks across Britain are busier than usual. By April next year large employers must publish data on the gap in pay between their male and female workers. Many have already complied. In America, by contrast, President Donald Trump recently halted a similar rule that would have taken effect next year. Such requirements are meant to energise efforts towards equal pay for men and women. The data suggest that a new approach is needed. In the OECD, a group of rich and middle-income countries, median wages for women working full time are 85% of those for men. Why do women still earn so much less?

Contrary to popular belief, it is not because employers pay women less than men for doing the same jobs. According to data from 25 countries, gathered by Korn Ferry, a consultancy, women earn 98% of the wages of men who are in the same roles at the same employers. Women, however, outnumber men in lower-tier jobs, such as secretarial and administrative roles, whereas men predominate in senior positions. And women cluster in occupations and industries that pay lower salaries overall. Primary-school teachers in the OECD, for example, earn nearly 20% less than the average for university graduates. In the European Union nearly 70% of working women are in occupations where at least 60% of employees are female. In America, the four jobs done by the biggest numbers of women—teacher, nurse, secretary and health aide—are all at least 80% female


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>Why do women still earn a lot less than men?
Because they're lazy.

Because women don't work hard their whole life.

lets cut to the chase and you provide sauce


The unconscious brain tells the employer they are not worth as much leading to the descrpancy on a societal level.

double figures tells no lies

They're paid what they're worth. That's how it works. Prove me wrong.

OP's pic probably sucks off the manager for a promotion.

Because women want to work and earn less.
They also pay considerably less taxes.


>When you make woman equal to man she becomes his superior

If what you said was true the women could take the employers to court, paying less is illegal.

So what you're saying is bullshite.

can't wait for this data to come out and bite the campaigners in the ass.

Because women are not men.

Now where's that sauce?

DYK female porn stars make only 10% of what their male counterparts make on average??????????????

men are worth more

>study takes into account all age groups
>give it 10 more years
>female millenials make more than males
>In about 30 years I think they will have figured out society has been destroyed.

>Women, however, outnumber men in lower-tier jobs, such as secretarial and administrative roles, whereas men predominate in senior positions.

We know. But around 30 percent of the pay wage gap is still unexplainable. Mostly because men rise faster in jobs while women are ok with not being promoted and rather get knocked up.

also this beautiful graph

Because sticking tongue out of your mouth is a "job" for them.

I am sure women will never use these kind of facts to excuse themselves for behaving like annoying entitled bitches.

> 80% female teachers
> 80%
> 80

Jesus fucking Christ

Because they pick low paying jobs.
Only one of my female classmates actually took science in the last year of school, and she skipped university entrance exams to be a beautican.

major tldr but I just got a job that pays 1k more than the previous female who had the position. She did the job for 8 years. I am a white male.

You know, if the feminists and progressives would sit down and talk about "well why do we value these jobs done by women less?" then at least there would be some argument, some level of debate you could engage them on. For example, maybe teaching should be valued higher, although I imagine the lower wage in teaching is really due to lower worked hours (they get summer vacation off too etc.). Maybe nurses should be paid more, I don't know the specifics of their job compared to a doctor.

But they never want to debate. They see inequality as an inherent evil, and anyone who questions WHY something is not exactly equal is a sexist bigot, not worth time to engage. I think this is the true and immutable difference between men and women's thinking.

30% of 15% is 4.5%. So if all of the unexplained portion is due to sexism, it is only responsible for an under five percent wage difference.

They have less gray matter

>unconscious bias
you know there's no evidence that sort of thing has an effect on anything right

Because the majority of them (that go to college) get meme-tier degrees, leading to mediocre jobs because they're too lazy/stupid to actually do something that will be rewarding in the long run.

who is the whore? I'm asking for a friend.

I work with several women, they're all lazy and borderline mentally ill.

I do twice as much work and exert half the effort when compared to the females in my department.

Lack of commitment

The conscious brain of the employee makes her take decisions that lower her chances of getting a payrise or promotion.

In the case of caregiving/service roles, women tend to be more caring (surprise surprise) and motherly (surprise surprise)

Cause women don't into trades and would rather push paper

The disparity exists even in the self employed, even in client/contractor relationships where the client never meets the service provider. That should tell you all you need to know.

Every woman I work with either takes more time off than their male counterparts, and/or cannot handle the stress (cry, hide, deflect responsibility) - it's a high pressure job and they can't hack it. They deserve less.

>median wages for women working full time are 85% of those for men

That's 100% too much.

If that's true a and employers can get away with paying less for girl power then in coming men not getting the job. Bullshit.

Need to find the sauce but there was a study of entrepreneurship for men and women. A man's top goal was money. The women's was autonomy.

>I will never give them a raise.
>I will tell them that this it's caused by a systemic problem.

