Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums.
The Western Australian premier just banned Milo from all government owned buildings.
I called up the Australian Labor Party and was literally laughed at when I said everyone has a right to freedom of speech.
It's time for a raid my kin.
Let us spam them with Milo Yianopoulous images.

Western Australian Premier: twitter.com/MarkMcGowanMP
Western Australian Labor Party: twitter.com/walabor
News Article: 9news.com.au/national/2017/10/23/20/51/far-right-outrage-troll-milo-yiannopoulous-banned-from-wa-venues

Pirate flags are for faggits.

Also, we invented milo. You faggits stole it because your shit was terrible.

Captain Fagbeard and his merry men.

Shut the fuck up, sheep shagger

Whatever faggit, you know you would. 100 times tighter then your trailer trash sheelas.

not your personal army milo srry honey

haha what? I saw him smash every interview on channel 9 and whatever and they still banned him? damnnn

That's actually great news. The left is proving yet again how dumb and authoritarian they are.

I don't understand why they call themselves liberals when they don't believe in liberty.

They appeal to surface level voters, its why they wear well fitting suits and use nice words like liberty and equality. 90% of politics is this, right wing does it just as much.

you faggots stole our pavlova

Fuck off faggit, we stole it from the french first.

You stole Kiwi fruit from the Chinese. Fuck you fag.

frogs would have surrendered it

Is Milo a CIA asset? Certainly seems like one to me

I guess that's why ideological parties don't do well outside of strongly divided countries with proportional parliamentary systems.

Why do Kiwis have such a comprehensive inferiority complex? Australians don't care where Milo was invented, yet Kiwis still feel the need to lie about it to make themselves feel better. Your country is not that bad m8

>Milo (drink) Milo /ˈmaJloʊ/ is a chocolate and malt powder that is mixed with hot or cold water or milk to produce a beverage popular mainly in Australia and New Zealand and some other parts of the world. Produced by Nestlé, Milo was originally developed by Thomas Mayne in Sydney, Australia in 1934.


Stay mad white boi


You're in denial.

Garunteed 90% of libs just subconciously like the colour yellow.

Youre in another mans bumhole, with your bumhole.

>new zealand
>just as bad as the old zealand

This isn't America you dumb faggot. We don't have gun or free speech because our government knows that if we had them we'd use them.

why would we send pictures of a known pedophile to the australian government outside of our want to have him arrested?

>just as bad as the Fmerica

Where is your proof child? Having an opinion on pedophilia is different to being a pedophile.

milo has the look of a euro-spanish soccer coach prove me wrong pro tip can't

pretty much a well known fact at this point... just google it kid

Go back to Sup Forums butt munch

Milo is like Muhammad I guess. Fuck kids: yes, pictures: no

'Claim' that is not fact you tard.

Why are you using a meme flag? What country do you actually live in faggot?

sure thing kid.....

A small Nazi colony on an island in the Pacific Ocean.
Still provides no evidence. You are being brainwashed.

>A small Nazi colony on an island in the Pacific Ocean.

Let's see the flag then. Or are you a shill?

Considering the topic is based in Australia i think it can be presumed you tard.

Okay, then show your Australian flag and I'll admit that I was wrong to call you a shill. Stop acting so shady and show your location.

coming from a fagflag like you

>I called up the Australian Labor Party and was literally laughed at when I said everyone has a right to freedom of speech.

audio recording or it didn't habben

Shillls confirmed. So I take it that you're a bunch of Milo shills? Why do you fags insist on larping?

anyway, good job from the dangerous faggot.
he really managed to get some fame here

I do not record my phone calls, so you are going to have to take my word. If you call up i'm sure you will get a similar response.
I expect a sincere apology.

>Shillls confirmed
sure. your mother agrees in your sleep tonight

now the next question: is milo gonna claim to have been the victim of a homophobic attack by the pm?

I honestly hope so.

.... we dont have free speech? you fucking mongloid. say what you want at home but dont be a cunt in public. its why we had to legalize cunt as not a hateful word so we could call our prime minister a cunt in public

Legalized the word 'cunt'? You are a dumb cunt.


