Daily reminder that if you tend to support democratic policies you're a low-T pussy

daily reminder that if you tend to support democratic policies you're a low-T pussy

shame nature didn't want to redpill you

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what is the point of this thread?

>implying theres any real difference between democratic and republican policies

As shit as Republicans are, they don't want to scrap the Bill of Rights.

This, you're either with the Commie Jews(D) or the Zionist Jews(R).
t. A Jew

you're a pussy if you're right wing

democrats have been the party of constitutional rights

>Scrap the bill of rights
Umm no sweetie that's wrong.


don't screech too loud, your parents upstairs are getting pissed

You have no idea what you're talking about, Bong,

its funny how the pile of shit is coiled just like the snake on your flag

don't get me wrong. the republican party and democratic party are both jewed to death. but better dead than red (not republican red)

Good goy, I owe you a head pat.

keen observation. hope it aint symbolic


party of the jack ass. Stubborn and stupid

hey! no steppy!



But your money belongs to poor people......decisions don't matter.

Eat shit woman.

go back to your ghetto of a country

All those corporations push government regulations to create artificial monopolies that kill competition.

Reducing regulation allows for more competition that prevents one private entity from taking control. Read Milton Friendman low IQ beta cuck

why did it take me 2 days after landing in london to hear a fucking british accent?

your land is shit and so are you

I'm soooooo oppressed by capitalism. Did you know communism is efficient? Equality vs. Efficiency tradeoff. It's basic economics. Communism wants efficiency and Capitalism wants........

oh I'm a woman for questioning your retarded thread? This reads like some lefty faggot trying to shittalk.

You don't even have a gun on you right now do you?

war monuments aren't participation trophies, trash analogy and 3/10 meme

it's MY retarded friend, you retard woman

thread* not friend


so you don't have a gun on you? and i'm the woman? man you suck shit at this nigger

your chain of thought is albanian tier and you can't even respond to the right person

whatever nogunz, enjoy sucking bbc while bragging about how yo ucame to the 4chins and made everyone look bad

if you want i can find you some friends to high five for that post, gee whiz you got me!

also, not everyone's as talented as you are at eating dick that they can talk about their time on Sup Forums while doing it

Yea well i hope your not a trump supporter because trump is a low t pussy. Cant invade north korea because he obvioisly feels threatened by china. He takes male hormone blockers to havs a full head of hair and he spray tans like a bitch he is even a draft dodger. He might as well be a tranny look at his golf and tennis pics he looks thicc because of the male hormone blockers giving him a feminine fat distribution. Has to wear a corset to go on tv. He wastes his time as pres bitching on twitter all day. And the so called manly right wingers votes for this bitch. You consrrvatives should have voted for a real man like darryl castle or evan mcmullin. Even the kkk are bitches now for endorsing this she male troll in cheif.


man lefty pol is pathetic. Do they not have a single gun for that nov 4th bullshit? Sad!

>low t pussy

wrong. he's 70 years old and going strong


2. he's 70. A. you have no proof of that B. whose grampa has a full mop? nobodys. C. sorry you're crusty, pale, and can't tan. you're not even a real white person. 3. I'm in med school, and we talked about this during my ortho rotation, if you have bone spurs in your feet have fun marching in stiff boots with tons on your shoulders all day. 4 stop staring at our president's ass 5. false 6. more people like any of his tweets than will ever acknowledge your existence 7. mcmuffin is a mormon bitch who only practices mormonic polygamy to get more dudes to call daddy

lefty pol in a nutshell

So people learn when to sage threads.