Because they choose the first salary that's offered to them without negotiating for more money because the next girl will work for less!

Nurses work extremely hard, maybe harder than a lot of doctors, but their education isn't as extensive.

>Why do women still earn a lot less than men?

Why do women get pregnant a lot more than men, and are unable to work?

Damn straight we are.

I work as nursing assistant in a care facility. We pretty much run the place 24/7. License vocational nurses drops by 3 times a week to administer medications we can't give. The registered nurse we just talk to the phone from time to time if problem arises. Doctor visits once in a blue moon.

This is correct. It is about 5% which is due to sexism and women being less willing to be promoted.

this is the actual truth no matter what pol think, and it works on a societal level that actually affects women too. Just look at politics, how many girl politicians do you know who sounds like a typical girl? none. they all ape the male cadence and even as much as can be done well, pitch. The human mind is conditioned from birth to consider male voices for trust in leadership.

please understand that bullshit is averaged across all fields, so in some the pay difference in sexism could be much more significant than 5% and in others the pay gap could actually be in reverse!

>unconscious bias

This is on the same retarded level as christfags arguing that god exists because you can't prove that he doesn't exists

there is real proof this works you moron. you think politicians wont sink any ammount of money into this research to figure out how body language works and use it to get votes and dominate their rivals?

Women cannot compete in speaking fields at all and not learn to talk as a man would, low pitch and intonation. This will extend to every incarnation of human behavior, to who women pick to be in power and who men picks, both slanted towards men. the intonation alone could slay a girl in terms of a promotion because not being able to speak in a way that is centered around confidence and instead turning everything said into a question isn't going to give someone the impression you know what you're doing. Even a name alone can make someone see you negatively in text. theyre imagining that intonation when they read it in their inner voice.

This is the result of human evolutionary heritage. Its not going to go away just because you want to pretend allah made the world in 30 nights or whatever.

>there is real proof this works you moron.

You're unconsciously a cuckold.
Wow, guess it works then

guess you're a numberphile for getting a hardon in mathclass then, mr i'm too retarded to understand unconcious judgements happen.

Because they are less productive than men.

Anybody in any profession who had to work with women knows why they should be paid less.

here ya go op

>Work at factory
>Get paid 2200 euros a month
>Ask female coworker how much she gets paid
>2200 euros a month

You can't even disprove that you're a cuckold, instead you keep calling me retarded which is not an argument.

This really is the crux of the matter. Women don't perform as well as men in a lot of professions, and are completely incapable of performing many others.

>wage gap

GTFO out of here with your fake narrative. The wage gap is one of the most disproven feminist fantasies.

Over here they do earn the same as men for the same job.
I do understand that young women occupying essential positions are a risk for the employer.
Women who get pregnant over here have right to 15 weeks of paid maternity-leave.
Which is very nice for the young mothers and children, but a disaster for the employer if she was to occupy a truly highly skilled position.
Plus once they have a household they tend to do less overtime for obvious reasons.

Luckily for most employers highly skilled workers (like technicians and such) are still mostly men.

14 percent of the difference has been identified as poorer female productivity because of menstruation.

Great fucking trigger.

First of all, this is illegal and doesn't happen the way they want you to think it does. Second, if they were willing to do the same amount of work as men then there would be an argument.


what about the lazy pay gap??? it's MUCH bigger than the female pay gap.

>Why do women still earn a lot less than men?
why do women still work a lot less than men

kill faggots

There is real proof that women work less than men and reduce workplace productivity, but you'll ignore all that.


They choose jobs that pay less.

This really isn't complicated.

They don't. You're Dumb. Do Research or KYS.

Casting those characteristics in terms of masculine vs feminine is your doing, not ours. A woman being in charge is just a woman being in charge until you decide to be like SHE'S ACTING LIKE A MAN, that's you projecting

Women are lazier, than men, talk more, work less, spend a lot of time complaining, causing drama and bullying each other.
Women also chose works who are less productive and therefore pay less.


>clickbait title
>already has the answer in the OP anyway



I wish we did publish data on the wage gap here because I want to hear what libtards say when we prove that the only wage gap is between hard workers and lazy workers.

cause pic related

>Make a wild baseless assertion
>expects me to falsify it for you
go to sleep achmed

>pitch and intonation don't exist
idiot detected.

>be employer
>need to fill up a position of really important middle-manager than oversees vital work
>have to choose between two people of same skill
>first is betacuck who needs to keep his job to impress wife and feed kids in future
>second is storng independent womyn who doesn't have kids yet but is rapidly closing in on her 30th birthday
Can you guess which one am I going to choose?

they work less, they do less dangerous jobs

They don't. The statistics are just wrong. Can you read German?
