Describe to me where you see the world in 5 years, 20 years, and 50 years

Describe to me where you see the world in 5 years, 20 years, and 50 years.

Genuinely interested in peoples responses.

Other urls found in this thread: Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/ève’s-idea-of-end-of-history-philosophical-key-to-european-

By 2070 there will be state enforced homosexuality

5 yrs - Japan repeals article 22, China begins building an actual air force. Nationalists in Europe resort to terrorism after leaders get jailed extrajudicially.

20 yrs - USA declares itself a commune of NWO, demands biological ID for government services, causing only a little unrest. Europe is minority White, except for Poland.

50 yrs - Chinese genetically modified humans who are blind from birth but are super geniuses become the new eunuchs of the Forbidden Kingdom.

Racial/civil war in Europe in under 10 years. Spills over to the USA. Ethnostates formed in pacific north west, and rural areas of the US. Parts of Germany And France are ethnically cleansed of non whites

5 years = minor wars continuing
20 years = one major war in shit tier continent
50 years = global nuclear catastrophe.
5000 years = Horizon Zero Dawn, baby

5 years: USA is dying
20 years: world-wide socialist revolution
50 years: communism

Only applicable for white males though.

Such a shame i'll probably be close to dead by then and won't get to see that. Sad.

i'm just glad i'll get to see canada fully blacked then i can die happy enough.

I don't think much will change in 5 years. We might see a bit more advancements in technology. I think the political climate will be more of the same we have now, with or without Trump for a second term.

Anything beyond that I have no clue. If you would've told me back in the 90s we would all have miniature computers in our pockets that had access to all the information in the world and 90% of us choose to use it for shitty mobile games instead. I would have laughed.

There's a good website called futuretimeline.....I recommend it.

2022 - PC culture has pushed the silent majority to brink of civil war globally. Europe sees first terrorists attacks targeting Muslims.

2030- ww3 and rapid global depopulation.

2040- elites begin rebuilding their dream society. Surviving plebs are slaverace to build it.

Right fucking here

*kickass music starts playing*

2022 - China will become a world power

2037 - Humans will travel to Venus and a new energy source will be created. Hunger will become the past and nobody will die because of it.

2067 - Polar ice will start melting heavily and levels of oceans will increase to a great extent.

Is this from the website or your own thought?

2020 - India will be superpower

>taking the black rice pill

>5 years
WW3 begins around this time period, wide scale conventional devastation with a side of limited nuclear exchange, the big powers manage to restrain themselves from obliterating all life on Earth with a full nuclear exchange
>20 years
Recovery from WW3 still in progress, massive economic boom, 3/4 of mankind killed in the war, colonization of other planets more and more attractive since Earth is pretty shit at this point
>50 years
Solar System almost fully colonized, nation-states abolished and replaced with one world government, exploration of other solar systems underway

I think a neo liberal capitalist vs terrorist shithole

Dunno when but there's prob gonna be another world war. World wide population is getting up there

My own thought.

Website has a similar prediction just over much longer timeframe.

The website created prediction s based on metadata. It's pretty cool and interesting.

5 years: not much

20 years: We find out that the saudi-funded european super mosques were a means by which the 'destabilized' saudi royal family could physically transplant themselves (and their wealth) away from their war-torn home lands (disrupted by electric cars being the majority vehicles sold) and create a euro continent power base that influences local and national politics and sets them up as kings both in exile and in the foreign countries they now occupy. Europe begins the soft creep via policy change into a power bloc that integrates the levant and eventually joins what we now call BRIC (soon to be BRICE). The middle east is "saved" by pooling the resources and industrial might of europe and kicking back a huge amount of international welfare aid to former saudi-aligned ME countries, which will be a de facto caliphate but in practice will be as lawless and fucked up as the Congo.

