The absolute state of higher education in Canada. She got off and still holds her position

The absolute state of higher education in Canada. She got off and still holds her position

So what? Free speech

What is white fragility?

It's not free speech when it only applies to leftists.

It's anything white people do that is protective of their group, it shows fear of non-whites or subtle racism. Fragile masculinity is more known in leftist circles, the same except it's anything men do alone or to celebrate masculinity.

free speech nigger

>A range of defensive behaviours supposedly exhibited by white people in response to challenges to the unstable racial equilibrium that gives them social privileges.

so basically:
>fuck you whitey

You morons. We have hate speech laws. She's getting away with it because she's muslim.

>being this uninformed


How many years of your life have you wasted here, reposting this picture? No need to respond. Just think about it.

Those faggot virtue signalling boomers back in Nova Scotia deserve the progressive society they have built. They have dodged the brown bullet for too long and now are getting a taste of what's to come for them. I hope Halifags get to enjoy the truck of peace before the year is out.
t.Novanon turned albertanon

>It's anything white people do that is protective of their group

So wouldn't that mean that Muslims are the most fragile community on Earth? White people are stoics in comparison.

I think they're protesting Pepsi

I've never seen it before so I guess he's still teaching people.

Considering you can be penalized for not respecting someone's chosen pronoun, or questioning the allowing of rapeugees there it is not free.
Standing up for your race is considered white fragility, so l guess BLM, and others are fragile.
Noes! Ya think?
It is the state of Cuckada in the new Trudeau state. Bend over for your Ramadan log.

Honestly, white people have to be pretty fucking fragile if they actually get offended by anything that troll says. Seriously, she could call for the death of all infidels and I'd just feel bad that she has to spend her entire life being that ugly.

Based fellow Burger

Seriously though she probably wears the hijab not out of faith but to try and hide her fat disgusting face

When white people say it's bullshit that shitskins claim every white person is evil, this is considered "white fragility".

No. It only applies to whites. Whites are an oppressor race and non-whites are victims. The rising tide of color is getting its sweet revenge.

>Complains about white fragility
>Wraps her head in a towel everyday to make sure God or her husband don't kill her


I enjoyed Halifax for a while but it's so fucking degenerate and everyone is an unthinking leftist idiot. I live in Ontario again, going to a noname university almost ready to graduate as a mechanical engineer.

Any advices? I want to earn a lot of money and drive hot cars, fuck.

Typical Jewish inversion of morality. Standing up for yourself in public is fragile and weak, while being a whining parasite is strong and brave.

>She got off

Can Muslim women still do that?

Its when white people complain when minorities are racist to them

say "hateful" and "anti white." Not "racist"

the only problem is that its hate speech and you have laws against that.
shes getting away with it bc shes a muslim.
>your country is cucked to your muslim overlords, enjoy sucking their cocks infidel

*condition applies

its something weak-minded, servile manchildren feel when anyone says anything against white people.

these people are safely ignored.

I honestly don't know how everyone else can stand the amount of whining, blind hatred and bollocks that comes out of shitskins and liberals mouths.

Especially the shitskins when they are statistically the worst people in society and have built nothing of worth in the past few hundred years and live in our countries because theirs are so shit.

They've earned their deportation/anihilation, every bit of it