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what do you mean by "disturbing"?

Good job to whoever did this

>niggers tear it down
People of Color me fucking surprised they are faggots

How is that disturbing? Nothing about that threatens anyone.

How is this controversial


white supremacy obviously. kids now a days cant go to college without being fash'd

Very disturbing


Kikes gon be mad

Maybe he was being ironic omg you guys?!?

hes right you know.

Take this utterly detestable white supremacy down!


BC students are staging walkouts of class over this

If you're white you better apologize for this right now whitey or I swear to God

We ain't going to tolerate more racism around here blm

I could see some people being disturbed by a random poster put up by someone who apparently feels he is attacked for his race and is inciting others to feel racial animosity.

>be lazy fuck
>don't do homework
>look for way out of it
truly pathetic


>pagans of color unite
Is this real life?
When one special snowflake status is not enough.
Is this

Some brown lad speaking through our beloved uncle

Have we started the fire?


holy shit hopefully this wakes up white normies/lemmings. they need to see how anti white the current political climate is.


This is good propaganda. Nick Fuentes was just talking about this. Stuff like this will work better in the US than the esoteric Identity Evropa posters.

Yeah this should have been common fucking sense from day 1 you autists. You're AMERICAN Nationalists, use AMERICAN NATIONAL symbols not fucking swastikas and roman busts.



These are the most effective White Nationalist postering campaigns: the ones that make utterly innocuous statements like "Hey, it's actually okay to be white, so don't feel bad about it."
College liberals and especially PoC have been so thoroughly indoctrinated that they are incapable of suppressing their pavlovian response of crying, "Hate!" and "Racism!" when they see such messages. The true message that people who put up these posters are trying to send is not the message that's on the the posters themselves. Rather, it's, "Hey, White people, look at how the left responds to these posters."
Shit like this is great, because it turns the left's useful idiots into *our* useful idiots.

it threatens the safe-space black-cock-sucking faggot ideological stranglehold
they cant exist with opposition they cant control

We wuz pagans and shit


Are you trying to tell me that THIS will never catch on? This should be plastered everywhere. Look at this guy. Everyone wants to be him. I mean just look how cool he is? If you don't get it, you're a fucking retard beta faggot, that's what I think.

This was a wonderful story. They picked the perfect poster for this little protest. A normie white person is watching the news story about this, sees a poster that says "Don't hate yourself for being white" and is told it's racist. Is there any better red pill?

I'd throw up some of these at my university if I could get a print-out.

this. i encourage everyone reading this to go to your local college campus or mall or any public gathering and put up posters that say something simple like "its ok to be white" in plain text with no pictures. the response from the left will wake up tens of thousands of lemmings/normies

Everybody in college here should put these up at their school on one day, bombard dozens of universities. It wouldn't even take more than one for each place, just one would cause a shitstorm

Looks like a openly homosexual Bandit from the exclusion zone fellow STALKER.

just print out in large text "its ok to be white" with no picture

vid related

You should be able to find them at amren.com

>all these well-produced 52% memes over the past couple of days
>out of nowhere
>all at once
Who is behind this?

It doesn't make them useful idiots in the same way the leftists are for communism. It only exposes what the "far-right" already knows: the other races would like to usurp anything they can from whites. By posting a picture telling people to love or accept themselves and seeing the division and attacks coming from the left(the same people who say this exact same "love yourself" shit), whites will have no choice but to see the obvious: non-whites don't accept whites.



Hey rabbi... watcha doin?

Nah when they false flag it's always really over the top, like the poop swastika. Jews aren't nearly as subtle as they think, and niggers can't even grasp the concept of subtlety

>okay to be white
It's alright to be white.*







really gets the ol noggin uh bogglin doesn't it bro

Mods like to delete 1776 threads. Almost as if someone wants us to think that Facsism is the only alternative to Communism


This is fine propaganda, but it isn't inspiring people to action. That's what is needed.

The first step towards action is breaking the conditioning.

There is a way forward


There's no need to inspire people to action right now

what's needed is making them aware there are alternative options

calls to action will happen organically


>we expect better we deserve better
>This is a long thread of racist crimes
>This disturbing crime is being investigated
>White supremacists attacked-

"Love Yourself"

What a redpill waitibg to be dispensed. Normies need to see just how low the bar is for lefties to hate whites. Any form of self-love is literally supremacy and hate crime to them.

kek, is this the fucking onion?


Action doesn't only mean marches and street demos, but also leafleting, fliers, online content, podcasts, social media, etc.

Our Cincinnatus, a man with no heirs but thousands of sons.
What would he think of us now that we have sold our Liberty, once bought with blood, for so cheap a price?

KEK. Accurate depiction these days.


Unifags in the US should all put flyers up on one day all over the country so people lose their shit and act like it's a huge attack. Then normies can see just how fucked the left is

fuckin kek


I concur

Stop being a nigger?


>Getting called Nazis for holding to the belief system of the people who fought the Nazis
This is why the Right is pissed

It probably should have been obvious, but I get the Evropa larping. It's esoteric and fun, it appeals to a classical civilization in the same way the founding of the country did, as well as many major art movements after.
But you're right, we gotta get back on track with a winning message that is accessible and makes people care about the country we live in.

kek I was at the community college in my town recently and noticed someone had plastered smuggies on the back of all the street signs, and they couldn't tear them off all the way.
Smuggies may not be the most effective, but people are out there!

This is a positive affirming message about self love. How is this in anyway bad. It doesn’t attach anyone it doesn’t blame anyone. If this was written on a hang in there poster no one would bat an eye.

Absolutely. This will be a klaxon for normal people.

Be smart about it. No "reclaim our past" bs. Literally "its not inhetently evil to be born white" is enough. THAT'S what we need to exploit; their tendency to impulsively attack ANYTHING pro white, no matter how innocent.

Normies NEED to see how being white in the most innocent way is hated by lefties. Becaude they simply hate white people. As soon as you make it fashy or edgy or aesthetic, normies will reject it.

Community outreach and community politics. Network. Thz real hard work. The door to door work. Not just shitpost activism. Actually making networks and voting eachother in.

Im sorry little ditten
I don't think I can do it
I've been hanging for so long

Black people are garbage and Have low I.Q.'s

>The door to door work
I don't know about Walloonland but Americans have a pretty low tolerance for door to door anything.
Other points are valid tho.

Tje kikes are planning a communist anarchist bookfair at boston university

Yeah I would do the Amren one. Saying it's ok to be white is enough to ruffle feathers

Slip some copies of Mein Kampf onto their shelves

What a fucking outrage.

There's plenty of room in Africa.

The anarchist in boston are have a meet up

Someone should pull the firealarm at the anarchist bookfair or put pro-white posters all over the college

Fuck this pseudo-intellectual kike faggot.

Go lie down, the adults are talking

Just a little longer. Do it for the ditten. We need every brother we can save.

Gas kikes commies and faggots

God damn. It's a funny meme, but it's really annoying that it's going to be spammed every time someone even mentions that white people still exist in America.

It's a manner of speaking. The majority of Belgium is Flemish btw. It's like calling the US "The midwest lands".

I honestly believe anything heavier would be a setback. Its easily used against us, even if its still 10000s of times more innocent than half the commie and antifa posters. We dont dictate the narrative. Our enemies do. And for now that means playing an unlevel field.

We the jews at boston university organised a anarchist nookfair jow do we stop those faggots?



Casual reminder to not get baited out by these fucking faggots into a false flag on the news.

Walloon is just a funny word/
Nothing, its a non issue. they do a good enough job of making themselves look bad. If they were planning arson or something that would be different.