Trump redpills

This mother fucker here.

Reminder that Trump literally started the Russian collusion story for the sole purpose of destroying the media.

10 months, no proof, media credibility in the trash, all sources are "anonymous", Mueller career ruined, Trump vindicated.

May god bless Donald J Trump

Other urls found in this thread:

After msm bent over for the W administration in order to get us back into Iraq I would have hoped the numbers would be closer to 100%...if this tweet is even real. This is why I hate this country.


Trump knows that tax breaks are what creates jobs, everyone knows it.

Obviously tax breaks don't result in a 1:1 job ratio.

Businesses are created to make money, a part of making money is to employ people, the owners intention is not to create jobs, its to generate income, which as a side effect, creates jobs.

So how do you pass the biggest tax break in history if you have a huge business council? You make the CEOs the good guys.

Trump purposely make controversial comments about Charlottesville to create the climate for his business council to "take the high ground" and leave his council, this creates a "good guy" persona for the CEOs and when tax cuts come down, the "trump and his billionaire friends" narrative is BTFO

Punished Trump is factual, he does this shit because he is literally rubber and shit doesn't stick to him, he takes it for us becasue he can.

Trump is truly the savior we need

why not kill yourself for him

it's YOUR fucking retarded stupid party that nobody likes. you sound like them from back in 2005? start making some fucking sense. getting some of your "personal responsibility" and not being a shifty goal post moving hypocrite kike bastard for once

the fonts look fake

Trump is so fucking stupid, he doesn't even understand why he was elected.

He really is brilliant. No one, could have done what he was done in the way he has done it.

I love the god emperor.
This is too much even for me, user


Blow it out your ass you AIDS gargling nigger. This is our country now.


146422216(you fucking faggot shill bot)
Check out this word soup the algorithm spat out

not an argument
generic cunt sucking

I see the Canadian Cuck Trudeau in on pol - Don't worry Justin, we will send you more refugees.

nice 60 mile wall you got there fatty. nukes ahoy

> god emperor
> "user" capitalized

Go back to The Donald, faggot.

"Sinking through" lmfao this fucking guy

thanks m8

>he is literally rubber, shit doesn't stick to him.

Did Sup Forums create Majin Buu Trump meme yet. Seems like it isn't even his final form. 9000d chess.

so the chess memes were true?