Why doesnt anyone care if men were sexually assaulted...

Why doesnt anyone care if men were sexually assaulted? Why does everyone cater to women so much in this country like they are little babies?

Like the Weinstein thing, I saw on TV a bunch of cucks white knighting to a bunch of actresses. I don't know if they are worse than niggers at this point

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When women get raped, they get coddled because they are seen as victims.
When men get raped, they get ostracized because they are seen as less than a man.
It's awful, but it's the sad truth.

people also expect men to take care of and protect any women out there.. despite the fact very little of them being worth anything besides jackshit

Men are seen as success objects and failure is not accepted.

You can whine about it or you can be successful. Whining is pretty beta though user.

Women represent the bottleneck of our reproductive capacity, thus we as a spieces are protective of them.

Men are expected to be both capable and disposable. Thus nobody cares, unless tremendous value is lost.

Women are the valuable sex, and society has always valued them far more than men. You live in a gynocracy for a reason.

I'm sure there are still good moraled women who will only date within their own race out there. You are right that they are scarce in number these days, unfortunately.



Not bad.

Protective doesn't mean letting be alone with another man in his room, especially one she just met.

Humans tilt to being protective of female humans but current Western mentality is so hypocritical, that women are put at the forefront of danger and degeneracy.


Why are you a sexual assault apologist OP?



Kind of. However - remember o the safety/freedom tradeoff. Essentially, the more protected you want to be, the more freedoms you need to yield to your protectors. The deal is, we live in the safest times in history. In spite of muslims and other fuckery. Since we live in the safest of times, women can do whatever they want.

The more dangerous are the times, the more restrictions are placed on women by society at large. You can see this in the islamic cultures, of all places. Their culture is tribal, and those tribes were in a constant strife, thus they are absurdly protective of women.

Give muslim countries GDP/Capita equal that of the US, possibility to sustain yourself without a husband and a century, and muzzie women will be walking topless in Mecca.

> Ugly chick wats to feel beautiful
> Ugly chick is a lazy fuck
> Ugly chick invents a political advocacy to guilt trip everyone into doing her bidding.

Feminism in a nutshell.

i was raped once i said no kept saying no but she got on thee dick i was like okay and now look back at it and laugh dont see why woman over react

It isn't being an apologist. It's about pointing out the hypocrisy and bias between which rape victims we support. We always support female rape victims, but almost never male rape victims. That #MeToo hashtag on Twitter has been made almost exclusively for female rape victims, male rape victims either get told to shut up or that they "can't get raped".


>It isn't being an apologist. It's about pointing out the hypocrisy and bias between which rape victims we support.

To the contarary. We are perfectly consistent. The apparent hyporcisy is because we fooled ourselves that men and women are 'equal'. This is bunk, but normies will spew this anyways, and then behave in a way that is perfectly consistent with an assumption that men and women are, in fact, different.

you could have punched her in the face, then mounted her and killed her with your bare hands. you let it happen

> because going to jail and getting buttfucked by Tyrone and Jamal for 25 years is fun.

it would stop the rape he was experiencing? Are you retarded?


Men can't get sexually assaulted.
You're either a child or a pussy if you get groped or shit like that.

You SHOULD have a pistol on your waist, any excuses you come up with instantly gets discredited when you remember this.

...and then he would go to prison for a long while, where, as a woman killer, his fresh boipussy would get stretched to 'average western woman' size.

Seriously, mate. Men get defult arrested in domestic violence cases and burger cops with burgers get buttmad that something bad happend to a bitch. You, of all people, should know.

The "sad truth" my ass.

They are less than a man.

>Men get defult arrested in domestic violence cases and burger cops with burgers get buttmad that something bad happend to a bitch.
source? because in my town i was attacked by a drunk girl at a party in my house, and i punched her in the nose and broke it and threw her into a wall. i called the cops and told them i want her out for trying to stab me and nothing happened to me. they made her leave and said it was self defense and im cool. you watch too many movies poland. i dont doubt it happens but it isnt the norm anymore.

>i only date black guys
>Liberal,...,open minded


It's called "Predominant Aggressor" and wooled in a way that in 99% of cases means "arrest the man"

Here: first google link: stopvaw.org/determining_the_predominant_aggressor
which then leads you to their definition of DV:

Which states:

"Domestic violence is a violation of women's human rights. Violence directed against women by their intimate partners (current or former spouses, boyfriends, dating partners) is an epidemic of global proportions that has devastating physical, emotional, financial and social effects on women, children, families and communities around the world."

This model of looking at DV is called "Duluth Model" and is spearheaded by feminist groups. The end result is, as you can imagine, men are guilty by default. This is the primary driver of policies that deal with DV in vivo.


See, it's this mentality that creates cucks in droves. This idea that male rape victims aren't valid or are less valid than female ones is a dangerous one.



I bet

Double standards at play