Feminism Thread

1. What are the benefits of Feminist ideology?

2. Demonstrations of its failures?

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They provide chuckles here and there but ultimately need to purged like day old bad curry

On the bright side they'll accidentally help us out. Take pic related what do you think this girl will rebel against when she hits her teens and hates her fucking parents?

damn, this picture

I would hate being used as a political pawn when I'm so young that my only choice is to rely on my parents to know about the world

fug, very SAD

1. Rape
2. Rape

what? is the town rapist female in your town?

You do not get it?

no sorry, explain

1. Feminism brings more rape
2. Feminism brings more rape

Interesting. Elaborate


Redpilled Jewish woman DESTROYS feminism.

eh rape is bad though

I swear to god most these feminists have some sort of sick fantasy about it the way the talk about it

my thots:

1. respecting people for the value that they deliver to relationships and society is good
2. feminism demands there should be more respect for less value

Kids her age look like midgets when they wear suits.

1. men can stop being superior
2. it just embarassed all women instead; started to become more about physical complaints as opposed to political and economic

>respecting people for the value that they deliver to relationships and society is good

yea true, but if the value is close to nothing then respect is too

Every female looks like a squatty midget in a pantsuit.

>men can stop being superior
Not all men.
The invaders give jack shit about this -> RAPE

>physical complaints

it's just funny cause they aren't mentally capable of doing that.
The idea is good of course but no girl who labels herself as "feminist" will ever realize some of their hypocrisy. I've never seen a sane sounding woman of that kind

So you think that feminist societies should not be invaded and raped for good? I beg to differ, males of the feminist society have become weak and should be replaced by invaders.

I dunno, I just think identity politics suck.. i'm not advocating for mass rape

Mass rape is nothing more but warfare.

yea, but it breeds further aggressive male traits instead of intelligent traits.

so there's more of a regressive society, rather than a society that values intelligence. This would hurt medical and technological advances, rendering said society at a disadvantage to a society that celebrates those things.

That is why I do not get about the zionist agenda to breed out whites... they would be left in a world with a bunch of negros, asians, poos, and various shitskin half-breeds. What culture would be left? Who would there be left to steal from? Indians?


Intelligence should be complemented with some aggressiveness. Otherwise barbarians take over.
No matter how developed is your technology, stone age warfare will beat you if you refuse to fight.


1. Cringe humor

2. Destroying civilization.

true, would you say a majority of scientific research and development is in defense and weaponry?

this would go along with your point that intelligence and aggression are complimentary traits for success of an ethnostate

>inb4 can win being only on defensive (blocking, running away)
No you can not win this way, you will die from exhaustion.

Trips of Truth

>would you say a majority of scientific research and development is in defense and weaponry?
I'd even say that all scientific research is defense and weaponry. We are battling nature with civilization.

I worked in a corporate office, technology research...

I watched women conspire to destroy destroy a company the ceo built from the ground up. No fault of their own, they do not know any better.
women should not be in the workplace.

just another zogged-out finnish pawn

Good stuff.