50 years: Social engineering via consumerist rewards (i.e. "cashback" bonuses from credit cards, store gift cards from product purchases) has set us up to integrate into a post-labor hyper-consumer lifestyle, where we get "free money" bonuses on top of our basic universal income if we buy government sponsored special products; these products are specifically selected by the government as a means of focused production and profit distribution amongst the manufacturing conglomerates and a tool by which international compacts and agreements can maintain sustainable financial requirements. The hyper-consumerist model stands as the last bastion against full worldwide economic collapse by generating a fully planned and orchestrated welfare industry within third world nations on a rotating schedule to allocate available funds.

100 year timeframes are what you need to look at if you want to get some idea's of what power structures have planned.

[KB thread archives(take the time to read all OP's): Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/ ]

5 years - North Korea is conquered by South (or vice versa).

20 years - China completely overtakes the US as a superpower.

20-50 years - Arab and black majorities in several European states and Canada, Hispanic majority in the US.
UN loses much of it's influence.

50 years - Hitler-style regime in Eastern Europe invades Western + Southern Europe and Sweden, begins an ethnic cleansing of much of their populations.
Probable 2nd American Civil War.
Probable WW3.

>in 5 years white nationalism will be mainstream
>in 20 years White nationalist will be the mainstream rightwing party
>in 50 years white nationalists will be seceding from the US to form a white ethnostate.

5 years: LGBT takes 10% of US Congress; a separate faction of said group resents mainstream goals & breaks off & form their own group, therefore building more inner tensions within the political extremes

10 years: Fingerprint/DNA info on all licenses in nearly all developed countries just to access the "pasttimes of life" like browsing on the internet; all forms of sports must wear "safety" padding so no one gets a boo-boo & must kiss each other on the lips after an argument against anyone

20 years: Second American Civil War between Alt-Right/Alt-Left/whoever's left that's considered "normies" in today's age, which causes the U.S. to lose its World Superpower spot; same scenario in Europe with the "Second Coming" of Nazi Germany, only to be squashed by Muslim-based EU army; "vices" like candy & video games will only be sold to people over 21; at least 20 genders will be federally recognized & protected

50 years: polar ice caps will shrink down to 1/8 of its current size, major coastal cities are flooded & abandoned due to poisoned waters from raw sewage; those that survive will then start to fight each other over limited supplies of bottled water; rain water is now "questionable" to drink no matter where you are camped; EU picks up the USA to save it from imminent destruction; no more Koreas and China & Japan will be at each other's throats, only for the world to sit & watch; sports can only take place at EU-sanctioned Olympics; expect weather events to be even more violent and longer-lasting

5 years
>the invention of the flying car
20 years
>booming vertical cities.
50 years
>right wing utopia. everyone living at one with nature.
nazi future

>ooh a LARP, can I join?


After 8 years of Congress and Obama doubling debt, it came to manifest with inflation. No one really knew where it manifested, but the only hint was that the markets were growing far beyond expectations. Labor value hadn't grown nearly as fast as that. People started to question it mid-2018, thinking this looked an awful lot like 2006 housing market, but they were summarily ignored. People didn't want the good times to end. The Fed let it slide on December 2017.

The economy shit itself in October 2019. Numerous false breakout attempts by bigshots were attempted beforehand as they got nervous it could get out of control, and it caused lots of volatility. The deficit spending finally caught up to us. Leftist scum finally had a reason to really hammer on Trump. They haven't been successful in getting anyone to believe that Trump is LITERALLY HITLER until then. The pressure rises and Trump doesn't really have much in the way of options but to stay quiet... quieter than usual. He'll still talk through his smartphone in witty quips.

In the 2020 elections, the focus is on the economy. A few that were smart and had money pulled out and profited bigly, but the rest were poor as shit. People pointed fingers, some squarely at the Fed, some on bankers, some on the tech bubble that destroyed trillions in value with no capital to liquidate, and if you're Sup Forums, they blamed the Jews. The heat rose as donkey promised that deficit spending would fix this problem and with the government by their side, this would never ever happen, pinky promise. The elephants were in disarray. 4 years of Trump wrecking shit and rebuilding the party left them unsure what to do, although this was no improvement four years ago.

