Was it sexual harassment?

Was it sexual harassment?

It was the moment she should have realized her privilege in the world, but somehow missed it entirely.

Attractive women as a whole do not understand the world as most people do. Most women would be happy to be in her position but she will never understand it.

Yeah... they manage to keep living while being as fucking retarded as this bitch

It is only sexual harassment if the guy is ugly or poor, if he is good looking and has money then it is at the least flattering


This. If he was hot it would have been flattery. If he was ugly she'd have been posting about how she was micro-raped while at the airport.

>smile at a tsa agent as a man
>additional security checks for being suspicious
>smile as a woman, get asked for your number

Men have to act robotic around authority figures if they don't want their shit kicked in for innocent things.

What makes you think acting skill is correlated with political/social/philosophical views?

>TSA agent
I'd be scared if a black guy asked for my number too

>good fucking actor
she was absolute trash in kong and she has a potato head

I don't know why its okay if some TSA lard asked her out while he was frisking her
How would you like it if cops started flirting with you everytime they pulled you over. She literally can't be nice to people without other people making things uncomfortable. TSA guy was on duty. Do your job, Be professional.

Commenters on this post are a bunch of fucking retards

>I was asking for human interaction

then live in a fucking cave, you cunt.


I think post explains the different reactions people are having to this. It is basically about how you see the power dynamics. Many people in this thread will see Brie Larson (Hollywood actress, Academy Award winner) as the one with all the power, whereas the TSA agent is a loser who makes $15 an hour and for whom having her smile at him was probably the best part of his day. You're the only one who is seeing it as that the TSA agent who is in a position of authority and power.

Brie Larsen has the maturity of a kid. This is evident.

They all realize in their late 30's, early 40's that nobody gives a fuck about them any more while the 20 yr olds are looking for daddy dick.

Long term strategy win.

Watch Room.


Being a good actor simply means being a good liar. I've never understood why people idolize actors.

funny how jews have helped create and in fact dominate, the industry where merit is based on being able to lie the best

It really says something about them, doesn't it?

>"what you are saying is 'I was asking for it'

Lmfao no that's not what he said at all. And if she thinks that's what he said then obviously she should just leave the house ugly af

>Many people in this thread will see Brie Larson (Hollywood actress, Academy Award winner) as the one with all the power, whereas the TSA agent is a loser who makes $15 an hour and for whom having her smile at him was probably the best part of his day.

This is in fact why brie larson is throwing a bitchfit. She was approached by an ugly unsuccessful male. How DARE he!

Give women any kind of power and they use it irresponsibly, just like this.

He shouldn't have done that. That's unprofessional at best.

>I don't know why its okay if some TSA lard asked her out while he was frisking her
Doesn't say he was actively frisking her anywhere in the post, dipshit. They don't do cross-gender frisking anyways, and the odds of some random attractive white woman being flagged for a frisking are absurdly low.

He's an Olympic gold medalist in gymnastics testing against the patriarchy

>I hate this judgemental generation
>all of her tweets are judgemental


Here's *

Sure, it was unprofessional, but that has fuck-all to do with Brie Larson larping about how this was some kind of attack.

Women want the luxury of never having to pursue a mate and having men come to them but don't like the process of having to reject men and at the same time want to be a victim for further attention.

When you violate a woman with your eyes. How dare he word rape her body. I feel so sick right now. :(


>Most women would be happy to be in her position but she will never understand it.

so having a sweaty hairy man thrusting his penis into you is what women should want? plus men are the primary murders of women... btw... being around men is bad for a woman's health.

Please tell me Captain Marvel isn't going to be full of shit like this and she is getting into character a bit early.

No it's not they do a randomized list also. I was asked my name and had all my shit gone through.

He could of just been attempting at banter idk though I could be wrong.

Girls are obsessed with biceps. Everytime I've gotten laid the girl will want to compare her bicep to mine.

Holy shit do you people even try anymore? The bait is so weak these days.

If I know these kinda people... this is the highest offense you can ever commit if you are this idiotic of a human being

women were a mistake

t. God

>what you're saying is I asked for it
>he absolutely did not say that

>It was the moment she should have realized her privilege in the world, but somehow missed it entirely.

She's aware. Most women with victim complexes are aware of this but won't admit it.

She’s just doing this for her captain marvel movie. I doubt she really gives a fuck. Anyways asking for a girls number isn’t sexual harassment

If that tweet is even real

I think the point is that you're not supposed to win.

>potato head
I cant un-see that

are you serious? a film-cuck still? how can you even watch that filth knowing that every single whore on the screen got Weinsteined to be there?

No, but this is

>plus men are the primary murders of women...
can you blame them?

hey im a woman so any sort of attention directed specifically at me is a form of assault, most likely sexual, since women are biologically different from men

here is my list of reasons why women are equal to men in every single way ever conceived

my tinder hookup gave me herpes even though i insisted on going bareback myself, why isn't there a man on tinder that won't judge a woman by the sores on her genitals

patriarchy and sexually transmitted diseases are conencted

im 30 years old it's mens fault im single because I did everything possible to find a man, uploading pictures and even filling out forms

im too emotionally immature for a normal relationship so let me see if i should try being in relationships with mroe than one person at a time but they cant complain though

Shit like this makes me want to throw acid on cunts faces.

Wonder if she'll feel the same when everybody like away on her disfigured shit and someone man's up to ask her for her number

Holy shit that nasty saggy ass

Delet this right now

This is the reason I never talk to women
It's nothing new

Meh, in another year or two she won't have to worry about it...

30 is coming up fast after all.

Faggot, your job as a man is to haras cunts, give zero fucks what they think, man caving in on women's demands is what is causing this cluster fuck where every fucking cunt thinks she is entitle to only be courted by alpha males and never ever be even glanced upon by the peones

She realizes it she just didn't find him attractive. If she found him attractive she would have welcomed the advance, given out her number, and probably fucked him later that night when he got off work. Because she found him unattractive, she felt assaulted.

based leaf, what?

>>>/lqbtq+/ faggot

I wouldn't say it was harassment unless he pestered her after she said no.

>merely smiled
That's how human beings indicate friendliness and openness to interaction.

No it was RAPE!

Quality leaf post

>tfw no police girl wanting my phone number and a date in exchange for not giving me a ticket.

Women have life god damn easy mode.