Sup Forums is disorginized

without orginization we are ineffective
the commies have communication
along with the liberals
why not us
its a temp invite so commies cant raid later i will make a new one tomorrow and post too

>Sup Forums is disorginized
>wants to use a program called "discord"

also, we're fine.
we already have our ranks.
we've had them since before trump's (s)election.
long before.

get your card.

What would be the benefits of this?
If something must be done people will just make threads?

no. absolutely not a honey pot......

nobody cares about your cool kids club

>Op desperately tries to be cool and become in charge of something for once in his life
>fails miserably and gets called a faggot

At least there is some hope for Sup Forums

sorry the whole point is that were decentralized.

common shill tactic is to create discord servers

kill yourself

As usual THIS, First Post is once again the Best Post.
I couldn't have said it better myself.

>without orginization we are ineffective

Yeah we only helped get a president elected

>not just using what is build into the website

There is a reason why premium members have Sup Forums Gold and Sup Forums Platinum access, its encrypted IRC is much safer than getting honeydicked or infiltrated by kikes and niggerfaggots. Anyway, we have recieved recent funding and I'll be talking about it in the finance channel under the Gold IRC

If you niggers want to get paid to shitpost get then get in now, im only allowing the viewing of recent finance to Platinum members so you Gold faggots are going to have to deal getting scraps

>Reeeee I never get any (You) for my pseudointellectual drivel. It can't possibly be because I have nothing of value to say. Come give me yous on discord.
Fixed that for you.

You are severely overestimating how much influence you actually have.

leftypol/antifa are getting really dumb lately tbqh

It's a common shill tactic to call out shill tactics.



How do I get Sup Forums gold I want to talk

Honeypot. Discord is shit. Dont go to it

Fuck off with your "let's maek group accounts on every social media" Sup Forums is anonymous. that's the fucking goal of this place.


LOL no fuckin way should anyone try to form a central "organisation" that you fuckin idiots would let get infiltrated day one

Pleb. Take a look at this