Trump, although unpopular, runs just because of the sheer, memeable incompetency of the Republican party. Democrats somehow worse, thought that a tech CEO or a woman could take the reins of this trainwreck. They're even more memeable in exactly the wrong ways. Sup Forums will once more step up to the plate to destroy anyone in their path just like they did in 2016. The media has a wide gamut of scandals to drown out the campaign but completely fail to do so. Lots of corporate GTFO and golden parachutes happened that year.

The two years were spent recovering. Thanks to the investment of industry in the US, the recovery happens a lot faster as we now have devalued dollar and factories that export product and companies that other countries outsource to.

>he didn't read europe 2083 by commander breivik

why are burgers so sharty?

Space monkeys in five years
NWO In ten
Space monkeys come back and btfo NWO in twenty


2 interesting sources are "the next hundred years" by george friedman from Stratfor, and Singularity University-related speeches on youtube, with which ray kurzweil is involved.

Kojeve's "Hegelian" global historical synthesis of capitalism and communism.

>"The universal and homogeneous state is `good' only because it is the last (because neither war nor revolution are conceivable in it: mere `dissatisfaction' is not enough, it also takes weapons!)

>In the final state there naturally are no more `human beings' in our sense of an historical human being.The `healthy' automata are 'satisfied'(sports,art,eroticism,etc), and the `sick' ones get locked up. As for those who are not satisfied with their 'purposeless activity'(art etc), they are the philosophers(who can attain wisdom if they 'contemplate' enough).By doing so they become 'gods'.ève’s-idea-of-end-of-history-philosophical-key-to-european-
WEForum 2017:

The best thing about this is that you're working towards the same goal too, everyone is.

I mean, the mass education for state interests has been going on since Fichte, a Freemason ( who said this:

>The new education must consist essentially in this, that it completely destroys freedom of will in the soil which it undertakes to cultivate, and produces on the contrary strict necessity in the decisions of the will, the opposite being impossible. Such a will can henceforth be relied on with confidence and certainty.

>If you want to influence him at all, you must do more than merely talk to him ; you must fashion him, and fashion him in such a way that he simply cannot will otherwise than you wish him to will.

So basically you have about 200 years of generations indoctrinated into this system, and creating and participating in the work of institutions, from financial to academic to industrial and mundane, not knowing that they're pod people, and that every single "rebellious" thought they have has already been put there by the system itself. That's the great thing with the Fichtean ("Hegelian") system, the antithesis is still part of the system just like the thesis, and there is no escape.

All the infrastructure for a global panopticon is already here, you're seeing how China does their Sesame thing, you know how it works in dystopian fiction.

This makes all other "happenings" irrelevant, since it will be boot, face, forever.

5 years
USA Economic collapse and follows the rise of socialism, racial tensions increased, minor white flight, Pro-white movements begin to get crushed and resort to terrorist methods
20 years
Pro-white movements in USA are basically dead, White flight in full effect to welcoming european countries (Probably low tier like hungary) Remaining whites in USA aren't capable of any real resistance, Economy has slightly improved from crash but not nearly to historic levels, automation basically halted.
50 years
USA is like south africa today for whites, economy is no longer majority service based and has moved back to manufacturing although incapable of competing with china the whole economy is weak and standard of living is down. Worlds powers are Russia/China, Japan militarizing since downfall of the US and fears of china, Russia/Japan alliance against chinese. WW3 Breaks

A burnt out lifeless rock, hopefully.

>50 years - Hitler-style regime in Eastern Europe invades Western

>blyatkrieg, gop mitt us, vodkamenchen!


5 years-white nationalism is mainstream as a result of the purge of Afrikanners that killed 100,000. There are large scale clashes between alt Right and antifa with multiple deaths (see Peter Turchin's prediction). Antifa becomes more brown. We will see another LA sized riot, but most unrest will be between Right and Left. In Europe, liberalism continues in UK, but Sweden sees NMR enter parliament. Each riot in Europe from migrants sees and increasing number of Nationalist attacking dindus.

