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>hurrrrr is a body

Quit giving this cunt attention.

Just passing the video along. Nothing to do with giving her anything.

nice self post Laura. are you trying to up your twitter interactions?

Would be nice if the person who shot the video would up load the video so the original could be shared rather than the compressed version like this. It would be a LOT more clearer that way.

Not Luara. LOL Like I said, just passing the video for more eyes on this.

Say what you want, it sure looks like a body on the floor under a sheet.



Hi saw the video I saw a white towel but I didn’t see any links. I wish somebody would take it editing pan and I don’t like that so I could see what the hell they’re talking about

You type exactly like her. Go drink bleach cunt, no one loves you.

Why the fuck do the mods let the shills flood the board with the same disinfo posts over and over.

The only thing Loomer is doing is trying to protect the image of Jews because Israel did Vegas.

Jewmer, you need to be gassed.

I mean outline the body so I can see it

That is possible, IDK

you first, again, not her.

the legs are sticking out to the left of the white. They are a darker brown that almost blends with the shadow of the carpet on top of the white.

Already was gassed in the gas chambers at basic training. Wasn't all that bad. LOL

Laura, this is really starting to get annoying. Go fish for shekels somewhere else.

Not clear enough for me. That being said the official version of events is fantasyland.

LL looks like a fucking pic related when she smiles, kikette after all, but she has the most delicious looking fucking titties. Nothing a light switch and a condom can't fix, I guess. I'd nut all over those little jew pillows.

I don't care what they say, I would have sex with you, Laura

Elderly people drop dead in Vegas casinos on a daily basis.

I agree. We need the original off the phone used. I think she had them text the viceo to her. She says she is going to release the original that she has. waiting for that now.

this spooky music is so fucking gay
fuck laura loomer and fuck the garbage she puts out

is this not footage from that other hotel? where there was a security escort going out?
SHE MAKES SHIT UP FOR THE YOUS. so does that posobiac and so does the cernovich

they are complete opportunist faggot liars
i dont give a flying fuck

We all know you hate yourself Laura, but that doesn't mean you're not you.

I've always known that I didn't like Laura Loomer and wasn't sure why.

Now, I'm sure of the reason. She is a retarded cunt.

What respectable person thinks that is a body and tries to report it as such?

I think she might be on to something here, The SHILLS are out in force taking that Soros $$$$

You're giving yourself away now.

I will gas you if I get a chance

probably one of the reported dead where the other shooters were covered up for business reasons and to keep the other venues locked down for safe execution of the big kill plot

Fake Laura loomer

The NAME of the hotel is in the freaking video. LOL

STFU you kike piece of shit and go back to whoring around whatever city you're in tonight. You sound just like an "alt-right" e-celeb that only wants to make $$$$ from a bunch of moronic kids that buy into your garbage. Seriously Laura, fucking kill yourself.
NO FUCKING SHIT, that doesn't make the video any more or less a 3 pixel pile of shit being shoveled by a professional shyster.

Too robvious rorge!

Laura Loomer sucks cock!


HAHAHA, YES!!!! I am a FAKE Laura.

Maybe. I hope this turns up the heat on the authorities and encourages others to release their videos.

is it? can you give me a still?

I'm Alex Jones, ama

might want to keep an eye on this guy incase he goes missing.

I ain't believing shit until I see non potato footage
Jesus Christ it's 2017 sheeple and a person doesn't have a decent phone with a good camera?
In fucking LAS VEGAS



I have seen some of his stuff. IDK too much about him.

They do, you just can't trick people with actual good footage.

I guess not everyone is up to date on their IPhone upgrades like YOU are. LOL

Hello Alex.

Please show tits, Laura, ily.


Which pixel?

I did not make this one. Just sharing what I find.

>women with mediocre intelligence, zero credentials and no experience with investigations suddenly becomes an expert

It would be silly to believe this is anything but sensationalism by the so-called "alternative media" that lives on the idea of MSM being fake news while constantly creating fake news themselves.

Dream Land for sure. Only YOU are the one living there, my friend.

Either Loomer herself or a Loomer Larper, I'm not sure which one is more pathetic

God damn why do people not know how to properly record a video.

I can’t see anything but a white smudge. How does that even look like a body. It literally looks like house keeping dropped a white bathroom towel on the floor or something.


This looks like it was recorded on a fuckin Motorola flip phone

See there

It's called a shadow. It happens when you use a flash while taking a photo. Welcome to planet Earth.

That doesn’t help lmfao

It’s so pixelated, I have no idea what I’m looking at. There’s something on the floor but it could be anything. If the video was better quality we’d be able to tell but this is pointless trying to speculate. Someone should dig around and see if anyone else took a video of the same thing with a better camera

Ah, but it was not a photo. LOL
You all are really good at this shilling stuff. They are gonna have to pay you all more for your time.

It's alive

Sorry Laura.

Bump count lower every day... soon the official story will be the official story.

No I do not have any Cocaine. Sorry.


It looks like something on the body moves when you go frame by frame at the last bit of it

Sweet, a youtube. Thanks!!! I will check it out on my big screen and see what I can make out.

Can someone tell me why the picture in the op looks weird. I mean, it does, but what does that mean.

You know it's legit when you need to be a fucking ufologist to make anything out.

Yeah, I am not sure if it will turn out to be anything at all. But, I know if there is anything there, you guys are the ones that will flush it out.

Wow. It's fucking nothing.

Thank you, come again

High school class mate of Paddock says he had his name changed after high school. He was not named Paddock

I don't have the photo comparing this picture to an older one of him, but one theory is he was dead when they took these new photos and they proped him up