Serious question, only white people can post

Serious question, only white people can post.
How do we fix society?

Other urls found in this thread:

By nuking it. Start from the beginning.

Destroy it and build a fascist society in its place

Righteous fire
We will start again.



I had to read the headline 5 times.

mandatory sterilization of dark skinned people who can't prove they have an above average IQ. no more elevating fags and trannies and definitely not letting homos or single parents adopt.

this can't be real.

We become identitarian.
We reject Liberal White women and race traitors.
We reject Pop Culture.
We reject Media.
We reject Hollywood.
We reject anyone or anything that denigrates us.

But....90% of White men are fucking pussies so this will never happen.

By the way, Jezebel never made this article. It's a fake.

>ywn have a wife with a bi boyfriend that you can suck off
why even live t.b.h

we stop letting people convince us to feel guilty for having principles

go back to

take away women's vote, abolish mandatory education and the public education system, fire government alphabet soup, abolish "civil rights" so that people are free to associate with their own kind, pay blacks to self-deport to Africa, nuke China.


hahaha no fucking way

Me too, the part about the 'boyfriends' confused me the most.

I never thought I'd agree with a natsoc... Well, everything except the nuke.

I'm moving to south east asia soon. enjoy the ride burgers


First step has to be to stop women voting.

From that so much good would naturally follow. No more mass migration, no more illegal immigration, no more SJWs running things, no morepandering to feelings over facts.

By letting natural selection take its course and allowing white people to slowly die out.

True, women getting the vote & getting into the workplace started the whole downward spiral. How the fuck these things get taken away at this point seems impossible, at least if done democratically.

Understand that there is a cultural war going on. One side wants a world of degeneracy, where not consenting to the sexual advances of freaks and weirdos will be tantamount to racism/homophobia/etc. The other side, the culturally conservative side, doesn't believe in it's own cause, or the ability to win enough to try. They've been told they are backward, and have seen progress roll ever forward to where we stand today. The ills of society will mend when good men say "enough".

Replace the rotting wood of state power with private businesses and rational empiricism.

Step 1: Find places where public institutions have utterly failed their intended purpose.

2: Encourage locals to study natural law and austrian economics.

3: Start private businesses for the defense or insurance of costumers or the arbitration of their disputes using natural law to determine the legitimacy of claims.

4: Spread word of your succesful free market capitalist approaches to problems once thought unavoidable.


And wetscucks are hating on slavs?

Western """"whites""""" are officially the new subhumans

why are white people like this

>kill all niggers
>kill all jews
>remove spics
>only allow japanese to migrate
>fight for no country but your own
>make communism illegal in all forms
>kill gays
>kill transgenders
>forced sterilization for men with an IQ under 110 (doesn't matter for women since men are the only ones who build society)
>don't allow women to hold office, vote, or teach
>limited welfare (you can only be on it if you're looking for a job)
this is just the start

>music has to be screened, if it promotes degeneracy it's scrapped
>movies get the same treatment
>facebook, twitter, instagram, etc. deleted
>youtube is purged of liberal control
>porn is limited to pictures, you must pay for videos
>no more chlorine in the water
>reduced sugar and sodium in all foods
>doctors only take patients who are in true need of medical service (oh no! my 5 year old has a runny nose DO SOMETHING!)
>cigarettes completely banned
>alcohol severely limited (only can be used either at home or at celebrations)

burn everything, even space, especially space.

actually quite the opposite, the degenerates have created a narrative of their the good guys and are bigger yet some how are oppressed.

this is creating a environment of real oppression on the conservative side.

and as well all know, oppression breeds strength. when it comes time to act, the left will find out how truly small they are.

the enemy always tried to makes itself out to be the oppressed yet powerful one.

>fight for no country but your own
no fuck you

no fuck you

These people are just as bad as chimos.

110 is a bit too high, with better testing, and actual measurement of critical faculties i'm down

Holy moly my sides are in orbit.

Does "empowered" mean something wildly different for leftists?

Eliminate white people and all races via miscegenation, obviously.

>low IQ people don't like this
i never said you can't have sex, you just can't reproduce.

maybe adopt


holy fuck i haven't laughed this hard at an article title in a while

>the absolute state of western society


kill antifa?


Slant who migrated here and has dual citizenship. Your education systems are the only alternative to all out force. Education bred your socialist and cultural marxism, and the only way back out is traditionalism through education. But these institutions have been swelled with rot and cancers for decades, and it's by far too late to uproot the problem(s).

Having babies and potential government legislation is the only thing you're able to do now.

To reach climax, I presume.


damn nigga, you rare as sheeeit

Kill the Jew and take away female rights. Will never happen though.


feels very bad

let it collapse in a beautiful poetic way.

think of all the sad movies and songs.

>confusing cityfags (mostly, the top 5 cities [Democrat majority]), with REAL America

I vote we nuke every major city in the world from space. Or drop tungsten rods. Don't care how, just obliterate every urban center on earth. That seems to be where the majority of this degeneration is based.

Or, we recognize that nothing will get better until we get down on our knees, repent, and return to doing God's will. Personally, I'd like to give option 2 a try before we resort to mass genocide.


mass genocide is the only options, though i'd go with tungsten
no fallout, we can all live peacefully while the niggers and such get obliterated 10 miles away

>>cigarettes completely banned
>>alcohol severely limited (only can be used either at home or at celebrations)
and you can go fuck yourself

and another degenerate who requires external means to feel good

We end the MUH FREEDUMBS meme and realize that people have to be morally led.