20 years: Republican Party is dead and White nationalist control part of congress. Huge political crisis and violence results from this. Nordic resistance movement takes control of Scandinavia, Somalis deported. U.K. Experiences a Brevik style attack the kills 100+ (((politicians))). Germany has nationalist control Bundestag.

50 years- USA has broken up along racial lines. Nationalist control every country in Europe. China is the dominant party and annexed most of Africa.

me at the helm of a country, blowing up the moon

watch out

Peak oil was 2015. Easy oil was long gone, but the development of beating the shit out of shale oil to extract that valuable hydrocarbon delayed it by a decade or two. Oil gave us energy, plastics, medicines, and all sorts of other things. How was a fucking fan with a generator attached or a goddamn silicon sheet do what oil could? Shale oil is also getting harder to get to, and those goddamn hippies are beginning to run in the streets naked. God I wish we killed fat people in the purge.

People resign to the realization that hydrocarbon has to be made. The solutions are numerous. How about build nuclear and use the mountains of power to synthesize oil? Fuck, we don't like nuclear, but it could work. The Navy had a successful trial, but how do we scale that up around the US? How about recycling more so we can delay it a little further? Nah, that sounds like bullshit. The solution actually comes from livestock of all places. It turns out that nothing on livestock is wasted, and the unusuable shit that wasn't turned into food, fertilizer, or insulation could be pressed into an oil product. Turkey and chicken solve our hydrocarbon precursor shortage.

Eh, I'll stop here.

Undoubtedly, the quality of life in the western world will decrease significantly in 50 years time.

Two Timelines:

Timeline A: Nationalism succeeds.

20 Years: Beginning of ethnostates, American empire collapses, E.U. collapses, Russia and perhaps China regulate the world in preventing nations from using chemical or nuclear weapons freely.

Some European nations become Islamic States.

50 Years: Ethnostates rise to become prominent powers, and an era of Great Powers similar to post-Napoleonic France emerges. The world segregates along cultural lines. Potential war in Europe to retake states lost to Islam, as well as NA territory. Black Africa starves and the White Afrikaaners are ascendant as are the Blacks they lead.

Despite reconquesta wars in Europe and N.A., the world remains relatively peaceful.

Timeline B: Globalism Triumphs.

20 Years: The last of White resistance is stamped out, as the U.S. and Canada becomes a 3rd world hellhole run by White and Jewish elites. Potential war in the Korean Penisula or Middle-East.

50 Years: Europe is taken over by Islam completely. Whites who are not rich suffer a terrible genocidal existence. Everyone is poor. Africans invade via immigration every remaining White country. The West falls and the Jews/Rich Whites end up going to East Asia where the process is repeated. Japan and Korea will fall to Cultural Marxism but China will likely need its government toppled. As will Russia. More power will be granted to the U.N. and Globalist bodies.

Human civilization begins its way to collapse as the rich non-brown hordes will eventually be slain by or interbreed with the peasant population and the few successful non-Whites will use their success to engage in vice instead of progress.

Shooting muslims in the streets during a civil war

Pretty much the same as now for all three

You guys are living in a fairy tale if you genuinely believe anything is going to "happen" in your lifetime.

5 years: White nationalism and race realism will be exploding at an alarming rate through Western Europe, NA and Oz and areas with large numbers of muslims and/or blacks are going to see some major strife.

20: the 2030s and 2040s are supposed to be a huge clusterfuck. Automation will be implemented to a large degree and people with IQs below 90 will be literally useless to the economy. Much conflict will ensue around this time period and social institutions will be completely rebuilt. We might see some major wars as well.

50 years: Golden era of insane prosperity. Cheap energy from fusion+solar. Social problems are old news and largely solved. AIs optimizing the shit out of everything. Making big moves building infrastructure in space. Eugenics and genetic engineering will be commonplace.

