Hey look, the i7 vPro!

Hey look, the i7 vPro!

Where did you 'find' it?

Twitter. Great for tech news.

I bet the dude on the right is Japanese. Helmut, this is just Japan's way of poking fun at their fallen ally from the war, while Great Nippon marches on without guilt for their imperial past.

>Hey look
>Nigger with white girl
>Chink with white girl

More like i7 vPro racemixing

they're all trying so hard to pretend to be interested in his non-apple device but it's obvious they're all drooling over his BBC :)))

I was talking to the nigger Hanz.

Intel truly is the cuck's choice when it comes to processors.

What else do you expect from a ewish company that sells housefires?

Not gone buy it do to advertising.


zuper geil !

I saw back to back ads the other day. 1 was for a phone that you can draw on and featured a white woman hooking up with an asian dude. The next commercial was for SoFi which featured a black dude with a white wife and mongrel son. I hardly watch TV, but this seems to be the trend in about 70% of the ads shown.

>inb4 "you watch TV faggot"
I will turn a game on in the other room on mute, and when I need a break i'll watch 5-10 min then go back to what i was doing

Who gives a shit dude

Focus on self improvement and ignore all distractions

>It's ALWAYS a beautiful blonde blue-eyed woman with a non-European
They're not even trying to keep it subliminal at thia point, this is in your face social engineering and people (specially women) eat it right up

t. AMD poorfag

>Japs face as he watched the nigger spout bullshit

especially tailored for the German demographic

>Focsius om sevlf imprpvmnt dnd ighnoidr as

Why do they think showing the Windows 10 start menu is good advertising for a supposedly fast CPU?

fucking kek

Yeah shit like that is why I ditched my TV about a year ago. Now I can arrange my furniture the way I want

>can't even afford Intel processor

Cucked by the eternal Anglo as well in Falklands.

The globalists are waging war against the white commoners because they know we are the only ones who fight against tyranny.

Didn't take long for the shills to show up.

Face it, you are one of the few countries still occupied by British imperialists along with shit like the Rock of Gibraltar. The sun has set on the Limeys everywhere else, but they still have you under their boot which is pretty hilarious.