Well, white people; We're waiting

What are (you) doing to reconcile with People of Color?


Moving far away from them so I can't oppress them with my stable family structures and protestant work ethic.


I'm going to smoke dope, rob a liquor store, father a child and then abandon him all so I can better understand the experience of people of color.

White people gave you modern civilization and technology and in return most of you shit it up and hate us for it. We dont owe any of you shit.

More than you're doing with your shitty bait threads. OP is still a faggot.


playing video games

Don't forget going on welfare

What are you doing, nigger?


>What are (you) doing to reconcile with People of Color?
I support deporting every last one of them back to their country of origin.

I take more of a hands off approach...as in, I haven't reconciled any nigger with their impending death as yet...
So don't fucking push me, I may just change my mind...

also just generally be terrible
maybe convince ~100000 other whites to start committing more felonies

I will pay for one one-way plane ticket to Djibouti.

Our people were brought to this continent before the inception of America. We have just as much as a right to live here as you do white boi.


Honestly I don't even know what reconcile means

Send them back to Africa.

I'm ready to put a fucking bullet in anything that moves that isn't white. There's your reconciliation.

Checked, nice digits, huwite man.

Watching them Fuck everything they were ever given up.

It means "die out of existence and give us shit on your way out." Niggerbabble is easy to decode when you've spent enough time here.

I'm sending them back to the ancestral homeland just like they wanted.

didnt the blacks enslave the jews and force them to build pyramids?

Treating them exactly how I'd treat anyone else. Most people find any other way to do it to be infantilizing and rude. It blows my mind how many white (and, to be fair, (((white)))) leftists and "progressives" treat non-white people as though they were children. Utterly insulting. You can tell that they learn this by working and studying in circles that are exclusively white, Jewish, and token minorities who are there to ride the oppression bandwagon all the way to the bank.

I'm not saying like "le based black man" or anything. I'm just saying that most of them aren't complete fucking retards (blacks and injuns aside) and should probably be treated like adults and taken seriously.

Every time I hear the word "reconciliation" my eyes narrow and I prepare for combat

Fuck all I've nothing to reconcile with people of colour I've never done anything to them

Our ancestors conquered them and killed their elites several centuries ago. Job's done.

ignoring their bullshit on a daily basis.

I'm working toward resegregating society. That is the way the races get along the best.

Moved to a 95% white county so I don't have to tolerate POCs anymore.

You're welcome.

Send them bacK.


Im using genomics to prove niggers are an abomination

Maybe black people should reconcile with themselves first, yeah?

Black lives don't matter