>actually posting using the "this" meme
go back.

go back

Sorry, Canada is for critical thinkers.

get in line faggot

Why don’t you make like a leaf and rake yourself then

Le Upboat

Have you left yet? Take that whale Amy Schumer with you too.

As a Canadian, we really, really don't want you to do that.

>posting an Occupy Democrats pic
Get this from your FaceBook feed?
Do us all a favor and go back there.



I have a meme therefore I'm right. Best argument ever

Trump is the President the US deserves

If he keeps his campaign promises - the people who voted for him get the guy they wanted

Those who have lost any sense of perspective since the election deserve him and to live in the fucking mental prison they built for themselves. It's their own fucking fault.


Please leave, we don't want you here anyway.

We're going to need 2 walls for this.

Do not.


Stop typing like a blue haired lesbian, you nigger.
Fucking disgusting.

Canada huh? Why not Mexico you racist fuck?

People always say they want to move to Canada but nobody actually does. They know they have it good here. I wish we could just forcibly remove anybody who utters that phrase.

Stay the fuck out, don't need more of you running us further into the ground

The fact that you believe Trump is interested in doing anything remotely beneficial for anyone but himself just shows how gullible you are. You people are so fucking stupid. Also, fuck this board and boards like it that have a 2000 character limit, just shows that you can't take counter-arguments so you've got to limit them. I would reply to so many more of the comments in this thread if I were able to, but because it takes so fucking long, I'm just giving up after this one. Congratulations, your tactics of wearing down opponents through attrition rather than well-reasoned arguments has succeeded. Fucking retards.
I'll throw in a few more of my thoughts from this thread.
Someone accused me of being a "shill" which I guess implies that I am at this shithole of a board in order to brigade it. I'd never subscribe to such a fucking retarded site. You're nothing but degenerates jerking each other off. Every Economics major I know is center-left, or left, and I go to a mostly right-leaning state school in a red state. Where are you getting this idea from? Do you even go to college? You people are so gullible. I'm certainly glad that people that are the type to regularly participate in this subreddit are at least smart enough to keep these idiotic and twisted ideas to places of the internet where they can say stupid shit anonymously. It's funny how I never hear any kind of crazy ass talk like this in my real life, even though I live in a state where you people should populate. Your ideas are just terrible, and you know it, which is why you keep your idiotic discourse online and anonymous. You know that if you started talking like this in the real world people would laugh their asses off at you. Fucking pizzagate pushing, Sandy Hook denying, double thinking mouth breathing incest spawn.

You’re fucking stupid. Obama should have made you want to puke like he did for normal people.


>Bush made me want to be smarter
Is this a joke or are they defending No Child left behind?

Shut up faggot swede

Good. Go be Canadian. I still remember the promises you didn't keep.