World War between the East and the West.

Also Urbanization is going to continue at a steady rate. In 50 years most of the population of major nations will live in huge metropolitan areas, eg the NE corridor in USA, the Tokyo area, etc.

You're literally retarded if you think "nothing" will happen in the next 50 years. Think of all the shit that's happened in the past 50 years, well things are accelerating socially with increased communications tech. and globalization, more stuff will happen in the next 50 years than happened in the last 50 years. And by the way think how fast gay rights, women's rights, racial denialism, Jew worship, etc. all flashed out of nowhere. Easy come, easy go.

>5 years
Status quo continues, approximately. Global economy does well, except Europe. A nuclear meltdown in France precipitates a continental slowdown of the economy. Great Britain thrives with the global economy rather than getting bound up in Europe's suffering. Policy responses are finally brought on to restrict refugees across all of Europe, but only when the crisis is already over due to Europe's declining value; this only happens because it is politically useful, rather than because politicians are convinced it's useful policy.
Many of the politicians involved in implementing those belated policies convince themselves of the politically useful claim that it WAS useful policy all along that should've been implemented sooner, and as a result immigrating into Europe becomes a semipermanent nuisance in a poorly targeted "doing something" manner.

>20 years
Technological advance has obsoleted the present economy and is somewhat desperately occupied rebuilding it. The economy is in a mixed-up unpredictable state of booms and collapses as technology fights resource limits; tech is winning confidently, but not comfortably.
Populations unaccustomed to adaptation effort instead rise up to demand handouts. Mass handouts are attempted in some areas, but the result is obvious shitholes of primitive people who get by berating their betters into compliance (as got them handouts) rather than adapting themselves for anything. The most prosperous nations are the ones that held out against the initial unrest without falling to shit or giving in.
Civil unrest permanently destroys some nations, most notably including France, which becomes an irradiated wasteland that horrifies its neighbors. Partially because of France's problems and partially because of their own, Germany and Italy fragment into successor states with varying success levels. The parts of Europe that don't fall to shit remain the world's richest.
Scandinavia grows smug with prosperity.

>5 years
Not much different, Democrats will sweep 2020 and 2022 elections if not 2018
>20 years
Major economic and social problems in the West. The racial/rural economic and cultural divide in the US has exploded. Whites mass murdering minorities is commonplace. A National Socialist style party emerges and gets 30-40% of the white vote before it's banned and gun confiscation is passed, with 1984-level control exerted on whites. European Union is a federal socialist state by now, having done all of this but a few years earlier. China surpasses the US and fights the EU for influence in Africa.
>50 years
One of two options.
Option 1: Multiculturalist hellscape, 1984 and BNW combined, all Western history forgotten
Option 2: Right wing regimes in Eastern Europe and/or a successful coup in America initiates nuclear war with the EU and depopulates Africa in ways that make any surviving kikes WISH the holocaust was real and the worst of their problems.

There are several seminal changes going on at the same time, so it's a bit difficult to say what will happen. Whether the one will take place before the other can make all the difference.

We will have fusion energy in the next 50 years, I think. Then we have the demographic changes taking place all around the world and we have automation on a unprecedented scale.

In 5 years we will have a changed political situation for sure but overall you wouldn't notice too much of a change if you were to timetravel 5 years into the future.

In 20 years we've got the hit of the demographic changes and either a world which is to a large degree niggerified or a bounce back of Europe. Remains open.

In 50 years the world will look completely different. Much of what we know today will be automatized. It's hard to even imagine a world like that today. Work will be seen as something different than today. Good jobs will be like a priviledge and some bad ones that can't be automatized very well will be dirt cheap.

>whites mass murdering minorities is commonplace
Wow, you're more scared of society than George Soros. Why don't you go out and talk to people? White society is valuable precisely because whites are the race that doesn't do that African shit.

