Where did it all go so wrong?

Where did it all go so wrong?

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When he started trying to take her precious.

I just want to give you some free advice, burger friends.

Never elect anyone who's very rich. They always come with corruption strings attached and always want more.

you literally can't be a major candidate and not be rich.

Listen retard. I rather elect someone that funds their own campaign over someone who takes endorsements like a fucking NASCAR driver.

It didn't everything is going according to plan.

You think you can become rich in Jew York without cooperation and approval from (((them)))? Think again.

How would you even know that the self funding was bullshit? Fox News doesn't truthfully fact check Trump and you don't trust anything else.

They were never friends. Punished Trump keeps his enemies close. He always knew about Hillary's role in the death of many of his friends, including John F Kennedy Jr.

2 meme flags. Who would've guessed. Don't you understand how you're confirming for us Trump is /ourguy/.....

>entire establishment on both sides against him
>internet censorship everywhere but imageboards
>shills post here in droves for months on end.
>drives everyone I hate crazy.

You guys basically confirm on a daily basis for us that Trump is God Emperor.

>"I suck jewish cock" the post


Clinton treated her campaign like a smorgasbord of degeneracy.
>I'll take some rapists
>Some buttfuckers
>A little bit of infanticide
>Some dick snippers
>Sprinkle on some border jumpers
>Ooh, felons, can't forget about those
And totally ignored the steak and potatoes.

>>entire establishment on both sides against him
Because he turned your government into a military junta. Everyone is a general, they want to go to war according to recent reports. an, they undermine diplomatic efforts and now they say you're not allowed to criticize or debate them, or even ask questions unless you're completely on their warmongering side.
People with knowledge and experience are terrified what this moron will do with North Korea, Iran and other potentially existential threats and for a very good reason.



I guess ignorance is bliss, you Fox News watching zombie in some trailer park.

Keep believing your fantasy world where trump is our guy. Your redpill dose is too low.

No. You're just a shill. Don't you realize by now everyone knows that meme flags are just shills.

No you didn't. You are rationalizing a terrible outcome after the fact.
Remember how Hillary was supposedly the big warmonger, retard?

show your flag

why are white people so fake?

I have nothing else to demonstrate except your ignorance.

Why are you even trying to pretend you're not a shill? It's laughable at this point. Your petty attempts at convincing anyone of anything are funny as fuck.

Wasn't her friend. But donated half million to get her elected. Yeah, 4d checkers you delusional twat

Meme flags are used to prevent murridumbs to use other nation flags as an 'argument' so they don't have to come up with real arguments.

Well if you're Israeli it's obvious why you would hide it retard.

Republican voters are so easy to fool

No souls and no food history or culture

maria seems pretty good desu

You sounds agitated. Go take your prozac, overweight trailer trash friend.

kys chaim

>3/4 of the plates are some sort of chicken

You got me, junta guy. I'm chaim the shill and I anally devastated you in a debate.
Sorry your healthcare doesn't cover the injuries.

Sorry about israel, too bad that Trump is about to expose everything. Can't wait to see the JIDF cry on Sup Forums then.

I think Israel is safe with the guy who always wanted to be a NYC Jew and finally married into the Kushner family.


youll see

The co-president is Kushner. You will rationalize this too like the junta thing.

what's so great about black culture?
>Absentee fathers
>glorification of drug use, degeneracy and criminal behavior
>Crime is seen as a legitimate career path
>Condemnation of blacks that excel in academics or trying to succeed in fields other than rap/sports/crime
>Stealing other people history WE WUZ KANGZ
>artery clogging soul food

American black culture is abused slave and segregation culture.