I know it's fake but soon it won't be and thats why its funny.

you just described islam...


it's a reality in canada
if you suck your wive's boyfriends dick, you're straight.

it is sweden

yah maybe in Toronto but not here

pic related

says the guy on a power trip
>ban everything I don't approve of
You're no better than SJWs in this regard
Promoting traditionalism/clean living is good but as soon as you ban something it becomes irresistible ie prohibition.

>boo hoo i don't like being told not to do stupid shit
>proceeds to jump off a cliff because he was drunk and high

i never said ban speech or guns, practically the only things that matter

You must be about 20. You can only fix what you have control over and that is yourself. Fix you and lead by example.

Step 1. Meme hitler quotes in Bernie Sanders name.

Step 2. Market Nationalist socialism to the public using buzzwords like equity and fairness.

Step 3. Make anyone against it out to be a racist. the left are eating each other as it is and should not be a problem.

Step 4. Replace trump with a "literal Hitler" and sit back while the fags and niggers vote themselves into the gas chamber.



You don't; this is the progressive's problem - they think they can "fix" other people. Take care of yourself and your own families; deal with what you can control. Leave me and mine alone.

The blowback would be insane. Also, you can do anything with muskets expect sit on them.

neogaff fag detected

Evil prevails when good men fail to act... letting yourself become oppressed thinking it breeds strength is not doing everything you can to stand for what you know to be right.
The greatest lie is that good men wont stand beside one another.

I honestly have no clue. I'm pretty right-wing myself, and want nothing more than to live in an ideal world free of leftism, jewry and degeneracy, but as to how we can attain such a state is beyond me.

There's definitely a lot of opposition against us.

I'm just glad I don't live in some shithole like detroit, or Baltimore. We have to fix our own country first and foremost.

im not saying you should be oppressed to breed strength but that's the atmosphere right now

Same here. It's absolutely disgusting.

always kill a traitor before the enemy, jimbo

>>boo hoo i don't like being told not to do stupid shit
>>proceeds to jump off a cliff because he was drunk and high
Then wouldn't that be for the best? Wouldn't have to worry about me corrupting everyone.
If your method of preventing people from "doing stupid shit" requires constant reinforcement/reeducation its not effective and you're taking society on the low-road to the gutter.
>i never said ban speech or guns, practically the only things that matter
The other totalitarian policies you espouse would naturally lead to this out of necessity.

these are what make strong societies (look at 1930's Germany) i never said you were going to like it

>only allow japs to immigrate

Kill yourself gook lover. Japs are disgusting effeminate subhumans. I'd rather let in non-islamic middle easterners than fucking Japs.

Also the IQ bar is stupid, we have to find SOMEONE to do the jobs no one else will do. There's supposed to be a class divide in a perfectly functioning society, and you can't do that if everyone is intelligent.

no lo se, puede hablar en español?

shit like this is a relief to me in a way because it is a sign we have hit the true rock bottom and have no where to go but back up now

that's fake.

We wait.

Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. Weak men create hard times.

We are in the phase where weak men are creating hard times. Crisis will come, they will die, and we will carry on.

japanese have one of the least degenerate societies (other than anime)

>another low iq not liking this rule

They still had alcohol and smokes.

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

Basically we need to attempt to return the US to what is seen as the idealized 1950's, only with the nationalism and the anti-communism turned up to 11. Also purge all sexual degenerates, and return the status of women to property if the husband or father. Reinstate courtship traditions but enforce them with the power of the state. Imprison all politicians from the Democratic and Green party members without trial and investigate all sitting Republicans, also imprisoning them if they are found to have any degenerate habits or harbor and anti-nationalist sympathies.

why phrase it like that?
>adam wasn't the first cuck anyways

I’m not white. But the answer is simple.


Uncle Adolf tried to save us. We should’ve listened. The Jews were removed from every thriving culture since time immemorial. There’s a reason why.

>"Hey want to be my wife's boyfriend? I'll even suck your dick to show you how powerful I am"


>You can't have children
>But you can adopt children and raise them in a shithole with poor intelligence
just admit that IQ and intelligence doesn't matter as long as you're a productive person

>Make the punishment for false rape allegations be the same as if the accused rapist was guilty
this will put a foot in many feminist plans, allow more people to think about their bullshit
>remove all abortion and euthanasia
this has become a the newest form of human sacrifice in society to make us stronger. Remove this and all death will have stronger meaning, making more people think twice about consequences of what they do
>Cease all immigration from everywhere except white countries
don't advertise this just try and be subtle about it to not rile as many people up
>go on a massive campaign in the middle east. go all blitzkrieg on those goat fuckers
end all terrorist bullshit.
>make the punishment for terrorism execution
end. terrorist. bullshit.
>Exercise extreme legal action against any the Weinsteins in the world, don't let any Jews scare you with the idea of their "power" being on their side
>Deport anyone arrested for attempted terrorism
>Reinstate the meaning of freedom of speech, don't let the left's screams be the only sound to hear
>have military and infrastructure be the focus of national spending
>improve relations with non-eu counties to convince other nations to leave the eu
>fix the idea the nationalism is a bad thing, because its not.
>any region in the country that ends up being detrimental overal to the country should be allowed to leave, let them burn on their own (cali)
>Remove soros
>solve most international disputes with force, if possible, claim the land and use it as a colony to make raw goods. send the poor ethnic people who need jobs to work there.
>never get rid of your nukes, that will scare all countries from going to war with you.

clickbait articles aren't that big of a problem dude. Society is fine.

Also, this.

There's no fucking way this is real

restrict jews from working as journalists or writers and also restrict them from owning businesses