I'm just stating reality. When economic displacement really starts to hit, all bets are off. But it's likely that the first one will be so great and effective that the governments declare martial law immediately and purge the WN movements.

Not a student of European history then?

Jesus fuck I wish you morons would learn how tenses work

We won't need to pump oil anymore in the future. We will extract it out of the air with power-to-gas processes.


China will rule the world and will operate as a non-globalized entity.
They are going to live alone.

No online contact with the outside world.

Just economic growth, enclosed country that don't care about the rest, but growing non-stop.

Like when you play a sci-fi game and there's another species that are more advanced, intelligent, etc. It may sound silly now, but it's what is going to happen.

Megacities of 75 to 125 million inhabitants such as the future Beijing Area, the future Shanghai Area (+Nanjing, Suzhou, etc.) and the Pearl River Delta with Guangzhou, Hong-Kong, Macau, etc.

No right, no left, no progressivism, no conservativism. Just China.

>Describe to me where you see the world in 5 years, 20 years, and 50 years.

>5 years
Not much different. 5 years will be after the 2020 election, and its plausible a socialist will defeat Trump. A socialist big immigration president is the final nail in the coffin for the US empire. In 5 years, I expect the US national debt to be around $30 trillion.

>20 years
It becomes clear that the US will never be able to pay its debts. The US is in over $80 trillion worth of debt at this point. China and Russia have the plans for the Belt and Road Initiative complete, they have many members of the Belt and Road working with them. The US is not invited. Hispanics and Asians are a major percentage of the population at this point, they control major political power.

>50 years
The USD is no longer the World Reserve Currency. That position goes to China and Russia. The USD goes back to being a local currency. You will see massive inflation at this point, the standard of living of Americans will just keep dropping- and a lowered standard of living will just be seen as the new normal. The US will not be a part of the Belt and Road Initiative, we will just become closer with Latin America as our country becomes more Hispanic. The US will look not much different from Brazil or Argentina at this point, it will have city centers of wealth- surrounded by miles and miles of slums and shantytowns.

I'm really, really fucking worried about the rise of sociopathy as our leading social norm lads.

I've noticed a trend in these creepy fucking parasite scumbags "making it" in society and being praised by the general public. I see it in Panama all the time. It's like being sleazy and using people is the national sport. I know that it's always been this way, but I've been involved in far too many first-hand experiences over the last two years to discard a true paradigm shift.

If we continue along this path we're fucked forever. Nothing can change if we fall into the arms of the softest talking sociopath we can lay our eyes on.

Wew lads.

>Civil war in America
>Racial Wars
>Eastern Europe remains only with a lot of white refuges from America and Western Europe

Look around you, "confederate". What society do you live in? Are you some caged urbanite, an embattled global inclusion in a locally foreign culture, convinced that you'll never understand anyone who doesn't already agree with you?

5 Years : Joe Lombardo calls another news conference.

20 Years; Changes timeline one last time.

50 Years: Barron Trump releases 'Las Vegas' files. Stephen Paddock will be shown to have died of a comped sushi overdose before shooting started which left Jesus Campos and Ellen De Generes to take over room and carry out attack.

That's my dream for America: we achieve energy independence, withdraw our troops from the world, seal our borders, cut ourselves off from everyone else, and go full-on isolationist. Not America First, but Only America. The rest of the world lives or dies on its own merits without our interference, assistance, gibs, troops, or concern. We mind our own business and spend our time, effort, blood, and treasure on building a better life for our children.

The Chinese won't manage to do it either.

Once the Silk Road gets running and they can field a better navy, they'll never disentangle themselves from the fuckery of international relations.

(((they))) will own everything, including the rights to your organs at birth. Chinese eat every dog and cat on earth so people in 2070 keep chips as pets.

Global economic growth is tightly connected to global population growth.

Why is Czechia not included? Dumb Chinks.

An unparalleled breakthrough in physics will have been discovered and I will join Ted Cruz on his ultimate mission to obtain the fabled Galactigates