Memes and irony aside boys you don't actually believe the Holocaust never happened right...

Memes and irony aside boys you don't actually believe the Holocaust never happened right? It's one of the most well documented incidents in history. You can'y claim to be intellectually honest and deny the Holocaust all at once

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Digits confirm fake



Hmm demons are getting restless, must be a big event coming up


>(((well documented)))
What about the documents that prove the other (((documents))) wrong?

I often browse Reddit and just came to this site. I agree.

It's sick that so many people on this site are flat-out Holocaust deniers despite their being a massive cache of evidence that the Holocaust happened.

The people on this site are the type of fuckers holding the world back. They're the type of people who got Trump elected into office.

>the soviet union under Stalin would never fabricate propaganda about a nation that invaded them.

I wasn't there so I don't know what really happened. I'm inclined to believe it although with how fucked narratives and official history has gotten just in my lifetime, I'm not sure what to think. But I'm definitely not a Holocaust denier. I think it happened.

I'm not sure I really understand it completely though considering how utterly retarded Hitler's plan was, or at least what they tell us it was.

Quite frankly a lot of the Nazi LARPing on this site embarrassing. I'm not saying you're wrong about Jewish influence and collusion in modern America. But at the same time, tying yourself to such a destructive socialist methhead is just stupid.

Holocaust deniers are the history equivilent of flat earthers.
How do you explain the census data then?

>According to censuses, there were about six million more Jews in Europe in early 1942 (as the Holocaust began) than there were at the German surrender in 1945. The Wannsee Protocol from 1942 said that there were 11 million Jews in Europe, of which roughly 6 million were living in German-controlled territories (as the Third Reich was at its peak by 1942).[58] Where did they go?

Or the forensic data?

>Jean-Claude Pressac (1944 — 2003) — a French pharmacist who used to be a Holocaust denier, who in 1979 undertook a forensic examination of the Auschwitz gas chambers. The result? He was shocked by the overwhelming evidence. In 1989 he published a book that confirmed the established view that the gas chambers were functional, killing between 631,000 and 711,000 prisoners.[78]

Or the actual recordings of Himmler himself admitting as such?

Holocaust denial is a losing game my man, there's just too much evidence to be able to call yourself intellectually honest and deny the holocaust.

Holocaust didn't happen but it will.

Go ahead faggot, hit me with this massive cache of evidence that proves even one jew was gassed.

One can discuss the number of murdered, but given the amount of evidence, refuting it is madness.

Ozzam's razor. The survivors, the soldiers liberating the camps, the prosecutors on the Nuremberg trial, they must all be involved in a grand conspiracy to discredit the Nazi regime, a conspiracy involving several 100000s of people.

Or the Nazi regime, whose ideology revolved around the extermination of sunhumans embarked on an industrial scale genocide.

Which one sounds more reasonable to you?

Nobody flat out denies the holocaust. Holocaust deniers are more like 911 truthers. It happened but people question certain aspects of the holocaust. Obviously they believe the nazis had concentration camps. People mostly question whether there were gas chambers and whether 6 million died.

One of the things that troubles me about the Holocaust.

Let's say the Nazis won or let's say the Soviets fought a hot war against us under Stalin and won. Would we currently in 2017 believe the United States persecuted and murdered hundreds of thousands of Japanese in American concentration camps under Roosevelt?

refer to


Truth is I don't care.

why do Sup Forums fags take these JPGs as gospel?


>I often browse Reddit and just came to this site.
The only bad thing about the Holocaust is that it didn't happen.

You should kys for flying the Ancap banner you slimey crypto-kike.

I know you are baiting but still

I don't care.
Jews deserve another one desu.

did you see the anti Zionist posts Julian Assange dropped?

I wish it actually happened

