I heard the loudest of bangs followed by what sounded like heavy machine guns, lasted for about 3 minutes of continuous explosions and shooting, it was so violent the ground was shaking and I live on the 8th fucking floor. then it all went silent and a jet fighter flew across the sky.

can anyone in paris confirm? I am in the 20th near Père la Chaise cemetery, sounds were coming from the south.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm in 15eme, can confirm.
No fucking idea if it was gun or something else.
Got into the street but saw nothing, nor heard anyone screaming.

Someone on twitter says they were fireworks

The absolute state of France


Stay safe, Franon.


>mistakes fireworks for machine gun fire
Europeans everyone

so what happened at bataclan?
did cunts get butchered or not?
was it covered up?

>(((someone on twitter)))
Totally not a jew trying to defuse the plan gone wrong

Is it spooky living near cemetery?

Good. The fire rises.

We need to de-Islamize the West.
We need to de-Islamize the West.
We need to de-Islamize the West.
We need to de-Islamize the West.
We need to de-Islamize the West.



it shook me to my bones man, those weren't no fireworks..

le part and parcel



fireworks go off,
frenchies scramble to find that white flag
some things never change

add me in the screencap

Ok, false alert.

It's for the show Sense8, wife has saw some posters warning that they were using the street tonight from 23h-11h or something like that.

Nogun countries suck, we know.

Big if true

fuck off mossad niggers.

Fuck here goes the alarms. /pol are fucking genius detectives amaright? some white guy stabbed a guy the other day in munich and you retards were ree'ing out about immigration and muslims and shit. Just today in nuneaton (town in the uk) there was a hostage situation and mfw you idiots started tattling about immigration and crime rate stats and shit. Turns out the guy was white. Fuck man not everything in the world is related to terrorism. Bad shit happens. Its part of the parcel of living in a big city

Did it even set off car alarms? Fireworks set off car alarms all the time.

>mistakes gun shots for clapping
>burgers clap along

burgers everyone

Nobody alive to scream

It's fireworks.

Le Stephen Paddock

fucking police cars coming in

Just got back from my walk, tell me if there is anything i can do to help you, greatest ally. pic related

I didn't hear anything.

wow a fucking leaf who would've guessed.
pro-tip you basically live in the same state so yeah.. KILL YOURSELF

>did cunts get butchered or not?
>was it covered up?

the 22nd strikes again
be safe, anons

fake pic americans dont stand they always sit on their mobility scooters

Typical French wussy gets terrified by fireworks.... Sad

seriously what the fuck is going on on this board

are you even serious mate
why would they be mossad??
and why is this a false flag?
as you stated earlier?
are you one of those obfuscation shills?


>tfw eiffel tower is exploding
where were u anons when the great eiffel tower fell?

Exactly. SEE? Jesus christ its like you niggers want something to happen, just to forward your shitty agenda.

o lala

Islam is going to be the virus that infects and destroys the West irreversibly.

This is one of those moments in history you have to really think about what the future is going to look like. It's not looking good right now, so we have to realise that there are very real threats to the future of the First World countries and the West as a whole.

t. dog

Damn, HWNDU France Edition is never coming down. They ready have their white flag.

Muslims if true

Probably fake but if true put me in the screenshot.

pol is evolving.

they did a very good job of it
so what those articles said about the cop testifying about the testicles in the young fellas mouth true?

>be french
>hear fireworks

Tranny firework attack on the Eiffel Tower? Pray for Paris.

literally kys and fuck Sup Forums for putting up with this garbage

you guys need to get your shit together:

tbf it really does sound like automatic gunfire at the beginning.

Good, the more the Parisian faggots are rekt, the better.

Fireworks to cover the gunfire?

black lives don't matter faggot

why are there fireworks? Is it holiday in france???

>the testicles in the young fellas mouth true?
ja people were butchered like fucking animals!

Inb4 "It was just a gas leak, nothing to see Goys..."

>Mistakes fireworks with gun shots
ahahhahaha seriously frogs?

Have you cucks turned your bed sheets into flags yet and put your lips gloss on to suck the attackers dicks?

Glad it's just fireworks. Paris has suffered enough.

> Parisian in 2017
> Fears for his life every time someone throws a firework

>Just got back from my walk, tell me if there is anything i can do to help you, greatest ally. pic related

yes its Berlin's time

At first i was thinking it was some bombs, i could just hear the sounds. It's how you know your country is totally fucked

Wait a fucking minute, didn't something just like this happen earlier this year, around/before some actual happening too place? I wish I had screenshot that thread. Crazy Deja-vu right now.

>fireworks going off in France
>citizens unconditionally surrender

remember veags burger ?
it took an hour for you to realise it wasn't part of the show


I do tend to expect an explosion. Is this a car bomb going off?


Based Nige, You tell those surrender monkeys how to deal with terrorists.

roll for Berlin

>Someone on twitter says they were fireworks

Probably just Diwali celebrations

Shut the fuck up frenchie. Better watch your fuckin mouth.

>Implying I'm not a Muhammad

Man it doesn't sound like fireworks because it was just like 10-15 explosions, not a lot like a traditionnal firework + it's midnight and there is no national event + it's normaly forbidden to do fireworks in paris unless it's 14/07 or 01/01.

large if confirmable


fake news.

The paddock world tour continues.


It must be fun to live in a place where you shit your pants and fear for your life every time you hear some louder bang.

>implying implications

It was a gas leak

ITT: French anons surrender to fireworks.

Was it fireworks?


Was it fireworks ;^)

now back sucking your bf cock frenchys lmao

be serious cunt

Germany, how many times have we told you...

the jew media that flooded europe with niggers and muslims and muslim niggers will not report any explosive news no matter how large.



Bin those fireworks. I remember seeing an article where they were pushing for a ban on firework shows because it was triggering the poor rapefugees.

the efficiency of the free market
those pipes were fine last time i looked